Home Forums WWII WW2 6mm game on 3×4 A4 square grid

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    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    This is mission 6, and the last, in a campaign following a British company through 1944 France.ย  I am using 6mm forces and playing on a 3×4 grid on an A4 page.

    It is 1944 and a UK infantry force is attacking a German infantry force. The UK mission is a screen. The force is tasked to provide a screen to protect engineers working nearby (just off table from entry point).ย  The British win if they can prevent the Germans from breaking through in a certain timeframe.

    A full battle report is on the blog here:


    A picture from early in the games as units are cautious advancing:

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    That farm square is really night. I like the fence and the trees a lot.

    I like your rules but always tempted to play it on a larger area like 10×10 grid and see how maneuver would work.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Sad to see this is the last in the series ๐Ÿ™ but looking forward to the set ๐Ÿ™‚

    Interesting note about your table size – 6×4 seems to have become the ‘default’ but like your, our table does not meet the gaming requirement. Other than the 1×1 games, I’ve been using a 2×2 for 15mm and that gives enough ‘shuffle’ room but may give you issues with range.

    I did stumble across these 54mm WW2 rules using the 3×3 rule set (here using squares) that may interest you and fit on the 3 foot table.

    Thank you for putting up the games and your notes / thoughts – they’ve been pleasant reading even though I do not know the rules or play the period.


    Avatar photoDaveH303

    I’ve got to liking grid based games so I’ll have to give your rules a try, currently I am using Bob Cordery’s Portable Wargame rules quite a lot as they cover a number of periods I like to game in like WW2.

    Blogging about wargames at https://comment-deleted.blogspot.co.uk

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    @Thomaston. I actually did some 12×12 games but with only one base per square.ย  Different rules though.


    Larger grids definitely allow for more manoeuvre and has a very different feel to the 3×4 games.ย  I started doing the 3×4 due as it was me trying to get an old collectable card game – Tank Commander – to work.ย  It also uses a 3×4 grid made up of cards.ย  I went minis and then changed the rules entirely!

    .ย  Yes, 20mm on 2’x2′ is a challenge.ย  I am going to start out with some scenarios that are all urban and see how it goes.ย  Not sure if it will look believable to me with more open terrain.ย  While I have been following the recent Portable wargames 3×3 rulesย  on various blogs, I had not seen those 54mm WW2 rules before and will be pouring over that post with interest today! Thanks.


    . If you like Bob’s 3×3 rule I would possibly stick with them.ย  They are more attritional than mine , the latter more “bang and you are dead” ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    …I started doing the 3ร—4 due as it was me trying to get an old collectable card game โ€“ Tank Commander โ€“ to work. It also uses a 3ร—4 grid made up of cards. I went minis and then changed the rules entirely!…

    Now that’s a rare thing in wargaming NOT…

    On a positive though – you did keep the same period ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


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