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  • in reply to: Knighted pyke and sworde ?? #141559
    Avatar photoSean Cravens

    Taking a closer look, I think those could work well. I could even repurpose the musician into Roland himself. Thanks!

    in reply to: Knighted pyke and sworde ?? #141483
    Avatar photoSean Cravens

    Probably, figured that would be what I’d do. The problem is finding a range of Dark Ages Franks who aren’t almost entirely cavalry. Beginning to fear that I’ll have to repurpose Normans.

    in reply to: Knighted pyke and sworde ?? #141480
    Avatar photoSean Cravens

    Found the rules through the fantasy preview…now kind of want to try using the system to try and play out “The Song of Roland”…anyone got any leads on 700’s Franks and Spanish Muslims in 15mm?

    in reply to: Renegade Scout Impact vs. Defense question #138293
    Avatar photoSean Cravens

    Ah, I did find it a bit odd that I was rolling to wound and then rolling to wound. I otherwise enjoyed the system, even if the decision to make all the walls “Hard Cover” did result in a lot of “1 or less to hit” maybe next time I won’t be so quick to go Zone Mortalis.

    Long term goal I have for sci-fi gaming is to create my own setting to game in, Laserstorm and Renegade Scout currently feature highly in my plans for games to use for that (alongside Starfire 1st edition for universe generation and fleet combat and I keep bouncing back and forth between Traveller4, Savage Worlds, and D6 Space for Roleplaying), keep up the good work!

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