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  • #183465
    Avatar photowillz
    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Same incompatible scale?

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Same incompatible scale?



    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoMike

    What is it again?


    Avatar photowillz

    Same incompatible scale?

    They do  that so as you will only buy their figures, clever marketing.  Front Rank did similar at the start of the 90’s, made his figure incompatible with most figure ranges.  Sold lots of beautiful figures.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Same incompatible scale?

    They do that so as you will only buy their figures, clever marketing. Front Rank did similar at the start of the 90’s, made his figure incompatible with most figure ranges. Sold lots of beautiful figures.

    I avoid the problem by the simple expedient of not buying them. NCS, not giving Warlord any of his money 🙂

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    It looks a nice set. It it what it is, no use quibbling. Epic is no longer a one off ACW test product, it is now into its third period and very popular.

    apparently, their British Napoleonic Epic starter set was their biggest selling item last year, so I think we can expect Epic to have a continued presence in the WG line-up.

    A truth is that it takes the financial muscle and presence of a company like WG, to bring a product like this to market. Where else am I going to get, one piece figures in hard plastic at a scale like these, if that is what I like?

    WG in the figures world remind me of MMP (multi-man publishing) in the boardgame world, in that they are both highly successful, a great thing in a small niche hobby, but both attract a critical audience who have a view on how they should run their business.

    I’m sure the Epic ECW will be a runaway success, it will sell scads, it will introduce loads to a new period – ECW, with spin off sales on books and supplements, it will help Battlescale sell their amazing 10mm resin ECW buildings and it will annoy many who have collected already and fancy this and most surprisingly, it will annoy those who wouldn’t buy it anyway and never even worried about 13.5mm until they are produced!

    in truth, their 13.5mm is VERY similar to the original old school (true) 15’s, before they grew to 18’s at the hands of countless manufacturers.

    I am not a WG fanboy, but I just think its time to give them a break.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Same incompatible scale?

    Guess so – the ACW matched Kallistra very well but they do not have ECW / Napoleonic ranges.

    The village and hamlet packs could make a nice setting for their fantasy if not too large – they used Sarissa 15mm MDF buildings for the earlier releases and it looked like they had a good 12+ inches of headroom on the doors 🙁


    Avatar photoNorm S

    Kallistra in terms of size, yes, but not in overall look, as the Epic shoulder to shoulder, 10 men over 55mm width is a look that is very hard to do with individual figures.

    I would have liked to have seen shorter 5 man strips, but you can’t have everything, it strikes me that pretty much most things we go for are a compromise of sorts …… but the choices we have, for such a tiny hobby, that even my neighbours have never heard of (they nod and smile and then think I play risk!) are amazing.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    It looks a nice set. It it what it is, no use quibbling. Epic is no longer a one off ACW test product, it is now into its third period and very popular. apparently, their British Napoleonic Epic starter set was their biggest selling item last year, so I think we can expect Epic to have a continued presence in the WG line-up. A truth is that it takes the financial muscle and presence of a company like WG, to bring a product like this to market. Where else am I going to get, one piece figures in hard plastic at a scale like these, if that is what I like? WG in the figures world remind me of MMP (multi-man publishing) in the boardgame world, in that they are both highly successful, a great thing in a small niche hobby, but both attract a critical audience who have a view on how they should run their business. I’m sure the Epic ECW will be a runaway success, it will sell scads, it will introduce loads to a new period – ECW, with spin off sales on books and supplements, it will help Battlescale sell their amazing 10mm resin ECW buildings and it will annoy many who have collected already and fancy this and most surprisingly, it will annoy those who wouldn’t buy it anyway and never even worried about 13.5mm until they are produced! in truth, their 13.5mm is VERY similar to the original old school (true) 15’s, before they grew to 18’s at the hands of countless manufacturers. I am not a WG fanboy, but I just think its time to give them a break.

    Last time I looked this is a forum where people were able to give their opinions on any posted subject. You may not like their opinions, but them’s the breaks.

