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  • #64520
    Avatar photoMike

    Can you let me know if you can upload images directly to this topic please?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    yes from Trader – uploaded directly

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    When you say ‘directly’ do you mean from my computer?

    Avatar photoMike

    Yes, you should be able to see  a new button, ADD MEDIA above the tool bar

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish


    Okay – initially file too large.

    Compressed it.

    Now I get the message:

    ‘You don’t have permission to attach files to this post’

    Avatar photoMike

    OK, new plan…


    Try this:

    Click on the image icon:

    Then click on the folder icon and that should allow you to upload images:

    Avatar photoMike

    Image uploaded directly to forum from phone

    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    Can’t say how much happy I am 🙂


    contact me via : [email protected]

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    Doesn’t work on the “Text” editor, which is my preferred option. Interestingly, the “Visual” editor has two buttons – the second one allows dimensions to be set.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Let’s give it a go.

    Humm, I think I see a problem here.

    Well that’s better. Both photos appear to be right side up on my I-pad but clearly there is something amiss here. I however have no idea what’s up (or down for that matter). I do love technology. Back to the drawing board for me.

    Cheers and good gaming in whatever aspect you prefer.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoPatrice

    It works. 


    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Tim and/or Mike:

    How do you compress images stored on an I-Pad so as not to overwhelm Mike’s server? Any guidance you can offer to this pathetic Neolithic Luddite would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Cheers and good gaming – with rocks and bone shards.

    Rod “the Ramapithecus” Robertson.


    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    BTW, your first picture is showing upside down to me on a PC. My iPhone and iPad require I orient the device a certain way that is not as obvious as, say, an actual camera.

    Yes, that’s the problem I mentioned above. Usually I download photos from the I-Pad to my PC desk-top and then have to rotate some of them, but on the I-Pad they all appear correctly oriented no matter what I do with the I-Pad. It’s a real pain in the posterior.

    Thanks for the tips on photo compression and I’ll see what I can do to join the 21st Century, although I may not succeed.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod “Homo Non-Habilis” Robertson (See, I’ve evolved already!).

    Avatar photoMike

    Where are these images being saved, Mike? Have you got a terabyte sized server or service? Most people are not familiar with how to take a picture out of an iPhone which can be several megabytes in size and shrink it down to kilobytes yet keep a fairly physically large picture.

    yes it is a 1TB server, but one of the trial things is to see how the space stacks up.
    I can buy a bit of plug in software that compresses the files but that will involve cash, so I may have to restrict this function to Sponsors and Traders.
    I will be keeping an eye on it.



    Avatar photowillz

    All I do is select photo for email post (this compresses it) put that into a post folder and uploaded the photo to the forum.

    Erbprinz senior officer and sergeant, Hinchcliffe and Tradition figure.

    Worked for me Mike.

    Avatar photoPatrice

    How do you compress images stored on an I-Pad

    On my iMac I use “Preview” which is included with Mac OS and does it very simply. It seems you don’t have it on an iPad. As William says, I heard that your Ipad can compress pics if you tell it it’s intended for email post.


    Avatar photoCerdic

    So, will this work……

    Avatar photoCerdic

    Well, that’s cool!

    Avatar photoPaul Cordell

    To compress JPEG’s I use software called jpegmini.

    The free version lets you compress 20 pictures per day. I think it is really good.


    The Emperors Library - A World of Military History

    Avatar photoMike

    Interesting Paul, I must look into that one. Back to Mike – is there anyway you can restrict file size being posted?

    yup, sort of.

    I can buy a bit of plug in software that compresses the files but that will involve cash, so I may have to restrict this function to Sponsors and Traders. I will be keeping an eye on it.

    Avatar photoMike

    That should happen if the current limit is hit. Just watching Vikings. Will check it out later.

    Avatar photoMike

    Avatar photoRob young


    Rob Young

    Avatar photoRob young

    Both loaded slowly – and the Carians are down as about 1.4mb. The Guard cavalry are in the 300kb range.

    Rob Young

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    This is largely irrelevant apart from my own mental health point of view – but how did I lose this topic for a day after I posted my initial responses? I eventually posted a picture – no problems apart from the compression issue mentioned above, which I sorted out no problem -but on the Sponsor page because I couldn’t find this!

    I’m going to lie down for some time.

    Oh- great job Mike. Well done!

    Avatar photoMike

    I moved it from the sponsors forum to the general, so if you looked where it was to begin with…

    Avatar photoGreystreak

    Testing . . .

    Bryce Allen

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish


    I’ll get you for that!

    Thanks – seriously, I was beginning to wonder how old I was for  while there.

    Avatar photoRob young

    The brief was to see if images could be uploaded – so naturally included a large image as one of my ‘tests’.

    Having said that, on my blog I usually aim for between 300 and 800 kb.

    Rob Young

    Avatar photoOB


    Seemingly so, on my fifth attempt.  Wonder what I did right?  Great stuff.


    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Taking a crack at this now that photobucket is freaking out about my using images on forums.  Will I pay them $400 a year for the privilege?  No I will not.

    I will naturally work to keep file sizes to a minimum – is there a preferred file size?

    Avatar photoNorm S

    500 pixels wide

    This is from an iPad.

    I have resized the photo to 500 pixels wide using an app called IMAGE SIZE. Next I will rezize down to 250 wide.

    The image is uploaded directly from the iPad itself, not a 3rd party server.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    250 pixels wide

    This is the same image squeezed down to 250 pixels wide.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    750 pixels wide

    This is 7oo pixels wide. I have a paid for website that allow s me to upload images that are 700 pixels and below. It resizes automatically to prevent breach.

    If I download this image back, it reads as having a file size of 32kb (that surprises me).

    Avatar photoMike

    Smaller the better.

    I normally just reduce the width to 700 pixels and the associated drop in size is often adequate


    Avatar photoMike Headden

    With photobucket becoming increasingly annoying it’s nice to have this facility.

    Being used to Pendraken’s Forum where images need to me 128Kb or less if linked directly I use The GIMP to resize regularly.

    So, Humbaba, Lord of the Cedar Forest

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    test on Viking Forge 1/2400

    Test photo – 1/2400 Viking Forge USS Iowa for Santiago game.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

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