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  • in reply to: Total Newbie needs Easy army #195059
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    Trick with Austrians is to realise that white deep shades to a blue rather than grey, look at a snowscape.


    in reply to: Adler Miniatures retirement #194912
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    Hello Darby,

    No idea at this stage one hopes to find someone who can take the ranges on but its going to take someone with a bit of knowledge and a little money.


    in reply to: Red Alert ships #93835
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    Well tried that, didnt work will now give up. Sorry no paitence with web stuff drives me mad.


    in reply to: Hybrid Shermans #90029
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    Not sure if I should congratulate you on remembering the important thing…………..painting reference or wonder at forgetting your stomach and forgeting the lunch! Then again you buy a new lunch anywhere whereas reference books………………


    in reply to: Hybrid Shermans #90026
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    Ah see what you mean now Ive put the hatch the wrong way on the hinge pins, doh! Sometimes…………….I do wonder at myself ………..and not in a kindly way…………..some unpining required! That what you get from trying to be clever and having hatches that you can open and close.


    in reply to: Hybrid Shermans #90019
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    The hatches in the pics vary depending on which way round the coupla is so not to worry.
    The turret stowage box is from the PSC kit, the barrell camo decal is from PSC the rest of the decals from the Dan Taylor set.
    Not a lot more work than doing straight kits and a bit of ‘proper’ modelling is fun. There are details on the process somewhere on here as I remember.
    Always like the hybrids and needed 33 rd Brigade for a Market Garden game ( they supported the 101st Airborne).

    Yes its a full squadron and they 1/72 PSC kits as the basis. Hybrids have the cast hull of the earlier Sherman welded to the rear hull section of a later model Sherman. It was a way of speeding up production when supply got short. The join is where the diagonal weld seam on the side shows.


    in reply to: Kerr & King Tram Barricade #86728
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    Very nice makes a nice cetre piece for a game


    in reply to: My 10mm World War II Project #86079
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    A nice example of how 10mm allows one to go all ‘scenic’ at a reasonable cost in time/money and space.



    in reply to: Philippines 1941 with Combat Patrol(TM): WWII #85971
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    Looks like a fun game, a nicely done table always makes things look good and play better


    in reply to: Some Marders #85960
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    Think the one on the front is a recycle from a Hasegawa 234 kit ( the problem with spares boxes is one deosnt always remember where the bits come from……………….) otherwise it will be a Eureka one, via Tracks and Troops probably. They were done a few years back, Im re posting stuff that went down the tubes when the Guild went.


    in reply to: 28mm Early Desert Panzers #85704
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    Handsome Always fun doing DAK stuff a loss complicated than the three colour system and when well done as here looks fab.


    in reply to: A few Stugs 20mm #84920
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    Its based on a pic from some Normandy German propaganda pics, its meant to represent a Stug lying in ambush, judging from the pic it was intended to reverse out. Its not permanant its the same vehicle as the 123 just with the covering popped on.


    in reply to: A PSC Pz IV pimped up a little #84684
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    Hello Tim, Its an RB barrell I keep nagging PSC to do an H  with zim and take the opportunity to redo the gun. ‘little fellows’ Gremlins? lol


    in reply to: Tigers #84683
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    Yep Id reckon the |Revell Tiger a much better kit, just take your time with the tracks if you unused to the system.

    Tim, a dunk in warm/hot water and a few stretches over a period  of a couple of hours sorts tracks that are too short, refixing shortend tracks a real pain.

    I just dont bother with ‘rubber’ tracks these days, if I have to buy a kit with them I replace with OKB resin  ones.

    Ah etched sjide skirts are lovely 🙂 Im working up some mesh ones for a Pz IV J at the moment.


    in reply to: Tigers #84573
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    That sounds like a very good move Deephorse, all the fun non of the grief!

    Problem with me is that I’m way more of a modeller than a gamer so I just cant resist a challange…..yep thats right dim!
    Working up a Esci Brummbar at the mo,started as a nice easy quick job…………………… by the time I’ve finished with buying the after market bits/scratch building its gonna end up costing as much as a 1/35th scale one lol I never learn………………


    in reply to: Tigers #84546
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    Yes the Tiger turret isnt symetrical as often thought. Seems to be done slightly differently by different makers. As I remember the bolt counters reckon the Revell one is correct.


    in reply to: PSC Panthers #84282
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    Thank you John,

    You can use the same method to put zim on a whole vehicle too. Got pics of a Revell Tiger DIY zimmed somewhere.
    The PSC stuff is often not a ‘fine’ as a modellers kit but they are that much quicker/less tricky to build and a heck of a lot more robust.

    Just about to do a PzIV H/J and a Brummbar with zim for some Arnhem games.


    in reply to: Achtrads #84157
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    Why am I not suprised that a Texan owns a armoured car lol


    in reply to: Achtrads #83942
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    WRT the screens, especially on the Roden 234/1 which I have as part of my hoard, do the come with the kit or how did you do them?

    Those were DIY  etchings there are after market ones around ( well there were some when I looked a few years back).


    in reply to: Achtrads #83923
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    Ah just found some pics of the Dragon offering


    in reply to: A few pics #83921
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    Ive no idea Thuseld, I heard mention of ‘malware’ but Im not very tech savy so even if someone explained that to me it still would as likely as not make any sense to me lol A tin of Humbrol and milliput I understand…….anything that makes ‘meep meep’ noises or speaks in synthetic american female voices makes my eyes glaze over. I still have a flip phone……….


    in reply to: Some Late war Brit additions in 20mm #83884
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    For those that havent seen the current range…………


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    Ta for that. I read The Battle for Antwerp ( J.L Moulton)a little while back, not as beautifully produced but chock full of interesting info.
    The sequal to the above should make a really good addition.

    All I have to do is persuade myself to spend the money and then decide which books gotta go to make room for it, I have to run a one in one out policy these days book wise. 🙁


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    That looks brilliant.


    in reply to: A few pics #83846
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    Spotted a few already Etranger and very nice it is to see them 🙂


    in reply to: A few pics #83807
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    Oops! Yes sorry I use the shorthand PSC all the time and forget that not everyone will be familiar with it.


    lol well some of my stuff stays in dark corners out of public sight!


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