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    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I forgot there’s a sizeable 6mm group on these forums. Allow me to recompense them with a smeldar (small eldar…) blog!

    Building these have been a background project of mine for the last couple of months. I had hoped to finish my Wrath of Kings army before starting a new project but I wasn’t feeling it so here we are: Epic Craftworld Lugganath Eldar. I started out using my airbrush on these to get the feel for it. The undersides are Abaddon Black and the top Jokaero Orange. I wanted to use Troll Slayer Orange but that wasn’t covering well enough so I put Jokaero down first. After Troll Slayer’s down I’m going to hit it with a gloss coat and then try shading with Fuegan Orange. We’ll see how that goes.

    The bases were Zandri Dust, and dry brushes of Zamesi Desert, Tyrant Skull and Wrack White. I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to differentiate the bigger rock piles.

    In terms of what’s left to build: Shining Spears, another 18 tanks, Wraithlords, Vampires, titans and a slew of Wave Serpents.

    I put small magnets in 2 bases of each Aspects, as well as some Guardian and Wrathguard stands. The plan there is to do the same for Exarchs and Farseer characters.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I highlighted and shaded one of the Scorpions to completion this week to start to figure out how I’m going to paint these colors. I’m pretty happy with the blue-ish grey weapons and the canopy/gems but I’m not quite there on the orange and black. The orange was highlighting with Troll Slayer and Lugganath, I think I want to try those again though as the highlights aren’t stark enough for me. Thoughts? Same for the black, that was Eshin Grey followed by Dawnstone.

    The one panel I left orange is for a transfer I hope to print out. I finish it up once I lay that down.

    Any other thoughts on improving the colors or adding accents?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Unimpressed with the highlights, I tried again. I went back and re-edged the black with Eshin Grey followed by Fenrisian Grey, and widened the orange highlight of Firedragon Bright while completely edging with Lugganath Orange. Worse? Better? About the same? I think I’m going to try one more level of extreme highlight on each, just to see how it looks.

    The other two Scorpions got their undersides finished up and are now glued to their bases (1/8″ eyelets are great for this if anyone is curious). I also did the first highlight of the black on them. I’m going to be keeping the turrets separate from now on as it makes painting things a lot easier.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    And that brings us to today, and another round of highlights. I added some Elf Flesh highlights to the orange, Blue Horror to the black and Elven Gray to the weapons, and I’m not convinced the photos show any of them… I’ve got a few hours tonight to paint, I’ll see how I like them then and decide if I want to go further still. The other two tanks are progressing as well, I finished up everything on them except for their hulls and weapons. I’ll start in on those tonight too.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Great googly-moogly, man, those are superb!

    Avatar photoThuseld

    It is like I binge watched an entire project. Love them.

    Avatar photoMike

    Thats a good colour scheme, done very well, the bases are good too.
    Just a shame they are Eldar!

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks guys. More progress photos tomorrow, hopefully.

    A lot of locals are upset they’re Eldar too, Mike.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Agree, great colors and well done on the final highlights!  Quite striking.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks guys. Ya, all those infantry are just primed Tim. Hoping to get to them at somepoint.

    I’m calling the Scorpions done, painting-wise. I hit them with one more highlight on each color and finished up the other two tanks this past week. If I have time this weekend I hope to hit them with a glosscote so I can put the transfers on, and then dullcote them and put the tufts on the bases. Next up are the Cobras, which I’m starting on tonight.

    These are my objectives that I’m currently battling gaps on. Filling the gaps smoothly has been a bit of a challenge.

    Finally, completely un-Eldar related, I built a Lunar-class Crusier at lunch. I picked it up at Adepticon’s bitz trading. Anyone know of a paint scheme for Battlefleet Armageddon?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I finished up the black on the Cobras this week and started on the gray, there’s just a highlight or two left for that. I’ll likely get to that this weekend, and may be able to do the jeweling too so I can clean up and start in on the orange next week.

