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    Avatar photoSane Max

    I just bought 50 of these bad boys…

    Single wall box Product code: CSW430X400X80
    Board grade: B flute
    Unit weight: 0.2920 kg
    Internal dimensions:
    (17×15.75×3.25 inches)
    430x400x80 mm

    My wargames storage system is officially full… I am going to have to take everything out and put them into these…. and I am really looking forward to it. That is a sad thing to be keenly looking forward to, I know, but my god when I saw reception putting laptops into these beauties i just wanted them so badly.

    So, what is your saddest wargaming purchase? (obviously, it’s actually going to be entirely sensible, but you know if you tried to explain it to a unwargamer, they would look at you oddly.)

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    The purchase isn’t so sad, the fact that you’re looking forward to filling is sad. Very sad.


    A Wargamer.


    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    the fact that you’re looking forward to filling is sad. Very sad.

    egad, what’s wrong with you man? Armies currently in 2 boxes will be able to fit in one! no more trying to get all the infantry in one box, leaving all the cavalry only partly filling another box! The things I will find in by Bits Boxes I had forgotten I had! It’s going to be heaven!

    I would say you are no true wargamer, but there are probably rules against going in that hard. I will assume you had not thought your reply through properly before posting it, is all.


    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    What can I say?

    I bought some Irregular 2mm strips last week. The fact that I can paint and base two armies in under a week makes me inordinately happy 🙂


    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Here’s sad for you: got a link where I can buy me some of those?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoOB

    I’m a Weston A4 5 Stack man myself.  Each one can accommodate the contents of 10 box files!  I’ve never been happier in terms of storage.  And, yes the joy of rummaging the bits box is not to be sniffed at.  I just discovered an unopened Xyston mounted command pack of Late Persians.  Life is sweet.


    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Saddest wargames purchase?

    Probably about two dozen hair rollers.

    hair roller

    They were to make cheap 6mm horse and musket era armies, but by the time you’d cut them, trimmed the ends, glued them flat several time (they’re ‘curlers’ after all), primed them, painted them, varnished them to get the paint to stay on the soft plastic, figured out a way of making cavalry and artillery, bandaged up your sliced finger ends, you had: a box of painted, dismembered, hair curlers.

    I’ve got irregular and Baccus 6mm Napoleonics now.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    Here’s sad for you: got a link where I can buy me some of those?



    They have other sizes as well… the ones I have will probably be too shallow for 28mm in this instance, unless none of your figures are waving spears in the air 🙂

    They are nice and chunky, thick sided – I reckon even with lead they will stack several deep without damage.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    I just discovered an unopened Xyston mounted command pack of Late Persians. Life is sweet.

    ohh do I detect a potential Eupator there?

    avoid heroic. Dogged, weaselly, never gives up, but not heroic.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Saddest wargames purchase? Probably about two dozen hair rollers. hair roller They were to make cheap 6mm horse and musket era armies, but by the time you’d cut them, trimmed the ends, glued them flat several time (they’re ‘curlers’ after all), primed them, painted them, varnished them to get the paint to stay on the soft plastic, figured out a way of making cavalry and artillery, bandaged up your sliced finger ends, you had: a box of painted, dismembered, hair curlers. I’ve got irregular and Baccus 6mm Napoleonics now.


    Inspired by the article in Battle? Or was it MilMod?

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Talking to Andy Callan at COW in Wargames Developments c1984 – but he did write it up in one of the magazines.

    (His looked pretty good – or so I thought at the time – I’m probably just cack handed)

    Avatar photoSane Max

    I always thought the Rice armies looked excellent. These ideas all had one basic flaw for me – they required you to be able to paint.

    Did that chap selling 6MM 2.5D armies make a go of it? they looked great, cut out of MDF I believe

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    I believe I certainly qualify as sad, when I first got into wargaming I jumped into WWII in 15mm.  Not knowing anything about anything, I spray-primed the troops’ uniform color, then I:

    -purchased toothpicks, which I used to paint the details of the troops.

    -went to a hardware store and purchased bathroom floor tiles to use for multi-based stands.

