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  • #187112

    Well, DCS is expensive. And it just gets more expensive. My good but now older i9 9900k just didn’t cut it.

    I like large complex missions, and the AI just destroys my CPU, even the long awaited multithreading didn’t do much.

    So way too much money later, finding that changing the motherboard also ment my ram now didn’t work. Waiting for ram, that the post sent to the wrong place. Living a whole month (5 days) as a flithy console peasant.  I finally got everything up and running. My i9 9900k is now a i7 13700k, I still have 64gig ram. But 4800mhz ddr5 instead of 3200mhz ddr4.

    And yes it works. A massive improvement from my initial test. This mission almost killed my computer before. 81 planes. 33 F16s firing off 132 AMRAAMs at the same time just crushed my old CPU, but now it’s perfectly playable.  Small dip in smoothness as the missiles fly, but much much better.

    Will do some ww2 testing tomorrow.




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    Man! With that kind of hardware I don’t think I’ll get any gaming done. Think of the amount of polygons I put into a 3d model… I’d spend months and months making mods for games that I’ll never play.


    Man! With that kind of hardware I don’t think I’ll get any gaming done. Think of the amount of polygons I put into a 3d model… I’d spend months and months making mods for games that I’ll never play.

    Defiantly how it would be for some people.

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