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    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    From an architectural point of view: what’ s the point of the wood that is exposed?  Is it to show that the building is of timber structure with stone or mud brick and plaster infill?  If so then that’d be a “yes” on showing verticals, but they’d be best shown at the corners for sure and in the middle if the span of the beam is long.  If it has stone walls that are load bearing there’d be no point in showing a band of wood at an intermediate point vertically anywhere on the wall.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Arrrgh now I want to make a gate and a whole courtyard of stuff…


    Avatar photoAdam Yates

    Placed a recent order, will place another to be sure once the new barbarians are released! So we have a pretty good snake cult wizard, any chance we’ll ever see a skull headed sorceror?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Bugger, I replied to this…  😐
    Or rather thought I had.

    So the plan is:

    Erland and Eydis as seen above.
    3 Turanian style city guard (being worked on now)

    Then if I manage to sell my 6mm sci-fi collection I will use that to get 3 Black Kingdom style tribesmen done to go with the Shaman and Warrior.

    Then after that….?

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    You need an archer, Subotai!

    Avatar photoStroezie

    You need an archer, Subotai!


    Also, being a bit late to the party here but, those figures look awesome!

    I wantses them…     I needses them…    they’ll be my precious….



    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Thulsa Doom would be cool too of course.  Forgot about him.

    Crazy witch in the cabin?

    Avatar photoMike

    I wantses them…     I needses them…    they’ll be my precious….

    Me too. However they seem to have been lost by the Royal Mail…

    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    As someone who only games in the bigger scales I really have no right or call to add input into this. However, one of the biggest gaps I see in 15mm fantasy gaming is evil barbarian types: chaps with lots of horns, spikes…we all know the type – the kind of thing Red Box offers in the bigger scale. From my admittedly peripheral position, it seems this is a big gap; Arabian archers are easy. Not so sure Conan has the evil barbarian types easily at hand. This should be fixed.

    Or one could always go up to 28mm!

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    I can’t seem to post pictures.

    It seems like Crom’s Anvil is more Arabian in style.  Splintered light do some really nice Eastern men in 15mm


    I like these guys in 10mm


    Avatar photoMike

    I can’t seem to post pictures.

    How big are the images?

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    I guess they are too big?  I’m not getting an error message, it appears as a lonely little box.

    Other images work so that must have been it!

    Avatar photoOldBen1

      There is the first one, they have other packs as well (Splintered Light)

    I also like these guys in 10mm:

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    wooohoooo the missing greens have arrived, curse you RM!!!

    Quick pics as I pack them up for the casters:


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So, now that I don’t have to use my reserves to get these re-sculpted I will move on with more tribesmen of Utuseb.
    Spears or Spears and Shields?


    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    Separate shields? Otherwise just spears, it’s easier to add a shield than to remove one.

    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Agree, separate shields would be great!
    The completed greens look great, and very glad they arrived.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    I like those much better than the coppelstone sculpts!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I did think about separate shields, but then looking at the figures I have which come with separate shields…
    They look all weird if you don’t put the shields on, the arms just look awkward..

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    They look even weirder if you’ve had to carve the shield off to use them.

    Jus’ sayin’ 🙂

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Old Ben, who makes those 10mm chaps? Pendraken? They look good.

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    I’m not sure who makes them.  They were part of a Kickstarter that I believe failed.  I liked them because they reminded me of the Frazetta paintings.  If you type in “Evil Men 10mm” you can find the Kickstarter.

    Avatar photoMike

    I’m not sure who makes them. They were part of a Kickstarter that I believe failed. I liked them because they reminded me of the Frazetta paintings. If you type in “Evil Men 10mm” you can find the Kickstarter.

    Nice edit, I was about to unleash Erland on you!





    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Mike wrote:

    Nice edit, I was about to unleash Erland on you!

    I here he’s awful busy at the casters anyways!

    I didn’t read the post properly and started typing!

    Avatar photoFincas Khalmoril

    Those greens are simply excellent! I am anxious to see how they turn out as cast models, but already now they look like they are  a t   l e a s t  on the same level as Copplestone!

    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Too bad that kickstarter failed. They look really good, exactly what I’d be looking for if I were to do this in 15mm. Ah well…

    Erlend and Eydiss are looking superb, by the way!

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Those two look dangerous, in a good way! 🙂

    Avatar photocmnash

    I’m not sure who makes them. They were part of a Kickstarter that I believe failed. I liked them because they reminded me of the Frazetta paintings. If you type in “Evil Men 10mm” you can find the Kickstarter.

