Home Forums Terrain and Scenery Painting Fleece

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  • #195058
    Avatar photoSane Max

    I have a piece of Fleece as a Matt for Neil Thomas Games, (they play on a small area). It’s good stuff – doesn’t crease like felt (well I am sure it would crease if I made an effort, but anyway).

    I would like to tart it up a bit, drybrush it, shade some bits – I don’t want to buy fancy fabric paints. Anyone had any experience drybrushing Fleece, and will it be washer-safe? when I get acrylics on my hoodie it’s usually for life, but thought I would see what the hive-mind thinks.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    I used spray cans for my mat (buried here in my main thread) and they have not flaked at all.

    I’ve seen a series of small cracks in the last week or so BUT this was due to me leaving the board in a folded state with bits on the top! It’s still fine to use after a brush but I will store it rolled up in future.

    IIRC at the time I did not try dry brushing – the brown fleece I used took a lot of paint to cover / hide the basic colour and I was not in a mind to go for super detailing given how abstract my whole game is ๐Ÿ™‚

    Never washed it or even thought about doing that as I’ve not used it around food and, so far, not splashed drink on it. I would be tempted to hand wash as I would hate for the paint to choose this time to ‘run’ and stain other things in the washer… No idea if it would shrink (doubt it) but I would expect the ‘hairs’ to flatten down a bit – maybe try a bit first and see if it paints up better before or after the wash?

    The main challenge I found was cutting the fleece straight – a rotary cutter and long ruler sorted that – ours was from a local craft store.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    Nice, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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