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    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Yes, that’s right – forces are gathering.  Plans are being laid.  In the West, the Ten Kingdoms of Uluthàn are marshaling the largest army seen since the fall of the Slann and sailing East towards the Old World.  In the South, a mighty Orc warlord is uniting the fractious tribes and preparing to sweep out of the Badlands and descend on the unprepared Human realms.  The world is turning!

    By which I mean I’m finally getting to do a project I had long wanted to do, yet have been prevented from doing by the absence of its existence.  To wit: a Fantasy game in 3mm scale!  Rules will be Warmaster, and my first challenge has been deciding how to base my figures.  Typically Warmaster will work with any base that’s in a 1:2 size ratio.  Right now, what I have is well sized but ever so slightly too small in proportion (1″ x 5/8″), or is properly proportioned but slightly too big ( 1 1/4″ x 5/8″), or large enough and proportioned well but so sizeable as to make the game play too big for my tastes (1″ x 2″).  But there it is.

    On a 5/8″ deep base, you can get a comfortable three ranks of troops.  On a 1″ x 2″ base I could get basically an entire battalion – two groups of four ranks with a command stand in front, but that implies a much larger game surface and I want to keep this small enough for my dinner table.  The bases of the miniature strips fit very nicely on a 1″ wide space with a comfortable but not too large margin on either side, but when centered up on a 1 1/4″ wide base, that extra 1/8″ seems too much on both sides and makes the army as a whole seem to be standing too far apart in their ranks.  In an ideal world I’d just order 1″ x 1/2″ bases, but things being what they are, I feel compelled to work with what I already have rather than ordering new things that may not arrive for several weeks, if then.

    So, having determined that 5/8″ x 1″ is the right size visually, and 1 1/4″ x 5/8″ is the right size for game play, I have decided to do my traditional base label thing, and use 1 1/4″ x 5/8″ with a 1/4″ base label.  My hope is that this will look good.  If not, well, we’ll just have to see.  But I’ve found that the base labels do not read as part of the base when you’re playing, so I hope it’ll all kind of blend away.  Unfortunately it means that when you go into base-to-base contact the actual ranks will be offset slightly from each other, but I’m not sure I’ll care.  And at this scale, and with my fading memory for rules, it does offer me the chance to put some game data right at my fingertips on the table.  Here are some of my first layouts:

    More as we go.  We have a bit of really fine weather this weekend and I’m hoping to dig up some primer and get a few bases started off.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Looking forward to this. I’ve been checking out Magister Militum’s 3mm rangs but they’re very different.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Yeah, MM is definitely squatter and chunkier, and they skip the sort of “middle ages” part that a fantasy milieu relies on.  En masse the MM stuff can look really terrific, don’t get me wrong, but for preference I’m loving the Microworld pieces because they have such definition and depth.  My understanding is that Dwarves are next, followed by Undead (perhaps).

    The units in the two extant armies are not perfect 1:1 transfers of the Warmaster armies but with a little bit of finagling I have a set of army “counts as” lists drawn up that I think will work very well.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Any idea on when the human (Bretonnians) will be out? Trying to imagine 3mm dwarves and keep seeing MM ,imis, they’re growing on me the more I look at them. I should buy a sample.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    By the way, these are some photos which illustrate my basing predicament.  I’m starting to doubt, a little, that the 1 1/4″ bases with labels will work correctly.  They might make the tabletop look skewed.

    Visually, this looks best to me, but as you can see it means that there could be misunderstandings when bases are engaged as to which unit is fighting which.

    This is most functional but feels like there’s too much visual elbow room:

    And this feels like it would only play on a way bigger surface than I really want, and although it would be pretty stunning would take me a million years to finish:

    This is the “compromise” with base labels.  It would definitely help determine facing but you can see what would happen when units engage.  Maybe I don’t care?  Maybe I do.

    Yet another option comes to my mind.  If I give units like Cavalry an “engagement zone” painted on the front of their bases, it would indicate which unit they were engaged with?  I’m not sure the math works out on that.  Maybe I’ll just go for what looks best and damn the game, just put the game at the service of the minis instead of the other way around.  I’m dithering.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Any idea on when the human (Bretonnians) will be out? Trying to imagine 3mm dwarves and keep seeing MM ,imis, they’re growing on me the more I look at them. I should buy a sample.

    I do not know, but I would 100% be in favor of a port of the Microworld Fantasy Renaissance line into 3mm scale.

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    I’ll be cheering you on. I definitely want to get armies from this range myself at some point, but there are so many different things I want to order from Microworld that I’m somewhat paralysed by indecision. I can’t afford it all at once.

    I hope goblins aren’t too low of a priority for Microworld. Given how the range implies a classic Warhammer setting, one would expect to see goblins where there are orcs. It’s not a dealbreaker for me, but an orc army with some goblin rabble in the mix would be preferable to an army of orcs alone. Oh, and trolls, but I could probably just repurpose some 6mm goblins for that.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I’m definitely scoping out 6mm scale crossovers – 6mm Orc warriors as Ogres, for example.  And at this scale a Giant would be… well, GIANT.

    Avatar photoLogain

    Thomaston, Microworld is pretty responsive, you could try emailing him.  He posts once a month or so on TacCom too, and seems to check his forum there for posts weekly.

    Mr Average, how about basing your labels separately and just abutting them to their units? Then they could be moved to a different side if charged from the flanks…

    Avatar photoDeleted User


    I’m keeping quiet because I’m still holding a grudge against metal miniatures.