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoMike

    People can say they don’t like something and people can say they wish people would not say that.

    Not sure if either adds more to the topic than other but hey.

    We can always agree to disagree and what not?

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Sorry if I trod on any toes, that was not the intention.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Didn’t tread on mine Norm.

    I won’t be buying any however – I don’t like the idea of getting into a scheme where there is only one supplier whose marketing scheme is so transparent.* If they’d put them out in 10mm or 15mm I would no doubt have succumbed to some.

    But they don’t need me to give them a break. They’ll no doubt do very well.

    * I think it must be something in the water in Nottingham.

    Avatar photowillz

    Nobody trod on any of my toes either, I don’t think I will buy any not that I don’t like them but I don’t want to start a new project (I promise honest 😀).

    Avatar photoian pillay

    Norm, I think you called this back end of last year when I was asking about ECW. Since then, I’ve bought a load of different rules and some historical background material to read. Mainly to get a feel for the period. For me this might be worthy of my hard earned cash. 😊

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    I wear toetectors, none of my toes were damaged. I am not the forum police either, see below. 🙂

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoTony S

    Unless the price is ridiculously high, I suspect I’ll be preordering it.   For me the attraction is:

    i) The period.  Despite years of interest, and the tentative foray in that direction, oddly enough I haven’t raised any armies for the ECW.  I have TYW in both 28mm and 15mm, but haven’t raised a standard for King Charles I for reasons unbeknownst to man or beast.

    i) Strips.  I am quite fond of the shoulder to shoulder castings look.  My 6mm Napoleonics are Irregular, so that’s how they are.  And I had a few Warmaster armies, also cast the same way.  Not only do I like the appearance, but they are fast to paint – you only have to paint the front and back essentially!  I did order some 10mm Old Glory ECW years ago as they are in strips (see above under “tentative foray”) but wasn’t happy with the style, so gave them away.

    iii).  Fairly self contained.  I have 6mm and 10mm ACW, so the first Epic was easy to pass up.  Even though it looked ready, really good.  The Napoleonics…well, not only do I have forces in 6mm, 15mm and 28mm, but it was only the Waterloo campaign, so all the splendour of other nations, and minor allies, and the odd and bizarre regiments here and there, would either never, ever appear in Epic, or be bloody expensive resin.

    But I think the infantry and cavalry sprues should be enough for a decent Parliament or Royal army, without missing anything, except for Boy perhaps.  Obviously Scots are off the table, but for me, that’s ok.

    iv). Very shiny.  I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t a factor.  I’m an awful wargaming butterfly.

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    I’ll stick to my 2mm stuff thanks but I’m sure that they will sell well and may introduce a few of those who would otherwise be playing with Orcs and Dwarves or Warjacks to the history and pageantry of The War of the Three Kingdoms. Which can’t be an altogether bad thing, surely?

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I was and am a fan of picoscales — 3-6mm. But in 2020, we moved to a big apartment. Big enough to have a dedicated hobby closet and a 3×1 meter table. So now I am FINALLY able to play all those historic games in a (for me) grand manner.

    As such, I am buying up these new plastic sets as they come out. They are almost custom made for a gamer like me. 200 USD gets me two big armies? That’s just peachy for me.

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    I’m sure this set will be very popular, bit it’s not for me. I’m quite happy with my 10mm figures and 1″ bases which work for most rulesets. I can’t quite understand why they didn’t just go for 15mm rather than 13.5mm, other than it ties you into there figures. But as others have said, Kallistra is probably close enough not to notice the difference in size when on the table.

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    They do look nice. If I were starting today they would be a strong possibility, but they aren’t such as I would consider ditching my 6mm for them.  Same for the other periods in the range.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    If they want to invent their own scale that’s fine by me. I won’t buy them, but I doubt they will be shedding tears about it.

