Home Forums General PC and Console Gaming Play 20 year old star wars game in vr.

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    While we have many vr headsets. Of various quality and while none are perfect many are more than good enough to give full good gaming experiences.

    However proper games in vr are far and few between.

    The number of vr games that can compare to flat games can be counted on one hand.

    So a small industry of flat to vr has taken hold. Sometime this year a program will be released that can make any game using unreal 4 engine into full working VR. However until then it is a lot of work. Half Life 2 vr mod is probably the biggest and best. But you also have games like the remakes of Resident evil 2, 3 and 4, as well as Resident evil village now working as full vr games.


    Another moding collective has working on older games.

    One of them are Jedi Knight Jedi Academy. A game from 2003. I joined their pateron to get access to the first full release. Still far from finished.

    But had to give it a try.


    Chopping stuff with my light sabre.


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