    @Mr Average

    If the pack composition fits you could put a command stand in front of every base to denote front rank. Or scratch up banners of your own for the front rank. Or put mounted figure on either side of the front ranks, it’ll be a good way of filling up the elbow room in the second photo.

    Persoanlly I’d stick to 2:1 base size. Base size will definitely affect mass cavalry charge.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    @Mr Average If the pack composition fits you could put a command stand in front of every base to denote front rank. Or scratch up banners of your own for the front rank. Or put mounted figure on either side of the front ranks, it’ll be a good way of filling up the elbow room in the second photo. Persoanlly I’d stick to 2:1 base size. Base size will definitely affect mass cavalry charge.

    Now if that isn’t the ideal solution, I don’t know what is!  What the heck else are all those little command strips going to be good for if not this very thing?

    Perfect!  Done deal!

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I’m hopefully getting mine via fedex in a week or two!


    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoMicroworld Steve

    Very cool!

    I don’t want to hijack the project log, but since folks asked: after dwarves there will be some goblin codes.  Some hooded, and some vanilla goblins, which may be overkill at this scale I guess.  After that a mixture of dark elf and Undead codes.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I hope the Dwarves will get contraptions like gyrocopters, etc.  And the Goblins will mix nicely with the Orcs.  And… I mean, Undead, man.  Sign me UP.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Those banners has more definition than I expected. Looking forward to seeing them painted.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    So, can the elf strips be cut apart with any degree of success, particularly the archers, swordsment and spearmen?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    Is there a UK/ EU distributor for these? As it is, postage and import costs are likely to swallow up most of the cash I have to spend on these.

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    So, can the elf strips be cut apart with any degree of success, particularly the archers, swordsment and spearmen?

    Actually, yes, and therein lies my solution to the basing quandary.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Nice! Those are the spearmen?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoMr. Average


    Haven’t tried the Spearmen yet, but they’re next. I realized after the fact that I used a Spearman standard bearer on that third base but I kind of like it – my mind imagined him carrying the shield to defend himself – as the standard bearer of the third line he is supposed to be the last one standing and will fight to the death for the colors. Every third line bannerman will have a shield now.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Let us know how the spearmen go when it comes to cutting them, please, Mat. If it can be done without too much bother, it will make a great difference in the order going out next week!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Just to get a better sense of scale, what thickness are those bases you’re using?

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    The bases are 1/8” thick with a 1/2mm magnet sheet adhered to the bottom.

    The spear men could be cut, but only I think at two discrete points in the line. You can see them below – the hollows in the casting. That would give you a four-man, five-man and one extra from each strip. Would probably suit most purposes.

    An alternative with an in-universe justification is to use the leftovers from Swordsman strips and give each line of spearmen a pair of swordsmen at each end to protect their flanks. I’m considering this as a possible alternative to slicing up spearmen but it’s more frugality on my part, not wanting to waste the little extra swordsmen. I’ll dry fit and see how it looks.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    And with an extra contingent cut not terribly carefully along the four-man line, for comparison.

    I am afraid cutting them into individual pieces is not going to be possible due to the shields overlapping. Still not too bad and if I were to try it again I’d be a lot more careful and probably manage a cleaner cut.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Doesn’t look toooooooo bad. I think the cut could be easily hidden by the figure next ot it. Thank you very much for showing this, Mat!

    I plan to base on 20x10cm, two bases per unit. I’d like to do two  10×10 and one 20×10 bases, if possible, because that way I can put banners front and center on the big base and still have distinguishable line and column formations.

    So the fact that these guys can be cut into five man pieces is very good news!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    It’ll all depend on how you decide to finish the bases I guess.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Also, don’t base your purchases on me, my Way of the Hobby is vastly different and may not match up to what you want to do. Cutting up these little guys is not what I’d prefer – and don’t use clippers, they’ll deform the poor little guys! Knife only and very carefully. A little filing on the cut edge will get the ranks pretty tight though.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Insomnia makes for minis time. Better than lying around watching the seconds tick past on the clock.

    Some questions above arose about how cuttable the lines of Spearmen are. I find them very clean to cut, even at the non-choice locations. The cut conceals pretty well and the ranks, when filed down, run together such that it is nearly invisible at table distance. Below is my first Elf Spearman unit, for example.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    How big will the armoed be and have you started on the orcs yet?

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I haven’t started the Orcs yet, but my starting point for both armies is 1000 points, with a goal of 3000 each.  So I’ll have to supplement some of the baseline units to fill out the required forces.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Getting some Orcs based up.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    They look more dense than the elves stand.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    The Orcs are definitely physically bigger than the Elves, and so they take up more space on the strip.  They also have more diverse “choppy” weapons, so they look more rabble-y in line like that.  It’s a ton of character and far more than you might think from a 3mm scale line!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    “Do you even mob, bro?”

    That stand will look great, they do make for an intimidating horde, much more so than the orderly pointy ears.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I want to paint mine as Tolkien orcs, but these look much more like greenskins.

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Yeah I know. They’re much more like the Warhammer orcs than the Tolkien orcs.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Finally finished basing up my core High Elf army.  We expect a dry evening here so I might be able to prime these tonight and then we’re off to the races.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Elves looks like they have a lot of fast movers. What’s the flying stands to the right?

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    The flyers are Pegasus Knights. And yes, they’re going to have a modified army list I’m putting together that makes their fast units the key to their force. The Swordsmen and Spearmen get different stats though, to make the basic infantry units a little more flavorful.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    First rank of Spearmen. A company of about fifty, armed with adamantine-tipped spears – not as hard as mithril but capable of being honed to a fine point capable of piercing the thickest orc hide and the heaviest steel armor.

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