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  • #147618
    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Galactic Date 1234
    A vital shipment of left-handed ear plugs for the colony world of Decible One-Nineteen had been stopped for inspection by local Frontier ships.
    The Boyband, carying the shipment is outgunned and had no choice but negotiate a cut of the profit. Unfortunately the Alto was scooting through the area and caught the stand off on her sensors.

    Deciding she didn’t need the trouble, the Alto tried to circle around the disputing ships using a group of asteroids as cover. Tipical of her class, her comm system decided to act up and broacasted Avril Lavigne’s great grand daughter’s latest hit on the open channel.

    Her presence revealed. The Alto had no option other than to follow protocol and assist the Boyband in her mission. She’d rather join the Frontier ships since the odds was better, but protocol and rules are a pain in the stern.
    Obviously she wasn’t going to help the boyband for free and sent the big transport ship a secure message asking for 15% of the cargo for her assistance. The Boyband agreed and the two ships started their negotiation with the Frontier ships.

    Both ships PEW PEW on the more threathening Hip-Hop class ship, the Jazz. The Boyband missed, but the Alto scored a solid hit. Caught by surprise the Jazz couldn’t efectively return PEW PEW and was only saved by her banckup systems. The other Frontier ship, an Acapella class couldn’t do much to help her friend, her own effort to PEW PEW missing.

    Alto and Boyband continues to push their advantage. Boyband scored a hit and managed to convinced the jazz further fighting was futile and secured a surrender from the Frontier ship for a 6% cut of the cargo. But not before the Jazz got off a PEW PEW, causing damage to the Alto. The Acapalla class continued to miss her PEW PEW as the two bigger ships turned towards her.

    Retribution came quickly as the Boyband zoned in and PEW PEW into the little ship’s hull. The Alto finished the little Frontier ship off with a mean salvo of KABAM projectiles, turning the little ship into a cloud of debris.

    With the negotiation over, the Jazz escorted the Central Administration ships to Decible One-Nineteen, to make sure no more complications arise.

    With her 15% cut loaded and secured, the Alto set course for the local fleet maintenance base, Galactic Base Ninety-Five-Point-Eight FM.

    This game is a low point in my life. A grown ass man making PEW PEW sound as I play with tiny little toy spaceships.


    World building notes:
    The galaxy (the part that is colonized, less than 1%) is controled by a unified bureucratic entity, divided into three groups.

    Frontier Worlds – regional forces of young colonies, not yet self sufficient. They have autonomy but are ultimately reliant on the core worlds for colonist and resources. They operate most fo the galactic ships.

    Central Administration – An alliance of the core worlds. They get to dictate terms, make policies and enjoy favorable economic relationship with Frontier Worlds. The only way to become a member of the core world is for a planet to become self sufficient. They have minimal number of ships, only enough to put down an uprising or rebelion at a time, relying on loyal Frontier Flotilla ships for most of its combat strength.

    Exploration Service – Operates the biggest and best ships. They range out looking for worlds suitable for the next conquest. Ruthless and opportunist to the extreme, they make Wall Street look like the Salvation Army/Peace Corps/Rec Cross/Red Crescent.

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    Everything about this is wonderful!

    A grown ass man making PEW PEW sound as I play with tiny little toy spaceships.

    Even this…


    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Beautiful! I can’t wait to do something similar with your other ships!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Thanks, it’s an impulse project that kinda grew on me.

    I’m waiting to see what you do with those ships. I couldn’t find a nice mass combat rules for them.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    PEW PEW !!!

    Avatar photowillz

    Excellent read, “phew, phew”.”””””””””…………………………….

    Avatar photoJohn D Salt

    This game is a low point in my life. A grown ass man making PEW PEW sound as I play with tiny little toy spaceships.

    Don’t worry about it.

    In space, nobody can hear you PEW PEW.

    All the best,


    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Galactic Base Ninety-Five-Point-Eight FM… that’s in the Capital system, isn’t it?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    Everything about this is wonderful!


    A grown ass man making PEW PEW sound as I play with tiny little toy spaceships.

    Even this…

    ESPECIALLY this!

