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    Avatar photoNorthern Monkey

    Hi all

    Myself and a friend are in the process of producing a new game which started as a project for ourselves but has now got to the stage where we may put it into production. So what is it I hear you ask?

    Well its a simple dungeon bash/crawling game for 1-7 players, everything you need will be included in the box set, rules, minis (6mm from Perfect 6), dungeon furniture, game boards and dice. The rules also include campaign rules so you can keep a track of your adventurer as they progress.

    Before we go into production we are trying to gauge potential interest, as we don’t want to produce too many initially at least.

    So with that in mind, please let me know if this sort of thing would be of interest.

    Here are a few pics of the test set we’ve had made:


    more pics can be found on my blog: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/

    and on the Facebook SSQ page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697774460440134/

    My attempt at a Blog: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/


    Looks amazing in very proud to be involved even in such a small way , you guys have done great

    Best of luck


    Quality Pewter Miniatures at affordable price :

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    All the very best of luck!

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Saw this over at TacCom. thought I’d chip in here to.

    One word: Want! *42

    I’ve been thinking about expanding my 6mm Heroquest ever since I saw that awesome adventurers set from Perfect Six senics.

    This would let me do that without having to do all the work 

    Plus I’m always on the market for a good set of dungeon crawl rules. Any chance of an AAR so we can get a feel for them?

    Avatar photoNorthern Monkey

    thanks guys, I’ll see what I can do about a game report ASAP

    My attempt at a Blog: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/

    Avatar photoPaul

    Second the request for an AAR. Regardless of what I end up thinking, well done for getting your project this far.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photoSean Gewecke

    Looks great.  I’d be interested depending on the price.

    I have to say, though, that most people I know are more interested in 28mm gaming.  I’m not sure how large the audience is for a 6mm project like this.  Having said that, I don’t think there are many competitors for a small footprint dungeon crawl.

    Good luck!

    The best player, isn't always the winning player.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I’m not sure how large the audience is for a 6mm project like this.

    Is that a pun?!




    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Very cool idea, I like it!

    Avatar photoNorthern Monkey

    Looks great. I’d be interested depending on the price. I have to say, though, that most people I know are more interested in 28mm gaming. I’m not sure how large the audience is for a 6mm project like this. Having said that, I don’t think there are many competitors for a small footprint dungeon crawl. Good luck!

    Thanks, we are trying to keep it as cheap as possible no daft prices tags! We have no idea as to the size of the audience either, and if you really don’t want to use the beautiful 6mm minis included you can easily use 10mm, 15mm and 20mm, you could probably use 28mm but they might fill the game board too much.

    we do now have a dedicated page over at the Perfect6 site for those who want to keep track of developments:


    My attempt at a Blog: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/

    Avatar photoDon Glewwe

    Magnets.  The size of the minis demands the consideration, imo.

    Specific figs are great (as far as ‘you can get them now’ goes) but generic utility and application may go a long way in generating interest?

    Thems that wants good looking stuff can (usually) make said stuff, thems that can’t will appreciate the fact that modest manipulations (ie: magnet insertion) will give them the sort of choices that make the proposal something worth considering.


    Avatar photoStroezie

    Just thought I’d give you all a heads up, Pocket Quest is now available to buy here


    I’ve already ordered my copy, with a bit of luck it’ll arive in time for my birthday

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Recieved my copy today, had a quick look through the box and like what I see so far.
    I’ll do a full review on my blog once I paint the figures.

    Avatar photoMike

    I am a bit tempted..

    Avatar photoNorthern Monkey

    I have updated the Pocketquest page on my blog with more info,pics etc, the page will host, new rules, FAQ’s, errata etc: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/p/pocketquest.html

    Ive also painted up a few more bits n pieces for my larger fantasy games:


    My attempt at a Blog: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/

    Avatar photocraig cartmell

    Fascinating stuff – well done chaps!

    My problem is that at my age I find it hard to paint 30mm figures. 6mm are well beyond my capability now.

    Good luck though.

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