    -went to a toy store and bought a  “Scrabble” board game in order to use the letter tiles to individually base some troops for skirmish games.



    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I need a decent storage solution for 3mm.

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoOB

    I reckon Just Jack may be the winner on this one.  What a great story.

    Yeah, later Eupator now sorted at nil cost.


    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Thanks OB.  Wasn’t really looking to be the ‘winner,’ but I’m sure I deserved it 😉

    It gets worse, too.  For some reason I thought it was cool to just leave the multi-bases spray-painted khaki, and the skirmish bases spray-painted a dark green.  It was about another year and a half before I discovered flock, three years until I discovered ‘washes,’ four or four and a half years before I discovered static grass.  About three and a half years into it is when I decided I should start painting my terrain, instead of just leaving it spray-painted khaki.  Oh, and I used cut up rugs as hills…

    Some of that stuff is actually in the early batreps on my blackhawkhet blog.  I truly believe that starting a blog and posting for all the world to see was the driving force behind me stepping up my game, so to speak (and such that it is), to say nothing of the advice I received there and on various forums.



    Avatar photoMartinR

    The purchase isn’t so sad, the fact that you’re looking forward to filling is sad. Very sad. Signed A Wargamer.

    Putting toys in boxes is the best part of wargaming. All lined up, neat and tidy…. Bringing order to a world gone mad.

    Not a purchase, but the one which drives my wife mad is my tray of basing sand. An old baking tray full of builders sand which periodically goes in the oven to dry out and kill anything off.


    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Not a purchase, but the one which drives my wife mad is my tray of basing sand. An old baking tray full of builders sand which periodically goes in the oven to dry out and kill anything off.

    Kiln dried sand is better for basing.   😉

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Did that chap selling 6MM 2.5D armies make a go of it? they looked great, cut out of MDF I believe

    Yes, Commission Figurines.  My Napoleonic Prussians are largely made up from them.  I think he will be at Joy of Six show next month.

    Avatar photowillz

    Saddest wargames purchase? Probably about two dozen hair rollers. hair roller They were to make cheap 6mm horse and musket era armies, but by the time you’d cut them, trimmed the ends, glued them flat several time (they’re ‘curlers’ after all), primed them, painted them, varnished them to get the paint to stay on the soft plastic, figured out a way of making cavalry and artillery, bandaged up your sliced finger ends, you had: a box of painted, dismembered, hair curlers. I’ve got irregular and Baccus 6mm Napoleonics now.

    Inspired by the article in Battle? Or was it MilMod?

    I remember seeing how to make a hair roller army in “Miniature Wargames” or was it “Wargame Illustrated” at the start of the 80’s.


    Avatar photoNorthern Monkey

    So, what is your saddest wargaming purchase? (obviously, it’s actually going to be entirely sensible, but you know if you tried to explain it to a unwargamer, they would look at you oddly.)

    A dead Starfish!

    My attempt at a Blog: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    I remember seeing how to make a hair roller army in “Miniature Wargames” or was it “Wargame Illustrated” at the start of the 80’s.

    Miniature Wargames issue 9.

    Avatar photojeffers

    Is it sad that I spent time in Boots as a teenager looking for those specific hair rollers with no success?

    More nonsense on my blog: http://battle77.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish


    They didn’t sell them, you had to go to the equivalent of pound shops to find them. I felt a right twit buying bags and bags of the damned things in the small ‘beauty products’ sections of down market chemists.

    At least they didn’t feel the need to ask if I required ‘anything for the weekend sir?’ My hair roller fetish made that question redundant.

    Avatar photojeffers

    That explains everything. I have to lower my standards and look in poor people shops.

    I also tried in Millman’s Chemist in Egham, which my family had used since before I was born. Mr Millman looked at me as if to say ‘is there something you need to tell your parents?’

    According to Callan (Andy, not Edward Woodwoodwoodwood) the original idea was from a letter by J Tapp in the June 1980 Mil Mod. Yes, I still have the article….

