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  • in reply to: Why do you buy from them? #48518
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    Quirky Time (or a reply from ochoin)…..

    Being exclusively 1/72-20mm means acquiring figures for nearly any period takes a certain amount of ingenuity.


    EG the Seven Years War for which there is not a lot. We just finished staging a mega game for a local show. This means lots of digging around, conversions,  creative thinking etc. to assemble the 1600 figures we used.


    So, the first Port of Call is the FLHS. Then various online retailers of extant or OOP plastic sets. I have friends who own various old metal moulds (Hinton Hunt, Douglas etc), sculpt &/or have vast collections.  There are a few 20 mm metal figure suppliers too. EG  Newline.


    All in all, the hunt is as much fun as the rest of the hobby.




    in reply to: The Greying of the Hobby #48509
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    Anyone who can put a smile like that on their kid’s face is a great father.


    Well done, sir.



    in reply to: I Can't Paint That! #48389
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    If I listened to the original premise, I’d buy nothing & paint nothing because my abilities are but average.

    Of course we all compare our efforts to the “master class” stuff you see on the internet but taking the next steps into a hobby paralysis is the way to end up with bird watching or horse brass collecting as your hobby & wargaming but a sad memory of your inadequacy.

    I can say this about myself: I paint faster & better than I did in the past. I get praise, much of it doubtless undeserved, by friends. And I very much enjoy painting figures despite the mediocrity of the final product.


    Me? I can paint anything. Let’s leave it at that.




    in reply to: Rules? #48213
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    A not entirely unexpected plethora.

    Which leads to the next question: what do you look for in a set of wargaming rules?

    Answers both obvious & more esoteric will be entertained!

    When I think about it, it’s this: I want a set of rules that lets me game against my opponent: not against the rules.

    So not overly complex, few loopholes but also the correct spirit. If the rules seem a genuine attempt to capture the history, it’s easier to accept the fiction that we’re recreating history.



    in reply to: Rather unusual Imagi-Nations #48116
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    I think by definition, all wargamers are imaginative creatures. Victoria Dickson may just have won the crown, though.



    in reply to: Black horses rare? #48027
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    Probably speaking from equine ignorance, I have the belief that in the past, any dark horse was labelled “black”.

    So dark chestnuts & bays were considered fine for those Napoleonic squadrons or regiments that required “strong” horses: darker colours supposedly being a sign of a more robust animal.

    I do know that Europeans in the past did not differentiate between colours like we do (all those paint swatches when re-decorating….). So anything from pink to orange was called “red”.




    in reply to: French Artillery – required reading;-) #47966
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    Napoleonic artillery is a particular interest of mine, so thanks for the link.


    Having written that, I must admit I can’t see how it would effect gaming. Indeed, for me this is true for most of the minutiae of the period.


    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #47965
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    Thanks, Rod et al.

    I’ve found that I can only give a commitment to about two forums: keeping up with the posts& occasionally interrupting the flow of wisdom with a dull comment or so.

    My “other” forum is WD3

    Possibly the best & most active small forum out there. I hope the editor doesn’t mind me giving it a plug….


    in reply to: Osprey Books #47958
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    Good for a new period, to get you started. Good for a “minor” period that you don’t intend to immerse yourself in.

    Several of the figure companies I use clearly go to Ospreys for inspiration.



    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #47904
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    Good morning.

    Thanks for allowing me on board.

    Unlike the rest of you, I’m a bit odd. Exclusively 1/72-20mm. Please don’t laugh & point.




    in reply to: GNW? #47772
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    Great discussion.


    I’ve literally cut & pasted it & sent it to my pals & we’re discussing issues arising.


    Thanks a lot.



    in reply to: GNW? #47671
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    Thank you for your reply. One of the issues arising is grenades: how to & even if to fit them into a rule set.

    Funny you should mention the Ga Pa rules. My pal has them, of course. I’ve read them & will say they may well be definitive but IMO a bit unplayable: the GNW equivalent of the Napoleonic set “Empire”. My tiny brain is undoubtedly the problem.

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