Home Forums WWII Hetzer Vs Sherman 76 Reply To: Hetzer Vs Sherman 76

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Thanks, certainly those gun / armour relationships that are borderline and where an attacker often need to be within 300 – 500 metres of a target vehicle, to get a successful result, is an area that can make an interesting study in designer approach and preferences. The four guns I immediately look for in terms of performance in a new design are the German 88/56 compared to the 75/70 and looking at where the German 75/48 and Soviet 85mm fit into that range.

Battlegroup does offer Extended Range for higher velocity guns, but the hitting on a ‘6’ is obviously not something to be relied upon.

Ours is probably something of a cartoon world in terms of the short distances that we ‘force’ are little chaps to set up and fight within, while expecting differences to be shown at those relatively short distances that we hope shows the different characters of our vehicles and their guns.