    More nonsense on my blog: http://battle77.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    After several minutes describing the type of roller I was looking for, it was explained to me in Boots that they weren’t ‘the sort of thing’ they sold there – the assistant assured me the much more ‘refined’ types they stocked would suit my needs better.

    Given the shortness of my hair at the time, I wondered what she thought my needs were – the rolers they stocked certainly wouldn’t have made good toy soldier substitutes. (And H&R would have been cheaper).


    I’d have to say my saddest wargaming purchase was my first one — at least the first dedicated metal wargame figures I ever bought: a pack of dwarves, whose heads, including caps and beards, made up about half the figure. Pretty grotesque, “Disneyfied” things. The wargamer I got them from must have thought so too.

    This was way back in 74 or 75, so they could only have been Minifigs (or Hinchliffe, maybe?). They were advancing with axes held over their heads, and IIRC, big goofy grins on their faces. Anyone here “of an age” for whom that rings a bell?

    I did paint and use them, though.

    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    Is this the chap?

    Minifigs Dwarf DWF8 from the Dungeons & Dragons range

    Taken from Lost Minis Wiki

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    At least the war axe is historically proportioned. Or pick. Hard to say what it is, but it is the right size!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!


    Nope, I  should have said one-handed (the right one). Thanks for the effort, though.

    That fellow is quite handsome by comparison!

    Come to think of it, might have been some sort of misshapen hammer. I’ll try to track them down when I get a chance. They’re “in a box somewhere”.

    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    I’m actually rather glad I got the wrong guy because I love the Dwarves in the Minifigs D&D range.

    Was it maybe this guy from their Aureola Rococo range?

    Lost Minis Wiki Aureola Rococo Dwarfs

    Or this fellow from the Minifigs ‘More Fantasy’ range:

    Lost Minis Wiki Minifigs More Fantasy

    Or maybe the guy on the right from their Mythical Earth range?

    Lost Minis Wiki Mythical Earth

    And if it was Hinchcliffe rather than Minifigs it could be this guy?

    Lost Minis Wiki Hinchcliffe Fantasy





    Good lord, what is that thing on the top — a Deep Ones dwarf?!

    Not any of those either, sorry. Now you have me worried.

    I liked the D&D dwarves a lot, too, BTW;  bought some when they came out. And the orcs — both “Samurai” and pig-snout. But these guys predate that line.



    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    Good lord, what is that thing on the top — a Deep Ones dwarf?! Not any of those either, sorry. Now you have me worried.

    The Aureola Rococo range did feature some pretty hideous figures.  I think they were trying to do something different with the dwarves because they came out looking like an unnatural liaison between a hobbit and a goblin.



    Aha — I think I’ve located it. EO-15, here:


    Sorry I can’t post a pic, but Michael’s new filters block my pic hosting site.

    And the pic there is pretty fuzzy, though you can see what I mean about the head. EO-14, next to it, is clearer.

    Anyway,  the time is about right. I guessed wrong on the maker, though — very early Heritage (US).

    Avatar photoMike

    Sorry I can’t post a pic, but Michael’s new filters block my pic hosting site.

    TWW does not allow images from unsecure sites to be shown, but you can upload it direct?


    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    I see what you mean. Even by the standards of the day that is not a pretty dwarf:

    Mind you, I still think it is a hell of a lot better than the Hinchcliffe one I posted earlier.


    Hmm. . .well, a matter of taste,  I suppose. That Hinchliffe fig is a bit Assyrian-looking in the  face and beard department.

    Sorry,  Michael — your uploading tutorial goes so fast, it bypasses me completely. What can I say — I’m old and slow.

    I’ll give it some more views.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I need a decent storage solution for 3mm.

    Magnetic bases and surplus 40mm ammunition cases.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Wouldn’t you have to construct so e internal shelving for that?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoAutodidact-O-Saurus

    I once bought a bag of onions so I could use the plastic mesh bag as a net for a gladiator figure. Epic fail. I couldn’t get the net to hold paint and bright red plastic just didn’t help suspend disbelief.

    Self taught, persistently behind the times, never up to date. AKA ~ jeff
    More verbosity: http://petiteguerre.blogspot.com/

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