Home Forums Ancients The Society of Ancients magazine, Slingshot [#332], is with the printers …

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    Avatar photoSoApub

    … and should land in SoA member’s postboxes in the next few days!  Here is the cover picture, together with a list of the contents and a short summary of each article , or go to the SoA news page.  (If you aren’t already a member of The Society of Ancients , you can read about and join the society here.)


    Slingshot 332 cover

    [ Cover picture: Mural from the late Tang Dynasty depicting Zhang Yichao’s victory over the Tibetans in Dunhuang ]



    The view from the editor’s chair but also a plea for articles.  It seems we’re running short.  Time to put quill to parchment, pen to paper, fingers to keys, whatever method floats the boat.  Hmmmm, that probably means me, too.  Dang.


    Featuring further, gripping developments in the continuing debate about those little cubes of fate that dog our every gaming move.  The cold, cold hand of fate, the cruel talons of the dice demons or simply random fluctuations in the quantum field?  However you see it, Lawrence Greaves adds his take to the lively discussion about probabilities in wargames that was kicked off by Nick Harbud’s article ‘Chances Are’ from Slingshot 328.

    Every Man’s Hand – by Matthew Bennett and Roy Boss

    Mediaeval jousts originally did not consist of lists and two knights charging each other with couched lances, but of open fields in which groups of knights, supported by infantry, fought mini-battles. Here is a ruleset that recreates this older and more military form of jousting.

    Garamantes – by Jim Webster

    The Garamantes were a nation of oasis-dwellers who lived south of the Roman frontier in Libya. Though not capable of fielding a heavyweight army, they did put interesting troop-types on the battlefield. Jim Webster uses their history to fine-tune the DBMM army list.

    Going Back to Gaugamela – by Chris Hahn

    Playing Gaugamela with l’Art de la Guerre produces an interesting game in which Alexander’s Companions perform much like their historical counterparts whilst Parmenio’s left flank does much more than just hold the line. Is that enough to defeat the Persian host? Read to find out…

    The Sound of Battle – by Anthony Clipsom

    How effective was a general’s ability to control his troops through sound signals like musical instruments and shouting on a Mediaeval battlefield? Anthony Clipsom does the research and comes up with some interesting answers.

    An Armati List for Cyrus the Great – by Rodger Williams

    The Persian armies between 550-530 BC are rather under-represented in Armati army lists. Using DBM as a starting point Rodger Williams makes up for that defect.

    Counting the Enemy – by John Hastings

    How big was the Caledonian army at Mons Graupius? In answering the question John Hastings tackles the problem how how much trust can be placed in the primary sources when they give the size of friendly and hostile armies, and shows that the sources can actually make good sense.

    Telamon in Anaheim – by Andrew Gledhill

    DBA is alive and well in Southern California, where a refight of Telamon produced an interesting and pretty game that was clean and exciting, in the best tradition of DBA. A second Telamon was fought after lunch. Another battle report is hopefully in the works?

    T’angoed! – by Nicholas Harbud

    The T’ang dynasty marked the territorial apogee of ancient China. Naturally, conquering so much real estate required the services of a very effective army. Nicholas Harbud breaks down the composition of the T’ang miliary machine and his recreation of it in 15mm.

    Warfare in Antiquity Conference – Rodger Williams

    Rodger Williams outlines the topics discussed at the King’s College conference that cover fields of particular interest to pre-gunpowder wargamers.

    Slingshot Figure Reviews

    Peter Studd reviews the new range of plastic 15mm ancient figures produced by the Plastic Soldier Company in connection with Simon Hall’s Mortem et Gloriam wargames system.  (I really, really mustn’t read this.  I shan’t.  I … . Aiieeee! Somebody, anybody, hide my wallet!)

    Slingshot Book & Game Reviews

    Including reviews of:

    Mortem et Gloriam, Battles of the Great Commanders, 1. Age of Attila by Richard Jeffrey-Cook (hmmm, that name, it sounds familiar);

    Mari: capital of Northern Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium (The archaeology of Tell Hariri on the Euphrates) by Jean-Claude Margueron;

    Jean de Bueil: Le Jouvencel by Craig Taylor & Jane H.M. Taylor;

    The Armies of Ancient Persia by Marek Adam Wozniak;

    Infamy, Infamy! by Too Fat Lardies (A review of the rules by Nick Harbud?  Or maybe a cunning and unexpected flank move, by which means Nick brings reinforcements to the battle of ‘Chances Are’?  You can make your own mind up when you read it.)

    Avatar photoJohn D Salt

    So I’ve just subscribed, on the strength of the material shown in this issue.
    And the web page tells me I have purchased a subscription from issue 333.
    Auspicious though it may be to kick off with half the number of the mark of the Beast, I wonder how I might either yank my subscription this way by one, or purchase a single issue of the current jobbie.

    All the best,


    Avatar photoSoApub

    Hi John,

    I’m really glad that you were encouraged to join but really dismayed that you didn’t notice the ‘subscription starts from ..’ text on the site.  The reason  that membership is now running from 333 is that 332 is with the printers, along with the list of members that was current at the time the copy was sent to them, which was a few days ago now.  Let me see if there’s anything we can do to salvage the situation.  I’ll get back to you asap.  I’ll message you directly through TWW if that’s possible, rather than continue to post on this thread.

    Best regards,

    Chris (aka SoApub)

    Avatar photoSoApub

    Hello again John, I understand that the Society Membership Secretary has contacted you directly with options for dealing with your query.  That being the case, I’ll leave you to agree with him how best to resolve the matter but please feel free to get back in contact with me if you feel I can help any further.  Thank you too for drawing this to my attention as a potential source of confusion.  I’ll amend the wording for the next post to make it clear that any new subscription would run from the next issue.  Best regards, Chris

    Avatar photoJohn D Salt

    Mr. Picky would like to make it clear that there never was any confusion, and I wouldn’t like people to think I was whingeing about the publicity materials being confusing/unclear/obtuse/deceptive/written in cuneiform.
    I am now a member of the Society of Ancients, and wondering why on earth I didn’t join years ago. I have been vaguely thinking I should join for years, but the extremely tempting contents of the current issue were, no doubt, a useful stimulus to get me to get around to it.
    It seems there is not the slightest problem about getting a copy of the current issue; all I have to do is order it (with a slight hint of time travel) as a back issue. What’s more, as a freshly-minted SoA member, I’ll get a discount on it.
    The e-mails I have received from the society’s officers have been more prompt, efficient, and kind than anyone could reasonably expect, and included the offer of cancelling my subscription if I had made the order in error (which I don’t want to — if one issue is good, presumably six are even better).
    So, absolutely no complaints from me. In the words of the old McEwan’s advert, quite the reverse.

    All the best,


    Avatar photoJohn D Salt

    Goddam duplicate postings.

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