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    Avatar photoSam Mustafa

    Being a “glass half-empty” kind of guy, I generally eschew any optimism about release dates. I’d prefer to under-promise and over-deliver, instead of vice-versa.

    But, dare I say it…   I think Old Blücher is running a bit ahead of schedule.   He should be in people’s hands long before the Waterloo anniversary.  I’m still saying “early 2015,” though.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Is the page counter stuck again?

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoMike

    Is the page counter stuck again?

    what does sir mean?

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Not Connard Sage wrote:</div>
    Is the page counter stuck again?

    what does sir mean?


    I was seeing Sam as the last poster on this thread, but when I clicked I just got the OP. Then I posted the above drivel, which rolled over to page 2 and there was Sam at the bottom of page 1.

    I’ve noticed this a couple of times, it ain’t no big thang.

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    Not Connard,

    The original post appears at the top of each new page (I guess so you can see what the topic was originally about if it has wandered around the houses a bit).


    Avatar photoSecret Squirrel

    … like 1 Jan 2015 early?

    I shall raise an on line pressure campaign to make sure Sam does not sleep until this is released. He should give up all pretence of having a life outside the production of Blucher – fair enough? We ain’t that demanding are we?

    Is there a dawghouse in this forum? Haven’t been there yet …

    It's me

    Avatar photoSparker

    To be fair to Sam, I think he is being let down by his playtesters, like, well, me! We are doing our best but there is just so much subtlety in the campaign system it needs a lot of testing to check out the myriads of possibilities. I think I’m allowed to say that the actual game system and combat mechanics are done and dusted… And I think you’ll like them. Now me, I’m not normally one for campaign type scenarios as I prefer to recreate a historical battle. But Sam has come up with a pearl of a quick campaign system that allows you to play out the opening moves of a campaign, to get to a viable battle with a great backstory in half an hour or so – I know you’ll like it! I guess I’m saying – be patient – it’ll be worth the wait!

    The only drawback that I can see is that unit cards that will offered with it are so attractive they will make you doubt going to the bother of painting up micro scale miniatures to play the game with!

    'Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall need to be well 'ard'
    Matthew 5:9

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