    Additionally, my buddy Jon helped me out with some additional Warlocks. I now have enough for three Ulthwé guardian formations.

    Finally, I tried out my new idea for basing characters with these Saim-Hann Farseers. The magnet I set into the base works well enough with a pin head glued to the underside of the figure. I’ll likely start doing all my characters like this, unless they require extensive conversions (like an Oddboy).

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I made some good progress on the Cobras. The weapons, gems and engines are all done plus I was able to wash and get the first highlight done too. All that’s left are the edge and point highlights, and any touch up. If I don’t get to that this weekend then it’ll be next Tuesday. After that, Storm Serpents!

    Avatar photocmnash

    They look really good Evil Dave – well done that man!  


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    You asked about battlefleet Armageddon… I believe it is grey hulls with red prows, but I can check BFG video game when I get home.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks guys.

    I didn’t have a chance to snap some pictures of the Cobras last week, but they’re done. Like the Scorpions I still need to do the transfers, but I have printed those out yet.

    The Storm Serpents were next on the list so here they are. I finished their undersides and mounted them on their bases. I seem to be averaging a tank a week so hopefully they guys will be done by the second week in June.

    Avatar photoPatG

    :                                          )  <– Me trying to pick my jaw up off the floor.  Those are gorgeous.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Hey Dave, in response to your BFG question: seems there were different formations within each fleet, and each formation has a different color scheme.  So, you can go with just about anything.  Though, the grey hull with red prow seems to have been the early standard for the main Armageddon fleet (as I believe it was a hold over from ships being transferred from Gothic sector fleet).


    I’d go with whatever you want!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoGaz045

    Amazing paint work! The scheme is well carried out, I’m humbled with my black undercoat,quick slap of green and an even quicker dry brush…………..slinking back into my corner now!

    "Even dry tree bark is not bitter to the hungry squirrel"

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks guys. And thanks for the info DSG. I’ve been told elsewhere that the ships on the BFG box are supposed to be BFA, I’m thinking of doing it like that: gold hulls with red prow.

    Avatar photoSplod

    Fantastic work mate! Always good to see the smaller scales shine through, especially with a kick ass paint job.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks Splod.

    The black, gray, engines and cockpicks are all taken care of on the Storm Serpents. I also washed and tidied up the orange. I hope to finish the highlights on it this week as well as the Wraith Gate parts. Those are going to be a pain to get to with the tank already built.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Slower going than I had hoped on the Storm Serpents. Two orange highlights are done though and I just have the corner and point highlights left to go. I’ll hopefully finish those up Wednesday. Tonight, I’d like to get the Void Spinners ready for paint at my airbrush station, and while I got it out maybe some of the aircraft and Falcon-hulled tanks.

    Here’s a shot of the Webway Portal (a.k.a. the Storm Serpent’s nether regions). I just went with a bone like paint scheme.

    Avatar photoMike

    They are very neat.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks Mike.
    The Storm Serpents got their final two orange highlights last week along with some base touch up. They’re now in the gloss and decal queue along with the Scorpions and Cobras.

    The Void Spinners got their undersides take care of last night, I then glued them to their bases and started the black. I broke the turrets off to take care of their undersides, I need to clean up the mounting holes before I can glue them back on though. I wasn’t a fan of the casting quality on the Night Spinner Arrays, so I’m coming up with a better option. That might take some time to resolve though. The good news is I think I can paint them separately and just glue them in later without too much fuss.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Your paintjobs are very nice, great job 🙂

    Avatar photoMike

    Hey Evil Dave…

    Do you, or would you consider painting for other people?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks guys. I have painted and sold a few things, Mike. At this point though I have tons to paint so jealously guard any and all painting time I have. Any painting I do for others is usually a gift.

    I meant to take these before our annual tournament but that didn’t happen. Then I took the pictures and didn’t post them for another week, so here we are! Work slowed on the Void Spinners so that I could base up my Falcon-hulled tanks, I managed to finish the black and do the cockpits and gems on the Spinners though.

