Home Forums General PC and Console Gaming I’m getting fired(and possibly arrested)

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    This is what happens when you fire at bad guys in panic.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    I’d suggest talking to your Federation rep asap.

    In the meantime, your line is that you followed all protocols as laid down. Your initial debrief to line management, not Professional Standards is as follows:

    The safety of the public is the number one consideration in any policing action. However in a fast moving and confused hostage rescue operation it is regrettable but completely understandable that  collateral damage may occur. You were about to open fire at an armed suspect who was attempting to execute a hostage when the suspect pulled the hostage in front of themselves at the last second as you opened fired.

    Your immediate action, on assessing the situation safe, was to identify and offer assistance to the hostage. Regrettably you were unable to prevent their demise.

    You fully support your Bronze commander’s decision to enter the premises with no useful intelligence on numbers and disposition of suspects and hostages as it was a fast moving volatile situation. You feel that the order to ‘Clean house’ was less than clear however, and perhaps your team leader should have clarified the level of threat and the plan for ensuring hostage safety whilst arresting and neutralising the suspects  before entering the premises.

    You are certain that Silver Command was doing their best to coordinate the firearms strategy proposed by Bronze Command and offer the best intel available from cooperating teams and agencies to tactical units within the overall strategic framework. It is unfortunate that the urgency of the situation precluded contacting a keyholder with knowledge of the layout of the interior or plans of the building prior to the order to enter. The information that the suspects had intimated their intention to kill hostages at the slightest provocation may have led some to adopt a longer term; isolate, control and negotiate strategy. You are sure there were good reasons this was not done.

    Gold Command was undoubtedly on top of the situation.

    As a result you followed orders to ‘Clean house’.

    You regret the loss of life, especially the hostage and the dog.


    I reckon you can parlay that into a three month stand down from firearm duties, a retraining course and immediate return to the team thereafter.  You might even make Met Commissioner in a few years. Make sure you follow the official line in any enquiry, make no press statement as it is sub judice and keep a copy of the above statement somewhere nice and safe in a lawyer’s office strong room in case management need to refresh their memory as to why they are backing you in the Professional Standards enquiry.

    Good luck.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Guy, that is brilliant and realistic and terrifying course of defense.  Sounds very experiential as well (or maybe you’ve watched a great deal of Police procedurals….?).

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    I watched ‘The Sweeney’ a lot in the seventies if that counts?

    Otherwise  -‘No comment’. 

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