Home Forums WWII My Love/Hate relationship with FOW/BF.

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  • #16152
    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Just tried to order some early war Russian armor for the new Barbarossa book.  Some of it is out of production…….yeah that’s right. I can order the same armor from Gamemodels for less than half what BF wants…sigh.

    Avatar photoNTM

    Although the majority of my collection is still BF most of my recent purchases have been from others. Cost is not the only factor I feel that others are better quality too. Many of the recent BF releases seem to be getting back to their best. Looking forward to trying some of their plastic sets. I have a local store which stocks PSC FiB and Zvezda so I use a lot of those.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    For vehicles, best to have them from one company since they don’t always match. Infantry I mix and match quite a bit. I got Battlefront, Command Decision and Peter Pig (and probably others too) all mixed together.

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