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  • #148393
    Avatar photoMike

    Covid 19 has proved tricky for many businesses, it has certainly had a massive negative impact on the miniatures side of my business, sales of resin items have dropped by about 70%.
    The other side of my business, the one that offers a service has suffered too.

    Don’t forget when supporting your favourite businesses to support those that offer a service, it is too easy to forget them and instead concentrate on those that offer a physical product.

    The Wargames Website is a business and has overheads but the vast majority of people that use The Wargames Website use it without paying to do so.
    You can use it for free, that is a thing for sure, that is fine.

    But if you can afford to take out a paid membership, either as a sponsor for just £1.00 a month or as a Trader for £5.00 a month then please do, it helps put food on our table and keeps the community going.


    Avatar photoMike

    PS: Extra thanks to the people with more than one sponsoring account and the member who has a Trader account but no business, they just wanted to be able to help out financially.

    It really is very much appreciated.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    I remember a discussion some time ago about how to pay more for a sponsoring membership. Was the conclusion the only way to do this was multiple Paypal subs? Is trader membership okay for more non-traders or is this going to confuse things?

    Having recently started a thread asking whether I ought to want to pay more for my hobby (and indirectly been accused of being a ‘tight wad’ for asking!) this may seem a strange question, but I feel the urge to put my hand in my pocket a little deeper – how do I do that as an existing subscriber?

    Avatar photoMike


    Thanks Guy.
    Feel free to buy a Trader account that would be more to me than 5 sponsor accounts, as a £1.00 is only 65p once PayPal takes its cut but a Trader is £4.45.

    So that is £4.45 for a Trader or £3.25 for five sponsors.

    Hope that makes sense??

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Yes, makes sense.

    Done. (I think)

    Switched to a trader account.

    Definitely worth a fiver a month!

    If you haven’t got a sub, I’d urge you to pay the minimum at least. £1 has to be the best value ever.

    I really want to see TWW prosper. Mike’s doing a great job and if you can spare a fiver a month I can’t think of many better ways of spending it.

    Thanks Mike!


    Avatar photoThuseld

    I will vouch for having the £1 subscription. I literally don’t notice it leave my account. At some point I hope to move up to a £5 sub. This website is a great community. Thanks, Mike.

    Avatar photogreg954

    I’m the same as Thuseld, don’t notice the pound each month. Maybe upgrade to a Trader account. Or can you still donate on the CA website?

    I’ve been supporting my local restaurants and eateries. Only just realised how much the hobby sector must be suffering. I have continued with a new project which has seen me buy some tangible stuff. Never thought about those that offer only services.

    Avatar photodeephorse

    Hi.  a Trader account would be more to me than 5 sponsor accounts, as a £1.00 is only 65p once PayPal takes its cut

    That’s disappointing to hear.  Is there any way to set up a recurring payment via the Friends & Family option where the recipient gets all the money that is sent?

    Play is what makes life bearable - Michael Rosen

    Avatar photoMike

    Don’t think so, but also with this being a business I would rather not, prefer to keep it legit.
    Thanks though.

    Avatar photodeephorse

    Well I’m a bit annoyed to discover that I’m donating 35p per month to Paypal.  I see that money as wasted.  Is there a way of making a payment to your business account by another path?

    Play is what makes life bearable - Michael Rosen

    Avatar photoMike

    I could send you my bank details. Or a couple of people pay a year at a time. The fee on that is better than 12 monthly fees?

    Avatar photodeephorse

    I’d rather you got all the money Mike, so if you’re prepared to give me your details I can do an electronic transfer.  I’ll probably do 12 months at once so that there’s less remembering to do.  A crucial factor at my age.  What’s your name again? 😉

    Play is what makes life bearable - Michael Rosen

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