    I did that and found the Laran miniatures range:  http://laranminiatures.bigcartel.com/category/evil-men-miniatures-10mm

    Are they the same?


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Going to cast up the walls later, I am assuming people would rather them be as they are:

    as opposed to having little scenic bases on them?
    They are stable as they are and people can always stick them on lollipop sticks if they want to?

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    I’m not sure who makes them. They were part of a Kickstarter that I believe failed. I liked them because they reminded me of the Frazetta paintings. If you type in “Evil Men 10mm” you can find the Kickstarter.

    I did that and found the Laran miniatures range: http://laranminiatures.bigcartel.com/category/evil-men-miniatures-10mm Are they the same?


    Yes, they’re the figures from the Kickstarter, as a backer who received his figures I can confirm that it succeeded! Lovely figures they are too. Slightly smaller than my GW stuff but once you’re looking at them from a yard or more away on table who cares!

    If the Ringwra …. err … Hero on a Drake doesn’t have you itching to build Sauron’s army you have no soul 🙂

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Going to cast up the walls later, I am assuming people would rather them be as they are:

    Yes, no bases is better than with bases.  You can always add a base, but it can be dern frustrating to remove one.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Hmmm. Mike H, would those Laran figures be too small to work with 15s, do you think. They are exactly what I was looking for in this scale.

    I’ll add my vote, for what it’s worth, that the walls should be without bases.

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Those pics on the website don’t really do the miniatures justice.  I may have to order some.

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    Hmmm. Mike H, would those Laran figures be too small to work with 15s, do you think. They are exactly what I was looking for in this scale. I’ll add my vote, for what it’s worth, that the walls should be without bases.

    The Laran figures are what I’d describe as “true” 10mm scale rather than the 11-12mm that seems increasingly common. Given that most 15mm are nearer 18m these days I think the Laran figures would be dwarfed by 15s.

    Clearly the answer is to abandon 15mm altogether, come over to the side of the angels and do everything in 10mm scale 🙂

    Black Gate … Copplestone … Pendraken … Polar Fox … Warmonger … go on! you know you want to!! 😀 😀 😀


    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoMike

    Clearly the answer is to abandon 15mm altogether, come over to the side of the angels and do everything in 10mm scale

    Does that mean you will bugger off to your own 10mm topic then rather than polluting the 15mm goodness that is here?







    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Hmmm. Mike H, would those Laran figures be too small to work with 15s, do you think. They are exactly what I was looking for in this scale. I’ll add my vote, for what it’s worth, that the walls should be without bases.

    The Laran figures are what I’d describe as “true” 10mm scale rather than the 11-12mm that seems increasingly common. Given that most 15mm are nearer 18m these days I think the Laran figures would be dwarfed by 15s. Clearly the answer is to abandon 15mm altogether, come over to the side of the angels and do everything in 10mm scale 🙂 Black Gate … Copplestone … Pendraken … Polar Fox … Warmonger … go on! you know you want to!! 😀 😀 😀

    I have to admit those evil warriors make it tempting. But then I wouldn’t be able to use AB’s excellent buildings and other offerings. This is a quandary, no question. (Of course, I already have a collection in 28mm, which makes things even stickier. Will check out some of those 10mm companies, though!

    Oh, and shhhh! There seems to be some scale hostility brewing. Watch yourself!

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    Clearly the answer is to abandon 15mm altogether, come over to the side of the angels and do everything in 10mm scale

    Does that mean you will bugger off to your own 10mm topic then rather than polluting the 15mm goodness that is here? 😀

    What? And miss out on updates about those rather nice 15mm figures you’re touting? 🙂

    As I used to say to my children (to little avail to be honest),”Follow my instructions, not my example!”  😀

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoAdam Yates

    For you fellows that are looking Microworld Games has a very nice 15mm evil/chaos type army with more coming soon. Been on the “to order” list for quite awhile now.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    For non Crom’s Anvil Conan inspired figures and so on, it may be worth noting the non company specific topic here, The Riddle of Steal


    Avatar photoFincas Khalmoril

    For you fellows that are looking Microworld Games has a very nice 15mm evil/chaos type army with more coming soon. Been on the “to order” list for quite awhile now.


    microworld has indeed some nice chaotic looking guys. Their on my to buy-list.

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