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    Avatar photoOldBen1

    I live in Winnipeg Canada.  -26 here this morning.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    Canada is too cold for me or sculpting.

    Mercenaries and bandits. 2 sculpts taller than the others again but I’m willing to use them as big men.

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Wow, so much tiny goodness.  Will there be any fantasy creatures, or are you sticking with men?  I really like the guy second from the left.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    I’m duplicating my 3mm set so I’ll be doing goblins, beastmen, Chocobo, stoneback crabs and maybe a few more (pigs, cows). Not improving as much as I had hoped, there’s only two groups left, soldiers and characters before I get to creatures.

    I like the charging guy, second from the right, if only for the hair.

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    That’s my second favourite.  I’m waiting for some copplestone 10mm soldiers.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    How does Copplestone minis compare to GW Warmaster?

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    I don’t have any war master miniatures I’m afraid, just Pendraken which match up nicely.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    I’m not familiar with Pendraken minis aside form their Vietnam range. I like the aesthetic of the GW sculpts, too bad they’re OOP, especially the marauders, orcs and forest goblins.

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Pendraken is not bad.  They are not as nice as the Coppelstone sculpts but they fit in well, especially some of the monsters.  I really like their dungeon terrain.  It paints up quite nice.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    Soldiers, the two on the left are too small. Might also add beard to all of them to make them more intimidating.

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Cool, slightly conquistador in their look.  I like the overall theme.  The guy on the bottom left is my favourite.  Tons of variety of figures.

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Those look realy cool!!!

    I would love to see some in progress pictures of one of them, just to get an idea of how you go from scratch to finish.

    I’ve done some 6mm sculpting but mainly monsters and aliens and such, so far I have failed to gather up the courage to try my hand at human figures.

    That being said, this project is quite inspirational so who knows, maybe I’ll catch the bug…



    Avatar photoThomaston

    I’m going on a trip so the rest will probably get continued after I get back. There are brief work in progress photos near the bottom of page 1.

    Any advice for sculpting monsters? I’ll be doing beastmen, goblins and giant killer birds eventually.

    I shamelessly copied the soldiers from this.

    Avatar photoMike

    Cool, slightly conquistador in their look. I like the overall theme. The guy on the bottom left is my favourite. Tons of variety of figures.

    All of this ^^

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    I like them primarily because they are different.  Based on the fact that I can tell they are Spanish, and the fact that they are microscopic makes you a genius!

    Avatar photoThomaston

    I invested in a light box and did some test photos. I think the quality is already better.

    These are also to document the sculpts before I paint them.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Hard to make out the near ones, soldiers of some sort?
    Do like the dude with the sword and shield!


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Ya, that last one tis a bit blurry.  And i agree, the dude with the sword planted and the shield is pretty great!  I really appreciate that you, like Mike, have done civilians.  I know I’ve said it before, but they are important, especially to RPG stories.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Looking great. I too look forward to seeing them completed!

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    I’m so glad you are back.  This is one of my favourite threads!  Great additions.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    I was too lazy to retake the photo of the front roll. No amount of lighting helps with camera focus I guess. Also found out my camera can’t use timer function with macro setting so shaky hands is still a problem.

    I think groups of 4-5 in a neat line is the maximum my camera can focus on.

    Relearning how to paint minis is kind of fun.

    I forgot to paint the bases, do you think this unpainted state looks ok?


    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Those are unbelievable!  The bases work with your ground material quite well.  I love the Spanish vibe from the characters.

    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Breathtaking work. I think the little bald chap is my favourite!

    Avatar photoThomaston

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I’ve learned the hard way that a good sculpt makes for a good paintjob. So many things wrong with this batch.

    Avatar photoMike

    If you fancy having a go at 15mm, let me know…

    Avatar photoThomaston

    If you fancy having a go at 15mm, let me know…

    I’m curious, what do you have in mind? The largest I’ll probably ever get into is 10mm and that would be strictly for RPGing. I’ve bought Peter Pig modern and GZG scifi may years back but couldn’t get over the weapon range issue.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    These are just fantastic! The soldiers looked good in green, but painted up they look even better!

    Avatar photoMike

    I’m curious, what do you have in mind?

    Drop me an e-mail sir, if you would.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    I’m curious, what do you have in mind?

    Drop me an e-mail sir, if you would.

    Doesn’t not comprehend, no private message?

    Avatar photoMike

    PM’s are one of the features for Sponsoring and  Trader members.
    Even if they were accessible for non-paying members, I prefer e-mail for business.


    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Thomaston, absolutely none of my business, but you might think about giving 15mm sculpting a shot – you are very talented, and the larger size would give a better canvas for your efforts. And I don’t even game in 15mm (yet) so I don’t have a horse in this race! 

    Avatar photoThomaston

    Do I just plop my e-mail on here?

    @Gone Fishing – I don’t mind doing 15mm as a display model for a character but I feel like it’s a waste of effort if I’m not going to be using it for games.

    Back to the yet to be painted minis. Having painted the male villagers I’m stumped on color schemes for the women. I was having a lot of trouble thinking of good neutral (commoner) colors for the men. I also want to paint one or two of the women as higher born ladies with more elegant dresses but not sure how to go about it.

    Avatar photoMike

    Do I just plop my e-mail on here?

    No, no. Send me an e-mail.
    Or I can e-mail you, but thought I would leave the ball in your court and give you a get out.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    I just found out the e-mail address is at the bottom of the page.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    Almost done, only the ladies left to paint. Still trying to come up with nice dresses for them.

    Avatar photoOldBen1

    Great paint Work!  The splash of colour really highlights the minis.  I have noticed that brighter colours on smallish minis really makes the pop.

    still one of my favourite threads.

    its plus 26 here!

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    They are gorgeous.

    It looks all the more impressive when you see a lot of them like in this last shot! 🙂

    Avatar photoThomaston

    Thanks. I was struggling to come up with colorful schemes, the paint I own are for camouflage, I have 5 kinds of grey, green and brown and only 2 red 😀

    Avatar photoGone Fishing

    Simply beautiful work. The paint does make them pop. (Not surprising, really!)

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Very cool!

    Any plans on making little dioramas for your towns folk?

    I’d love to see a little forge and anvil for that bald headed blacksmith for example.



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