Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi Junker Insurgent Hovertank

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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Here is a sneak peak at the first of the Crimson Alliance Tanks.

    It is a repurposed hovertank from The Io Wars.
    Whilst hovertech is harder to maintain on outer colony worlds it does have some advantages, especially when operating in a damp river valley.

    The MK II K.at

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I love the SF3D styling! Any hope of a line like this?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Well there will be a few tanks like this and the RDF power may please you…

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Enough for Horizon Wars would suit me! Light, heavy, artillery, IFV. And power armor do you say? I’m… Intrigued…

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Power Armour
    Yeah, the guy that was going to do it had a tendon related accident and it is, through no fault of his own, now many weeks late, so I am trying someone else to do the power armour… of course there is only one real sort of feel it could have.

    I am just trying to work out a different turret version for this, with a big gun.
    Then I will release the two models and see how they do before committing to more.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I’m a patient man. It’s an interesting design direction and I’m eager to see it play out!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Feel free to dump ideas here, but try to consider they are the Junker tech, so nothing too hardcore.


    Avatar photoErik Walton

    Looks great Michael! For turret variants, how about something that’s articulated? Like it came off of a crane or a backhoe?

    Oh that's my theme music, it's on now!

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    That is really nice. I can see it also being used as a form of habitation with scratch built parts added.

    Avatar photoTrencher

    I love that turret. Especially the shape. Lots of pulpy / retro sci-fi potential there.

    Will it be available separately as well?

    Tank Polo? God, how our gardener hated that game!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Will it be available separately as well?

    hmmmm if you cross my palm with silver, why not?

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I’ll be honest, I like it without a conventional “big tank gun.” It’s unique. And a laser (tapping the micro-fusion battery in the tank) would be more optimal for a light hover vehicle – no recoil. And the idea of a tank like this being available as war surplus is really appealing from a sci fi perspective – like a futuristic T-55: past it and obsolete but still in use everywhere decades later.

    Incidentally, which side used it in the Io War? The Jovian Consortium or the Terran Colonial Authority? Both of which I just made up?

    Avatar photoSteelonsand

    Oooh Mama! – seconding the all round support for this latest outbreak of Awesomeness! – loving the styling – sort of French CharB1 bis meets an intergalactic travel iron – and I mean that in a good way……. 

    I also would like the idea of something a bit agricultural coming into the mix – combine harvester on acid, Massey Ferguson with massive gun……. Junkers are cider drinkers, right?

    #”I’ve got a brand new combine harvester, an’ I’ll give you the keys…..”#


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    sort of French CharB1 bis meets an intergalactic travel iron – and I mean that in a good way…….

    ha ha, no offence taken.
    I described it as a U-boat meets an iron.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Please do this in 3mm some day! 😀

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Oh, my goodness, yes.

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Outch, bummer about the PA, I’m looking forward to that.

    Tank is way cool though.

    For some reason I see it in a red, white and gold, Ming the Mercyless, paint scheme

    I kinda agree with the “no need for a big gun” I could totally see them as heavy lasers, maybe put a small half bead in the barrels to make a lens.

    Also I think a big gun might run the risk of making it look a bit too cartoony, don’t get me wrong, I like cartoony, here’s a tank I did in 15mm to prove it

    Its just that I’ve always imagined the Junkers and RDF with a bit more of a gritty maybe even hard sci fi look.

    but then again maybe I’m just not seeing it and your big gun design will be awesome

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Its just that I’ve always imagined the Junkers and RDF with a bit more of a gritty maybe even hard sci fi look.

    Yeah, this look is a definite step sideways I think.
    One of the things I am doing (but you can do whatever suits you best) is not having lasers and stuff.
    This will help keep it more hard sci-fi I feel.
    Plus the paintjob and tank crew will further ground it more in gritty grungy sci-fi, I think.

    The big gun is underway and I will get a missile pod version done.
    The ones that look like 4 tubes stuck together (you see them on attack choppers and stuff) but with a pod on each side.

