Home Forums WWII Portable A4 sized 6mm WW2 game using 3×4 grid on blog

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    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    I have had an idea to play a WW2 miniatures games on a 3 by 4 grid for nearly 20 years now. The aim was to create a portable game playable in 30 minute lunchtime.  Only seriously investigated it over the last 3 years but I have abandoned every attempt at playing rules that work, due to being garbage before playing, or garbage once played.

    In about April this year, i had a idea to drastically convert my 20mm WW2 rules, these  based on throwing a variable number of dice and counting successes (rather than rolling one die and adding and subtracting modifiers).  In my head it made sense and so I wrote up a Quick Reference sheet, grabbed some 6mm figures and cut out an A4 sheet of railway grass mat.  I played 3 games at home, and had the opportunity to play 3 games away to see if it was portable.  It worked.

    I have written a very long blog post on my journey with where it all started, the rules used and discarded along the way, a description of the rules I ended up using and 6 brief battle reports of the games I did play recently.  When I say very long.  I mean very very very long.

    If you want to have a skim, or read the whole thing or just glance at the pictures here is the link to the blog post:


    And just in case you have never seen a 6mm game played on an A4 sheet of paper, here is one example from the blog post on what it looks like:

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Thank you for such an in depth description of how you developed the rules, I like what you have achieved with them.  I might need to try this out for myself.  This has to be one of the most useful blog posts I’ve ever read. 🙂

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Thanks Victoria.  I did start to write the blog post in 2014 as I thought I had the answer.  I updated it irregularly as I went along until finding something that worked.  I could never figure out how to split the post up and make it still hang together, so I didn’t!

    I am very glad a niggling side project ended up with an answer.  But having only used the rules 6 times, I cannot really say they are well play tested 🙂

    Avatar photoian pillay


    Thanks for sharing this labour of love. I can’t believe you class it as a side project. It’s really well detailed. I think I am going to take a much closer look at this, as I travel lots A4 is ideal size to put in my carry on bag.

    Excellent work and I really like your blog.

    many thanks,



    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..


    Well Shaun, that certainly IS portable! 😀  I like the goal system rules you have.  I’ve always been partial to those mechanics ever since the Super System came out all those years ago.  I’ll give them a try soon.  I already have my own portable board and 6mm armies.


    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    --Abraham Lincoln

    Avatar photoThuseld

    This has definitely inspired me. Thanks.

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