Home Forums Horse and Musket American Civil War The Momentous issue of War: Launch!

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  • #171720
    Avatar photoWicked Wargames

    So we’re literally days away from the launch of our new game, The momentous issue of war, a civil war grid game.

    We are so excited to finish the book and to get it out to people and we hope people feel as excited as we are.

    PDF’s will be between £4.00 to £6.00 and they’ll be about a tenner when it goes live to the public but people who back the project get the oppertunity to give direct feedback that we hope to account for and include in the main book (if it’s good enough and helpful, and we’ll credit people as co writers to).

    So all in all  it’s going to be a real “open source” and community effort. We’re full up with a comfortable anticipation about opening up the proejct but we savour the idea of a community led game that everyone feels they’re a part of.

    Here is our trailer:

    Some pics of the project for those who aren’t following our w.i.p thread:

    WWW.WICKEDWARGAMES.COM - The wargames company i run with a friend.

    Avatar photoMike

    Cool, how much will the print version be?

    Avatar photoWicked Wargames

    At retail somewhere around £13.00 but we’re going to have versions available from the first run for somewhere between £8.00 -£10.00.

    WWW.WICKEDWARGAMES.COM - The wargames company i run with a friend.

    Avatar photoWicked Wargames

    Hey all, cheers for the reads, means a lot. We have gone live today and begun to receive backers. We’re so exicted to open communication with people and begin to answer questions about the book and provide updates. We’ve worked hard this last two weeks to create an extensive “article” list and get them all written.

    We’re looking forward to the community engagment and if you like the look of the game here is the link to our kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1489125413/the-momentous-issue-of-war?ref=discovery_category_newest

    Thanks all!
    Sending love and feel free to ask questions on here too.

    WWW.WICKEDWARGAMES.COM - The wargames company i run with a friend.

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