    Oh and the Io Wars are old, so this is kind of like old style pretty much obsolete tech that the Junkers have acquired as scrap really, but re-purposed and used to fight the RDF.

    Oh and my models will have stowage and crud on them as is my way, I think will defo keep the feel as gritty tech, albeit with a new aesthetic.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    The big gun variant:

    Avatar photoStroezie

    See, told you I just wasn’t seeing it 

    The addition of the rear part to the turret give it a much more balanced look with the larger gun.

    Do like!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    It starts to look a tad conventional, but I still like it. A techno-Sherman, is what it calls to my mind. The one with the two-tube laser (I’m calling it a laser, forgive me) still is more my taste, though.

    And lasers can be hard SF. The United States Navy has them now. We’re mounting them in the front hull of our patrol frigates. And they look rather like this, a dome with a lasing tube projecting from it. Something in future, in the megawatt range, would be a useful if low-impact weapon.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    There will be a missile pod variant too, this will feel more like the original variant.
    But my designer is busy with other stuff now for a few days, so it will most likely be next week before we see any renders.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    As far as missiles go, I’ve always liked the SF3D “Dollhouse” tank. 

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    yes, I have only just discovered this genre and am wading through a gazzilion blogs and stuff.
    It is all soooo cool.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Well it has a definite KR16 feel, colonists versus colonial authorities, with both sides being sympathetic to some extent.

    I could see these tanks and others like them as belonging to mercenary units, hired by Kometenmelodie colonists to fight both the domineering OKI colonial authorities and the brutal and terroristic Crimson Alliance.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    That is a nice idea.
    Currently the ‘plan’ such as it is, is to have the Crimson Alliance form an armoured section.
    Something that is more a visible resistance to the RDFs enforcement of Mariposa law.
    The CA will try to use propaganda to promote the Tank Corps as the glamorous and ‘patriotic’ way to fight back at the oppressors.
    Of course the CA Tank Corps will be small and constantly on the move to stay out harms reach of the RDF.
    Hidden training camps and depots out in the Badlands.

    Either way, like you hint at, I would not like to be the regular colonist who just wanted to get away from Earth and it’s harsh laws.
    But what do you do, run away again or stay and fight, to try to make Kometenmelodie the free place people dreamed it would be?

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    I love it, the Ma.K vibe always makes me happy 🙂

    Avatar photoRules Junkie Jim

    If I was designing a 6mm sci fi tank, it wouldn’t look like that… thankfully, cos it’s brilliant! Reaaally nice style, looks like an old workhorse of a mass produced tank.

    How big is it going to be compared to the figures/Pathfinder/KVW? And will there be a wrecked model as with the pathfinder? And when will they be ready to buy???

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Cheers, if memory serves and everything has gone according to plan the main hull is a touch bigger than a pathfinder, taller with the turret.

    Not sure when ready.
    They need to be printed, then I will try the hull myself from resin (like with the skimmers) then send the turrets off to the casters to be moulded.
    Could easily be a month or so…

    Here is the last of the three variants:

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I dig it a lot!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I really hope you follow this up. This is a really cool direction and I would love to see more SF3D-esque designs for KR16 – I think it suits the idiom beautifully. I’ll help you design them if you’re ever stumped – consider this an open offer!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I really hope you follow this up.

    If they sell I will make more.


    Avatar photoMr. Average

    How many do I have to buy? 😉

    The beauty part here is how adaptable they will be for modding and scratch work, just like the old SF3D material. So looking forward to seeing those PA suits!

    Avatar photoFredd Bloggs

    I hate you all, I looked up SF3D and found a great conversion using a German Armoured car base….

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks



    Avatar photoFredd Bloggs

    No a 232 actually….

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Never heard of SF3D but a quick search has thrown up lots of lovely looking stuff. Plenty of ideas to use for KR-16 & Horizon Wars

    Avatar photokid bananas

    That is so awesome. It is literally a smaller version of Darkest Star Games 15mm SF3D/Ma.K inspired hover-tanks found here http://www.darkeststargames.com/colony-15-sci-fi.html

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