    I played EVE Online for a decade, I’m pretty sure every Amarr ship pilot made pew-pew noises when firing their lasers, at some point! And hundreds, if not thousands, of players flew Amarr ships! 🙂


    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    “In space no one can hear you scream” was why I made it music theme.

    I see you’re familiar with that part of the galaxy.

    I have fond memory of mining in that game. Especially when the canister timed out and the hour’s work disappeared in a cloud of vapor.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Wonderful stuff.  Are the CA going to have alien adversaries, like Remusians (I bet they love Canadian comedy classics) or Leaveoffs (afraid of commitment but always  in a fight anyways…)?

    Did you take a look at GOBS or 5150 for rules?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    “Leaveoffs” LOL
    Took me a while to get that one. I would have thought they’d lack self confidence and very clingy, but would over compensate by being violent.

    No plans for aliens, but the galaxy is big and who knows what the Exploration Service will find.

    I don’t like poly dice used in GOBS, D6 all the way. I’ve grown out of 5150 over the years. I like the results I get from the reaction tables but having to roll for every maneuvering unit was too much for me. Having said that I was using Lasers & Feelings for this and the dice mechanics was pretty similar to 5150, no tables though.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Galactic Date 1234 + change

    The Alto spent three months at Galactic Base 95.8 FM repairing her damage. She got a good profit from selling the left-sided earplugs amongst other things on the black market and used it to get a new Spiffy Mk.3 PEW PEW Laser to replace the old one that somehow went missing.

    Meanwhile tension in the region was growing. Something to do with a riot because of some incomplete shipment of earplugs on a back water planet of no consequence.

    Just as she was running the final checks on her repaired system she was contacted by someone about a job. Since no new orders came from Central Administration the Alto happily jumped on the prospect of getting paid.

    There was some security issue not too far away. The private individual wants the Alto to take care of some frontier corporate mercenaries causing trouble for the locals in a nearby group of asteroids. The locals wanted weapons to fight the mercenaries off themselves but the agent convinced them hiring someone to take care of the problem was cheaper.

    The Alto asked if a whole choir was needed, say seven ships. The agent looked shifty, but insisted a single ship should be enough. There was more to this but the prospect of $$ was enough for the Alto to shrug and she scooted off towards the given coordinates.

    The Alto hops to the destnation blasting ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ catching a suspicious ship lurking amongst the asteroids. The music was a psychological warfare tactic she learned form a documentary, and it worked. The unknown ship was thoroughly confused and was still puzzled when the Alto PEW PEW right at her. The laser light show was as confusing because none of the Spiffy PEW PEW laser hit.

    Finally the unknown ship caught on and began returning PEW PEW but it was even less effective. Seeing they were getting PEW PEW back the Alto got her act together and managed to score a hit. Admirably the unidentified ship decided to stay and fight using her superior sensor to get the upper hand and caused damage to the Alto freshly repaired hull. PEW PEW continued but the Alto missed.

    Luckily the enemy ship also missed by the smallest margin, giving the Alto another chance to miss her PEW PEW. Right about now the Alto was wondering if the Spiffy PEW PEW Mk.3 was a counterfeit. She’ll have to go back and get a refund, if she survives. The tension kept on delivering as the hostile ship missed again.

    The Alto decided to give one more burst of PEW PEW before running, long fights aren’t good for longevity.
    PEW PEWing her target into a wreck.

    With her target destroyed and once again damaged, the Alto sifted through the wreckage for loot, finding nothing valuable but the ship’s log. Turns out the destroyed ship was the locals she was meant to help.

    What’s done is done. She needed repairs, a refund on the PEW PEW laser and hopefully bluff her way to still get the reward.

    Sputtering back to Galactic Base 95.8 FM, Alto contacted her contact who surprisingly bought her story of a massive fight that resulted in teh destruction of both the mercenaries and locals. The agent paid her the agree $$.

    Next she went to the Office of Repair and Modification and applied for a refund. This also went through and they’d even give her a discount on the repairs. But now she’s down a PEW PEW laser and will need a replacement. Really shouldn’t have put the old one on the black market in the first place. Thats what you get for trying to scam, scammers.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    For a second there I thought that maybe she bought her own Pew Pew back after being told it was a new Mk3.  God bit of fast talking they did in order to get $$!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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