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  • #2977

    A way to mark all forums as read would be nice combined with a show new topics option. That way you could easily see the new unread topics.


    Avatar photoMike

    Check out the view on the black toolbar, also click subscribe at the top right of each thread and you can also tick the notify me of reolies option.
    Have a poke around at the various options and see what suits you best.

    Avatar photoNick the Lemming

    That’s a really clunky way of checking new posts though, any chance of a “read new posts” button that takes you to the newest post in a thread, and shows you the new threads that have bene created since you last came here? the “latest topics” view just takes you to the thread, so you still have to page down to find any new additions to the thread, and finding which threads have new posts since you last visited is getting harder to do as more threads are created, since it organises them by thread start date and not by reply date / time.

    Avatar photoMike

    I will have a look, but when the site is bigger, this: and shows you the new threads that have bene created since you last came here? may result in a hundred results as there will hopefully be plenty of people posting.

    Subscribe will take you to the newest post since you last read it.
    You can also favourite threads.

    That is not a no though, that is a “if we can do it we will, but right now we don’t know how” ๐Ÿ˜€

    On a similar note, we have added an RSS feed to the news:


    Avatar photoMike

    Oh and you can subscribe to forums, so if you want to stay abreast of Ancients, subscribe to Ancients and be notified of new threads within the Ancients section.

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