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    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Posted pictures on my facebook look for Team Rebel.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    I saw the piccies! Very nice indeed. One however was so blurred I was not sure what is was. A Bradley M2 or M3 perhaps?

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    No Brads in Team Rebel it was a Sheridan.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    More pics on my facebook page of the Zavesda (sp) plastic 1/100  15mm  M-1 ,Brads ,T-72M  BTR-80’s and 1/144 Apache and Hind Choppers. I also have one of the QRF T-64’s assembled.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Holy Mackrel Kyoteblue, you’re going gang-busters on this stuff! Hind and Apache helos, Abrams, Bradleys, BTR’s T-72’s and T-64’s! You are a cornucopia of armoured warfare. I feel so inadequate. But one of my two orders from QRF just came in yesterday and now, in addition to some French kit, I have four T-64B’s and an IMR engineering tank. These models look great.  I wish that I had time to assemble and paint them but that will have to wait. Too much work to do in the real world.

    anyway it’s off to your FB page to see your postings.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Pictures of the 3 primed T-64s and a T-72 posted on my face book…er and two lawn mowers…

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Law mowers? Pourquoi?

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Joyce has 1.67 acres around her house and I have 2.57 acres around my mobile home. Lots of grass to mow.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    So, Kyoteblue:

    Any progress on the Cold War kit? You have been strangely silent of late. Is everything OK? And need I remind you that we are all waiting for the Mistress Elvira school girl debacle to play out. I hope all is well.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Busy with weather /grand kids/ stuff.  Soon !!!! Muhahahahaha !!!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Good to hear your well and busy and as always I am looking forward to more Ifati madness.

    Post up those T-64’s when you finish them so I can plagiarize your paint job!

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Will do Rod !!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    New pictures of a repainted T-55, painted plastic T-72 and QRF T-64’s.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    The tanks are looking good! The T-55 is such a ‘beautiful’ tank and your wash on the model makes it pop. The T-72 still looks too featureless but what can you do when the kit is so featureless? Add baggage or weather it up some more I suppose. Well at least your paint job gave it more gravitas. The T-64’s look great and really predatory. They scare the crap outta me!

    Those are some nice Middle Eastern building and walls in the background. Who manufactures them? They are very attractive and you have painted the up nicely. Ifat must be a luxurious (albeit chaotic) place.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    The buildings are all from Battlefront/ FOW and come prepainted !!!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I was almost able to print Stopping The Red Tide pdfs for modern FOW. But my printer hates me. The bastard !!! I’ll try again tomorrow.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Don’t let the digital gremlins harsh your mellow dude. Stay chill.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    It’s just that I spent tons of money got fresh ink cartilages and more paper and the damn thing craps out on me half way…

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    It’s only money and time. Go hug your lady and count your blessings until your blood pressure drops back to normal. Then quietly and with tranquil grace take the printer out to the driveway and run over it a few times. It won’t work any worse but you’ll feel much better.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    It is probably stupid of me to ask this now but do you have experience playing skirmish and tactical level games in the Cold War period? I am beginning to realize that the extreme ranges of ATGM’s and tank main guns is going to make playing on a 7’X5′ table rather difficult unless I clog up the battle space with lots of terrain. However, if I want to play a scenario on the North German plane then I am screwed. At one inch = 10 meters that means a playing surface of only 800 meters X 600 meters which is very close range for the tanks and missiles. I really should have thought this through before I jumped head long into this period and spent a bundle of money! It is not such a concern for the ultra-modern period because that is infantry heavy and usually the side that has the ATGM’s and the tanks is fighting just lightly supported infantry.

    Do you have any ideas how I can sort this out?

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Rod I plan to junk up the terrain, and or use smoke to cover movement over those long open fields.  That and maybe add another range band to FOW.   Oh and my Nerd Girl came out fixed my printer..for now and I have all the Stopping The Red Tide pdf.s printed off.

