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  • #51864
    Avatar photoMike

    inoes inoes…

    But I am wondering about a new forum that whilst not gaming, may be of interest.
    I love looking at the some of the simply stunning scale model work that non gamers do.
    I am thinking of creating an eye candy forum, that is scale models and dioramas.
    Not wargames figures but more scale model types.

    What do you think about a single forum in which to post some of the great things you have seen online for others to be inspired by?

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    You might attract an orange flavoured fizzy drink…

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoMike

    Well if the links are good and in one place not so bad, but Wheaton’s Law applies.


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    You might attract an orange flavoured fizzy drink…

    LOL. The drink in question has given posting somewhat random links a bad name.




    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Er um……

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    Wheaton’s Law as in ‘Don’t be a Dxxx”?

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photowillz

    I like the idea Mike, some of the modelling forums out there are stunning and full of inspiration.

    Avatar photoMike

    Wheaton’s Law as in ‘Don’t be a Dxxx”?



    Avatar photoJoe


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I don’t see what harm it could do.
    It’s still directly related to the hobby.

    Avatar photoPatrice

    Why not. Most forums include these in some sub-forums of whatever.

    BTW, thanks, TWW really is an educational forum! I had never heard of Wheaton’s Law before today; it will be useful. 


    Avatar photoMike

    BTW, thanks, TWW really is an educational forum! I had never heard of Wheaton’s Law before today; it will be useful.

    No worries.

    Thank you.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Yeah I too am in favour of an eye candy forum section.

    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    Would this be a separate forum from TWW?  If so, then sure, why not. But I would rather TWW itself stuck to wargaming.

    If you have an ‘eye candy’ scale model forum how long before it gets bombarded with pictures of semi-naked, improbably-proportioned fantasy women posted by guys who claim they are only admiring the skill of the sculptor at capturing the female form or that they only look at them to learn techniques for painting flesh tones?

    Or am I being too cynical?



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