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    Avatar photoRetroboom

    3 Squad-Hammer games in 3 days. My best buddy flew cross country to hang out for a week and we gamed as much as possible. I love how easy it is to break out NWG rules and throw down a new game we’ve never played before. Here are some pics from our epic last sesh while we stayed up all night before his morning flight home.







    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    So glad you guys had a great time!

    I see a lot of heavy gear mechs on there. They make fantastic support walkers for 15mm, don’t they? 🙂

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    They do. I still can’t decide whether there is a pilot inside or if they’re remotes/AIs.

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Good call. I usually imagine piloted, but they are a little bit small for that.

    I might field them as drone-vehicles controlled next time, or remote-controlled like the “Soldier Boys” in Forever Peace.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Those Mircopanzer minis go pretty well with the mechs too.  Looks like you have a lot of fun.  I hate it when a good gaming buddy is so far away though, far too many.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Yah, after moving to the mid-west, I’ve had to build a new gaming crew.
    Though I have a pretty decent track record of turning roleplayers into wargamers.

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    That’s a particularly impressive skill. I need to get Dungeon Scum on the table in front of some role-players and try my hand.

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

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