    So I may get a fast game in this weekend and post pics on my Facebook page.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Good to hear that Nerd Girl has saved the day and that the printer is working. Now that the rules are in hand, let loose the chihuahuas of war! Hope the game goes well and I look forward to your piccies. I guess I’ll just have to figure out ranges for 15mm Cold War which work on my table.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    If my internet stays up and my camera likes Facebook, I will have new pics of Team Rebel. maybe even an AAR.

    Avatar photoirishserb

    Hi Rod,

    Regarding the range concern, could you just double the ground scale?  At 20m per inch, you would have decent range on the table if the scale compression doesn’t skew things for you too much.  A lot of the Cold War doesn’t have super-tanks, and most infantry portable ATGM were 2000m or less.  Even on an 800m table, you can have endless mech infantry action with some heavies thrown in as well.

    Or if you have the room and tooling add a couple feet of extension onto your game table?

    I us 15mm for more infantry or light vehicle oriented battles, and 1/285 for armor heavy scenarios.  It means one period at two scales, but 1/285 or 6mm isn’t as hard on the wallet.


    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    At 20 m per inch and with an M-113 or an FV-432 measuring 2.5 inches long and 1.5 inches wide, that means a vehicle occupies 1500 m<sup>2</sup>! That seems awfully large to me. Using WWII 15mm figures and models I play one inch = 5.0 m or rarely 1 inch = 10.0 m and that seems too large for me. Prior to recently getting into 15mm modern and ultra modern I used to play 1/285 scale and that was fine with a ground scale of 1 inch = 50.0 m.  The largest kind of game I would like to play is something like a platoon of mech infantry and support detachments defending against a Soviet mot. rifle company attack supported by a platoon of Soviet  tanks. More likely the forces would be smaller. However, just one long-range ATGM system stretches the depth of the battle space dramatically and in open country that means a huge playing area. I was thinking of lining the attacking forces up on their base line and giving the defender the opportunity to pick off some of the attackers before they get to the table and give the attacker the opportunity to do some suppressive fire but that sorts of defeats the purpose of a miniature games.

    I will try you suggestion and see how it works out. It’s too bad that I can’t come up with a logarithmic or hyperbolic ground scale!

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Ground scale compression does not bother me that much, and Northern Europe  seems very built up to me. Now if it was in a desert …shrug.

    But I’m not going to buy another scale/size bunch of minis and terrain and rules….

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    My Chrome book died on me and now I have a new HP note book….It should still work with my camera but I need a Nerd Girl to help me out.

    I see every one else has jumped on the Cold War goes hot band wagon !!! But in 20mm and 6mm damn you !!!!!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Fear not, Kyoteblue. I am assembling, priming and painting 15mm Cold War forces from the USSR, Britain, and Canada and though it’s going slow, one day down the road they will burst onto the scene! Then, cry ‘Havoc’ and let slip the dogs of war! You are not alone even in the wilds of Okie-homa! Now, go mow that lawn before the Landscaping Gestapo cart you away for compost!

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Found my Brads I have 8 of them and 4 M-1’s  I’ll need to assemble  the Brads and repaint them for Europe.  maybe use my Vietnam Americans and WW2 Russian infantry till I can buy and get the right ones painted and based…Hum….just as well that I don’t know how to use the Camera with the new Notebook.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oops I have 6 M-1’s….

    Avatar photoCAG 19

    Facebook search isn’t helping at all…..can you put a link to your FB page please….:)

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Sorry CAG 19 I’m Jonathan Keepers in Oklahoma USA on Facebook..and I’m on a brand new notebook and don’t know how to do links on it.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Got 3 of Irishserb’s Brads put together and I’ll get the two Zvezda  Brads assembled soon.  I need to get the other 6  T-64 from QRF done then as well. Just Jacks Team Whiskey has me wanting to get back to 1985 ish !!!!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Go Kyoteblue, Go!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Got a new ish copy of the book Team Yankee…..Still need paint and time that I’m not having to mow !!!!

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