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    These are going to be part of a Crimbo present for my granddaughter.

    Painted 2 figures as a test, haven’t painted sci/fi for years.  I think they turned out ok.

    Need a bit of fine tuning for the next batch, they were sprayed undercoat of white (car primmer) and then brown ink wash, with details added.   Base wood glue, sand, sand paint, yellow ochre and white.   All given a matt varnish.

    Not sure if I want to paint the black stripe around the helmet, tried it and it did not look strait hmmmmm.

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    Finished some tuskin raiders.

    Whoopeee we are in a Star wars movie dance

    Avatar photoMike

    Yeah they look just fine, where did you get them from?

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    Cheers Mike, they are for sale in Tesco, Symth’s or Toys r us.  See my other star wars command figure post.

    Avatar photoPaul

    Very nice Mr Harley. Found these in the toyshop while browsing with my son. Managed to resist (because I have literally just started a 15mm Star Wars project), but I can feel my willpower starting to break now.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photowillz

    Cheers Paul, give into it, “the force is strong in you”.  You  know it’s the best thing to do and it is Christmas soon.


    Great paint jobs!


    Avatar photowillz

    Cheers for you kind comment folks, just bought an other 40 figures to paint.

    Avatar photoPaul

    Well, you turned me to the dark side, WH. Bought a pack (Luke, AT-ST, Ewoks, Scout Troopers, X-Wing). Will go back after payday for more.
    Had to sneak them in the house, and for once not past my wife (she loves Ewoks, so she approves), but past my son: he has been watching Star Wars Rebels on TV and is obsessed with stormtroopers. He might have confiscated the cargo if he’d seen it (“You too big for toys, Dad”).
    Hope the range expands, always wanted a warband of Gamorreans (Jabbas pig-like guards).
    Will post comparison pics of the vehicles to 15mm miniatures in the next few days as well, because they look about right.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photowillz

    Well done Paul, all you have to do now is paint them.  “Me turned you to the dark side, I am the historical gamer here seduced by the shinny plastic”.

    Avatar photoShandy

    Nice paint job William! Paul, I’d be interested in the comparison shots, if they fit with 15mm my willpower might crumble… and my nephew would love the big guys! Oh my.

    Avatar photowillz

    Cheers for your kind comment Shandy, buy some the are easy to paint.

    Avatar photoPaul

    Hey Shandy, sorry about the long delay, busy, busy, busy. Comparison pic with 15mm Khurasan (AT-ST is on the clear plastic base that it is supplied with):


    When I measured it up it came to about 1:140 if I remember correctly, but it looks fine to me; Star Wars is a setting where a toddler-sized, centuries old green guy is one of the most powerful beings around, so I am willing to suspend disbelief a bit and use an undersized vehicle.

    Hope this helps destroy your willpower


    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photowillz

    Found time to finish a few more this week, took the photo’s at night so the flash is strong.

    Rebel pilot



    Emperor and guard

    There are a few more photo’s over on this web site http://societyofgentlemengamers.org/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=9526


    Avatar photoPaul

    Curse you, William Harley! I now have about 60 of these guys in the queue. As if I didn’t have enough unpainted miniatures already. Luckily I’m sick, so might make a bit of a dent in them tomorrow.

    Have you got any more painted? Would love to see more.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

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    I had to put them on hold for 10 days as its been half term and the granddaughters been at the house lots, I hope to have several finished by the end of the week Paul.

    I had to stop myself buying an other couple of boxes today, I was strong.

    Avatar photowillz

    As promised finished some more.






    As usual there is more photo’s over on this site http://societyofgentlemengamers.org/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=9560


    Avatar photoPaul

    Nice WH. I really like the bases with the grates on: I’ve been basing mine on 38mm washers, and just finished basing all of them (I base before I paint), but will be stealing that idea for the next batch.
    Am going to try hunt down Vader tomorrow, because I have been unable to track down any of the packs with him in.
    Thanks again for pointing this out to me: it literally could not have come around at a better time because my son and I are loving Star Wars Rebels, and a 4 month (!) postal strike here has put a halt to any projects for which I can’t buy miniatures from a brick and mortar store – which is basically everything except GW and 1/72 plastics.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

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    Cheers for you kind comments Paul, I have shortened the light sabre on Luke and dad by 6mm as I thought they looked a little long.

    The bases are 40 x 40mm mdf and the grills are off cuts from an old star crusade game, My granddaughter and me love Star Wars Rebels every day after school and home work.

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    Finished R2D2




    Avatar photoShandy

    William, just now saw the comparison shot – a belated cheers to you! It does like fine enough for me.

    And great work on the other figures!

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    Cheers for your kind comments Shandy but it was Paul who posted the comparison photo.

    Avatar photoMike

    Group shot!!


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    It will have to wait until we have some day light down south.

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    Sun and daylight have finally arrived in the south.  As requested by Mike a group photo. .

    The whole gang, one Crimbo present finished.



    Avatar photoPaul

    Nice. What a great present. Hope you kept some for yourself too: you do seem to be turning into a Sci FI gamer after all.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

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    I did buy Star Wars X-wing on Saturday.

    Avatar photoPaul

    Aah, so these were the beginning of the end. Next thing you know you’ll be painting up an army of space Orks and making “pew pew” noises like Editor Mike.
    Again, great job on the figures, they are really cool.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

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    Cheers for your kind comment.

    Sorry to disappoint Paul but I have got an army of Space Orks I painted them 25 years ago old hammer 40k.

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    Picked these up today at Tesco’s for £3.75.

    Avatar photoPaul

    That’s a nice pack to use for building a Droid army: only one “character” figure. I am slowly putting together an Imperial Army, and have found myself with nearly as many TIE pilots as stormtroopers, doubles of certain characters, and one officer for every two enlisted men.
    These still for your grand-daughter, or keeping for yourself?

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

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    Some for the Granddaughter. some for me Paul.  Picked up an other two packs of droids today.

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