Home Forums General General Wargames Company Listing

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  • #14535
    Avatar photoMike

    We are putting together a list of wargames companies on TWW.
    You will be able to search across two fields; ‘scale’ and ‘period’.
    For the purpose of the listing, scale will be things like 6mm, 15mm, 25mm, rules etc.
    Period will be things like modern, ACW, fantasy, WWII, and non-scale specific things like paints, dice etc.

    I appreciate that 6mm is not a scale, but a size, however it is a safe bet to assume that everyone will understand what is meant by scale.

    The results display live as you type into the search box, so if you start typing ‘6mm’ you will see some results that would include Angel Barracks, Baccus, Irregular Miniatures, Plasmablast Games, Leven Miniatures, etc.
    If you then add ‘sci-fi’ to the query then you will lose Leven and Baccus from the list leaving only the 6mm sci-fi companies.

    Pretty simple and pretty basic, but if simple works…

    So, here is the thing.
    If you run/own a wargames company please e-mail me your details.

    I need business name, website URL and the scales and genres you do by line, so something like this:

    Bob’s Figures and Stuff


    6mm fantasy
    6mm WWII
    15mm sci-fi
    15 napoleonics
    25mm terrain
    54mm terrain

    Don’t be too specific with your periods, Romans may not be found if people search ancients, rioters won’t be found if people search modern, etc, please try and use a term that encompasses the period rather than the actual range.

    Please also share this post, the more people that know, the quicker the database will be built and the better a resource it will be.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Great idea !!!

    Avatar photoCerdic

    Excellent idea!

    Trying to define genres/periods is a nightmare though! When I was compiling my Directory of 28mm manufacturers this was the hardest part. I eventually settled on a few fairly broad periods, as can be seen here…..





    Avatar photoMike

    Fair play to you Cerdic, that is a good list!

    Avatar photoRick Inhoff

    Where would the war-games company list be placed?

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oh and clickable links for the not so wizardly computer users.

    Avatar photoMike

    Where would the war-games company list be placed?

    On its own page with a link in the side menu
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [quote quote=14809]Oh and clickable links for the not so wizardly computer users.[/quote] Of course.

    Avatar photoMike

    Here is a screen shot of it.
    I have typed ancients into the search box, it shows 5 of 12 matches.
    The rest can be seen by clicking the next arrow on the bottom.

    You could also add a ‘scale’ into the search box to return narrower results.

    Nothing fancy, but it works.

    Avatar photoMike

    If anyone wants to suggest companies for me to list that would be handy, just pop the URL in this topic…

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    I’ve just failed twice to post a set of links, I’ll see if I can PM them to you instead.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoMike

    was it a lot of URLs?

    If so that is what a lot of spam bots do and TWW blocks that..

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    I think there were 42 URLs, so that was obviously the problem. There was no error message, though.

    I’ve sent you a PM, which seems to have worked. Let me know if you haven’t received it and I’ll email them to you.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoMike

    Got both PMs ta.


    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    Good-oh. I collected them in 2013, and they were all live then, so hopefully they’re all still valid.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoMike

    Keep your eyes peeled folks…

    page is now in the menu, content not far off…

    Avatar photoMike

    It lives… still very new and has many more companies to be added, but it lives!

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