    Shame they stuck to their guns on having separate units of pike and shotte in the game itself. ‘Hmmmm facing me is a unit of Pike and a unit of shotttttteee. WHICH one shall i charge?’

    combining the two into a single formation like him upstairs intended gives a much better, faster game with half as many manouever units.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    If they want to invent their own scale that’s fine by me. I won’t buy them, but I doubt they will be shedding tears about it. Shame they stuck to their guns on having separate units of pike and shotte in the game itself. ‘Hmmmm facing me is a unit of Pike and a unit of shotttttteee. WHICH one shall i charge?’ combining the two into a single formation like him upstairs intended gives a much better, faster game with half as many manouever units.

    I think the separate pike and shot (shotte? jeez) units are a hangover from ye dayes (see  what I did there?) of Young and Grant (and Gush) “I’m shooting at the pikes, and my cavalry are charging the shot”. Yeah, because that really happened, s’realistic, see?

    Anyone got a bag of spare parentheses? I seem to have run out.

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Anyone got a bag of spare parentheses? I seem to have run out.


    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    I’m launching a new range of brackets: [  ]

    I can let you have a starter set at an introductory offer price if you like.


    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    I’m launching a new range of brackets: [ ] I can let you have a starter set at an introductory offer price if you like.

    What scale? 😉

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoMike

    I’m launching a new range of brackets: [ ] I can let you have a starter set at an introductory offer price if you like.

    What scale? 😉



    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    I’m launching a new range of brackets: [ ] I can let you have a starter set at an introductory offer price if you like.

    Do not buy these – they are all seconds – look what I got:

    { }


    Avatar photoTony S

    I’m curious to see the rules, but I’ve tried their Pike and Shotte rules when they first appeared, but they didn’t appeal to me, so I doubt I’ll use Warlord’s Epic P&S edition.

    It’s the just figures I’m after.  And they’ll be deployed in proper, decent pike and shot formations in For King and Parliament for those worried about such things.

    Avatar photoBlackhat

    It is quite easy to amend Pike and Shotte rules to use combined Pike and Musket units if you want them.


    Avatar photoSane Max

    I am pretty much a fan of the basic black powder system, it gives you enough jeopardy when deciding what to do – and bodging up the rules so your Pike and Shot are single units only takes a few minutes with a calculator.

    I am a sucker for different stuff normally, but this may be a scale too far – I have paired armies in 6 mil, 15mil and 28 mil already, and I haven’t even painted the 28s.


    I think it is a good move by Warlord, but I will not be getting them because 1) I am broke 2) I am not happy with the shoehorning effect on footprint  3) There are very nice 15mm figures available from other companies.

    But it will lead many people trying different scales ,and down the path help more people widen their hobby horizons (from the “Warlord Hobby” to the “Hobby”)

    Still excitement is a good thing for the Hobby

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Caliver books has the boxed set on pre-order and interestingly has listed them as 15mm. Not sure if they have upped the size to allow for moulding of the pikes or not, or that they have just decided to list them thus rather than 13.5mm.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Caliver books has the boxed set on pre-order and interestingly has listed them as 15mm. Not sure if they have upped the size to allow for moulding of the pikes or not, or that they have just decided to list them thus rather than 13.5mm.


    That’s a point! I don’t see hard plastic pikes lasting long in either case.


    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoTony S

    I’m officially irritated.  The starter set is £119 in the UK.  But because I’m Canadian, I must buy from the US, which is the equivalent of £156 for the same thing.  Honestly not sure if the shipping is free from Warlord, or whether they still offer free boxes to make up for outrageous pricing, but still.

    Perhaps I’ll look at getting them from Caliver.   Maybe Firestorm?  Any one else know of good UK dealers that ship internationally?

    (Oh, as for plastic pikes not lasting too long…can’t argue that.  My Victrix ancients have some snapped spears, and my TYW Warlord pike are also a trifle short here and there.  But when the pike block is in place on the table, those faults seem to disappear.  (Some detractors would argue that’s because under my generalship my troops seldom stay on the table long, but rather head towards the dead pile rapidly any in large numbers).

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