    These were my distraction, I did their undersides and glued them all to their bases. They’re ready to paint at this point.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    The Void Spinners had the last of their paint put down last night. I still need to get around to the gun barrel conversions, once they’re all set painting those shouldn’t take more than an hour or two. After that, they’ll be in the varnish and decal queue with the rest of the super-heavies.

    That means I’m on to the Falcon hulls, first up are the Firestorms. The engines on these are slightly more exposed so I might do an extra bit of highlight on them. Not sure yet, as I don’t want to detract from the orange/blue/black. Thoughts?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Very tidy as per normal!

    Why not do them to the same and see how they look, it is always easier add paint than takeaway..

    I like the bases are thin, what are they made from again?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    The bases are Evergreen plastic sidewalk sheets. They’re prescored, so I just run a knife down the lines a few times and break them up into the sizes I need. The bottoms then have a sticky-backed magnetic sheet stuck on them.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I was wondering why I was getting so much of a shadow on these as I was taking a picture. I realized afterwords that I only had one of my desk lamps on. Anyway, the Firestorms progress. The black is done, next week I hope to tackle the blue on the guns and maybe the gems. The recess lines are slightly less defined than the superheavies, so getting the highlights is slightly more difficult. That was compounded by the heat and lots fans that have been running in the local store where I paint this past week. The paint was drying on my brush before I got it to the model.





    Avatar photoMike

    They are very nice, who will they be going up against?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    We’ve got a decent sized local group here, ten “core” members and another six that come out every now then. The opposing army pool is pretty diverse, we don’t see AMTL too often nor Dark Eldar, but other than that most armies are represented. These Eldar will be having a playtest against a daemon list next Thursday, and may be coming out for our monthly get-together next Saturday.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I misplaced my camera for a bit but we’re back. Not as much progress as I would have hoped in three weeks, but I’ve been working on some terrain for a new store in my area and also playing some Epic once a week too. Hopefully I’ll have some pictures of the terrain soon. The gems and weapons are now finished up on the Firestorms. I also did the first highlight on the orange. Three more highlights and they’ll be good for the clear coat queue.

    I also started on this guy. The repositioning is set (striking his best Captain Morgan pose), I just need to go back and putty the joints I cut. The wings I’ll put on after things are painted as it be too tight otherwise. Also, the weapons are magnetized using 1/16″ diameter magnets.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave
    Avatar photoMike

    Nice work again sir.
    Those cardboard buildings are they meant as Ork dwellings?

    Avatar photoSplod

    Nice work again sir. Those cardboard buildings are they meant as Ork dwellings?

    Those are the cardboard buildings from the Epic 40k Titan Legions box.Titan Legions

    Easily one of my favourite Epic Eldar armies out there! Fantastic work as always mate.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I finished up the Firestorms, they got their last three orange highlights and their bases touched-up.

    I was going to start in on my aircraft but I realized a painted army is within striking distance for Fall In, so I switched gears and got most of the way through my Farseer character upgrades. I need to add a highlight to the rune armor and bases, then highlight the black and do the gems. Any thoughts on what I should do for their topknots? Right now I’m leaning towards the same blue as their weapons.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I finished up the Farseer characters this week and started in on the Wraithguard. I’m hoping to bring a mostly painted Iyanden army to Fall In in November.

    These progressed slightly faster than I would have thought. The guns and bases are all done, I’m hoping to take care of the black helms and the gems on them next week. The orange might take longer given the amount of cleanup I’ll have to do from the drybrush.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Last week I managed to finish the black and gems on the Wraithguard, this week I shaded and touched up the orange and finished the highlights on half of them. The other six I hope to finish tonight or next Tuesday. It’s a good thing too, twelve stands was the limit for me. I enjoyed painting these far less than six tanks.

    With these done I hope to convert up some Wraithguard, start on those, and paint some subset of my objectives, Avatar and Phoenix Bombers before Fall In the first weekend of November.

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