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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Looking very good, any idea when these will be available?

    Probably next week, technically I could sell them sooner, but with the school holidays, getting it painted, photographed and on the website this week is unlikely…

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Lieutenant Francis of the Crimson Alliance fought and held bunker Zero Two against an unprecedented attack of the stricken.
    On the 14th day of the attack, their ammo and food had long been exhausted, he led his troops out into a ferocious melee.
    Francis was the sole survivor of that terrible onslaught.
    He attributes his survival to his understanding that he was already dead, and as such was able to operate without any fear.

    Despite that, Francis has never been the same since.

    Avatar photogreg954

    Cool, so how long were you painting all those Stricken for? I’ve had enough painting figures after the second!


    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Very nice Michael and great to see a mass of Stricken

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    The stricken took longer than I cared for but not as long as may be expected…

    Junker Jetbikes…

    I have a rough idea in my head for a Junker jetbike, it is kind of like an engine with a seat, exhaust pipes and a gun.
    I wasn’t sure how best to describe it, so I made a very crude mock up..

    What do you reckon?
    Obviously the final product will be tidier, it is just a rough idea.

    I will be looking at getting this done soon, along with some Junker hovertanks I am working on..

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    ok. so moving on…


    Big base (white) or small base (painted)?

    The big base will not be plain but will have a few bits and bobs on it, supplies and stuff, nothing major.
    Oh and some muddy ground texture.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Sorry that I missed this first time round, but those Junker jet bikes get a big thumbs up from me. Slowly catching up on stuff after a hectic few weeks at work.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    Things in the pipeline:

    The K.at Hovertanks.
    The above fortification.
    The below oddness.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Not sure about Dolly the hybrid cow, but the others are pretty cool, especially the robots

    Avatar photoSteelonsand

    I too missed the Junker Jetbikes – having caught up with this thread, have to say the concept looks great – particularly the ‘hot rod’ look of the exhaust pipes down the sides…….

    I would vote for the larger fortification base – more to play with – especially if it has some extra bits n bobs on it…..

    The Juracow thing is just wrong on so many levels……… (Shudder)………But the stables are looking great.

    Finally, the robots are stupendous! More of those please! ย – would love to see a set of those released.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    First resin test casts, looks good.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    They do look good. Nice and crisp

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    They look very VERY good! Nice, sharp details! Looks like it would take customization well, too.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Very crisp, they look ace! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks dudes.

    The turrets have been posted to the caster and once done I will get them on the site.
    No idea when that will be though.

    Can’t wait to add stowage and aerials, and crud!!

    So the RDF are grey as they want to be seen and it is a kind of dull UN type colour scheme idea.
    But the CA aren’t that daft, what colour for these?

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    I see them in either a deep reddish brown or german WW2 desert yellow.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I was thinking some sort of sand / khaki myself.
    Will try that I think.

    Though black with hot rod flames coming from the front licking up the side would amuse me.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    You could definitely have a character vehicle with flames leading a squad of regular tanks..

    Like a bitchin’ patton-analogue of Kometenmelodie ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Oh, and I am getting a tank commander with a beard and goggles and a tendency to bark sculpted!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So, the RDF have quite a decent selection of vehicles and infantry.
    The JI will have by the time the K.at Hovertanks come out.
    The BPI have nothing, but I have deliberately done that so you can use whatever figures you like for them. Brigade maybe?

    What next, more RDF and Junkers?
    Some small township factions?
    Maybe a Stonehaven Militia?
    Badland ‘warbands’ ?

    KR 16 is geared toward skirmish, so I am thinking more choice of small groups, rather than a small choice of big groups…

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    I like the idea of a new ‘faction’ to give more choice to the players. A ‘militia’ force defending their local township/settlement sounds good to me, but I would also like to have an Angel Barracks produced BPI force.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    A while back when the OKI PentHabs came out some of the fluff was around an optional extra the inhabitants could get, a ground defence system.
    I sort of imagined it like a perimeter of sentry guns, a bit like the below.
    So I will be making it.
    (the below is just a rough knock up)

    Plus the hex base will provide a nice secure anchor to attach the tower to, as on its own it is a bit precarious.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Seems like a good addition to the habs, nice visually and makes the piece easier to use to boot ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Took the plunge and ordered some of your stuff. How likely am I to be able to get the Serenity crew? Are they running out?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    Serenity Crew?
    Drop me an e-mail if you want to discuss stock and or outstanding orders and what not.


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    On a whim I added some dye to my last resin order, cos you know, livin’ the dream.

    Here is the rock set with added brown dye and my new defence with the same dye.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Email sent. I am slowly getting around all of the 6mm producers out there, but limited funds make it a slow process. Your miniatures are going to populate my world. Need more civilians and thugs/scoundrels/hired mobs.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    e-mail received and reply sent.
    I also sent you an e-mail before you posted on here, could be stuck in your junk?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    The little defence piece is done, well the test cast is done and painted.
    Will add to the site once the mould is fully cured.

    Doing some work on the OKI Penthab Defence Grid.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Avatar photoshawn reis

    Stop it! ย Stop it right now… ย I keep looking at your pictures and I can hear my bank account getting smaller.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Sneak peak at the sculpts of the RDF power armour.

    Big armour that has a double barrelled machine gun on the sleeve and a shoulder mounted missile pod.


    Fluff to follow…

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    WOW! Just WOW. I’ll need an army based around those guys for sure. So frickin’ cool.
    I love them, so Ma.K


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Glad you like them.

    For me, the Brigade Models PA has always been the best out there, just so dunno, something about them.

    Clearly I need my own range of PA but did not want to rush into it and then regret it later.
    So after much pondering around concept and design I settled on these.

    They are of course very SF3D inspired, though not on a conscious level.
    I was describing my idea to Ali of Sayiner Micro Toys and he said they sound MAK.
    Not knowing what that was I looked into it, which is when I saw my designs were very close, so I tweaked them to be a bit closer, then discovered the hover tanks…

    Anywho, glad you like them, they should be here in a few days then off to the casters, but could be a while before they are ready for sale..



    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I also like to think they have a little 6-Commando flair to them.ย Which is to say, I love them!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Trying to think of what to call the suits, so far the top runners are:










    Ideas good peoples?

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Z.K.R. Mk. III.

    Just choose an acronym that looks cool and rolls of the tongue, and don’t ever bother to explain what it stands for. That’s my theory.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Acronyms are a good idea, militaries love their TLAs ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    By the way, let me be clear that words cannot contain my enthusiasm for this new SF3D-like direction, especially the PA suits. They look superb and I can barely contain myself! They are, to put it simply, “pants-wettingly” awesome!

    And incidentally, cheers to the character of the pose there: PA suits all too often come off with the “come at me, bro” open stance that looks a little too contrived for me. These look like actual suits with a guy inside them. I love them!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    And incidentally, cheers to the character of the pose there: PA suits all too often come off with the โ€œcome at me, broโ€ open stance that looks a little too contrived for me. These look like actual suits with a guy inside them. I love them!

    Ta very much, I wanted an action pose and a standing around pose.
    The standing around is you know, just a guy standing around, the action pose is the arm up with the legs slightly braced for the recoil pose.


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