Last weekend’s demonstration of wargaming at the Airborne Museum in Arnhem was a definite success and showed the Lard Community at its best. Visitors to the museum were able to see the battle for the Oosterbeek perimeter and take part in games of Chain of Command run by a team of Lardies drawn from across Europe, allowing them to get up close and personal with how wargaming can tell the story of war and shine a light on some of the tactical and command challenges faced by the men who were there in 1944. This was the first time the museum had hosted an event like this, and for them to trust Toofatlardies to lead on it feels very special. We worked alongside the team from WSS Magazine to plan and deliver this and after all the hard work and painting of miniature window frames it was a superb thrill to take the Hartenstein to the Hartenstein and create an event that was educational, inspirational and respectful. A particular reward for the team was talking to local people who had come to the event and who recognized their own houses and who shared the story of what had happened there during the battle.
We also blew our annual entertainment budget in one weekend, but that’s another story.
We’d like to extend a massive thank you to everyone who helped us deliver this event, from 3D printed building through to acting as an ambassador on the day. Some of the games will be seen at upcoming shows.