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  • in reply to: 6mm Spanish Hill Town #27838
    Avatar photo3rd95th

    AWESOME is an appropriate adjective. I wish I could get into the mindset of using 5mm buildings with my 15mm figures, but I must have some severe psychological block.


    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: To the Strongest, 15mm Athens Vs Sparta #27586
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    Norm – you would be able to get a game on that. At the club we use a mat 1200mm by 800mm divided into 100mm boxes. As in Dave’s pics the units are based for impetus (although we only base the mounted troops one rank deep) and we play at 130 to 150 points. The games last a couple of hours with time for smoking breaks for the non-health conscious and general interludes of loutish ribaldry for those so inclined.

    In the rules Simon gives varying table grid and unit sizes to suit all circumstances really, even giving an option which effectively uses DBX elements.

    I have found the rules to be the most fun I’ve had for a long time and believe me I’ve been through a lot of ancients rules to end up with these . They are simple and no matter what size the armies, they always seem to come down to a nail-biter finish with a margin of a couple of victory tokens (but that might be just because we are all equally incompetent!)

    The rules also include scenarios which are simple enough to jam on a club night too. We’ve had a few Hundred Years War games using the “time is of essence scenario” where one side gets additional tokens but loses one every turn after the first – still marginal victories every time.

    As for Daves report “A wuz robbed dude!” – no seriously: great game, great fun!




    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: Grand Battles Napoleon #16778
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    These look interesting Drew and I’ve had a look at your website. Could you provide a bit more info on how firing and melee is calculated?



    P.S. I’m going to appear a bit pedantic here, but you say the infantry REGIMENT is the base unit and this put me off at first. Looking at the site/forum am i right in saying this is actually BATTALION?



    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: Hapsburg Empire – why no Imperial Guard? #11058
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    LOL – now that would be  a great alternative history thread for a certain other forum to club themselves to death with!

    “What would Europe look like today if the Habsburg Empire had guard units?”





    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: War of 1812 – US Uniforms Query #7389
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    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: War of 1812 – US Uniforms Query #7343
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    You’re welcome Richard.



    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: War of 1812 – US Uniforms Query #6346
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    I have a will of Iron! Anyway I still need to paint up the entire British Crimean Army to match your large mount of Russians yet!

    Found this link today though – has some explanations of the confusing US uniform situation circa 1812-1813


    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: War of 1812 – US Uniforms Query #5950
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    Please stop this behavior immediately! You may be helping Richard, but I can fan feel my will weakening.

    It wouldn’t take long to paint a few battalions of Americans in 15mm would it?……. Blue Moon look good……. I’ve got the British/Canadians already with my Peninsula set up……

    I could put my other 97 projects on hold for a while…………I know I want to…….must resist……….


    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: War of 1812 – US Uniforms Query #5870
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    I’ve just spotted you commenting on a lack of replies in the naughty place!

    Definitely Belgic Shako. I’m not sure about the militia, but if they were in civvies I would imagine they’d look pretty much the same as their rebellious grandparents.

    If I find anything else I’ll come back. It’s a period I’ve been desperately trying to avoid doing myself. So far I’m succeeding-JUST!


    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: Bunker (Breeds) Hill 1775 #4107
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    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: Bunker (Breeds) Hill 1775 #4067
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    Yes it was a good game. I would like to know how the new Deluxe version of these work for 1812 and how they differ from the General de Brigade additional rules for the period.

    Because I need a new project…………………………………………………….



    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: Which rules? #3836
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    I must admit that “General de Brigade” are my favourite set, but most of my games are played in the evenings after work and in all honesty most of the time I don’t have enough brain cells left firing to deal with it.

    Black Powder is a set of rules that repays the effort that you put in before hand very much as Sparker says. They are fun, quick and can deal with really big games.

    I’ve recently turned to Lasalle because you can just dice for scenarios as per the book, and pick the core forces and support straight out of the book too. The  unit stats are easy to remember and you can link all the games you play together into a campaign as per the system provided.

    So in a nutshell I like all three of the above, but in terms of ease of post -workday-use (and this is purely personal) I’d go:

    1. Lasalle – because it’s easy to play a game “off the peg” and the rules themselves are relatively simple.

    2. Black Powder –  easy to play, but there’s a lot of pre-game work re stats.

    3. General de Brigade – I reckon they are the most “realistic” (please don’t ask me to define that) – but after work sometimes the turn sequence and adding up involved do my head in.

    Of course if you play at weekends or have a brain that isn’t addled with advanced age your priorities may well be totally different and all the above can be safely ignored!








    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: Welcome to the Renaissance Forum #2754
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    What an excellent decision

    μολὼν λαβέ

    in reply to: Welcome to the Renaissance Forum #2636
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    I would go for “Renaissance”.

    μολὼν λαβέ

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