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  • in reply to: Wars of The Roses questions #122166
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    If i am not mistaken Mr Peter Pig is planning on adding all the missing weird/hairy/celtic troop types to his otherwise fairly complete WOR list in the near future. Hopefully he will include the incomparable Northern infantry and light horse and some mounted bowmen to that release.

    in reply to: Phoenix 2019 wargame show, Cumbria (UK) #117406
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    It’s all down to Chris really he does all the real work. I just show up on the day and take the money and dish out the tickets, bad jokes and random directions.


    in reply to: Phoenix 2019 wargame show, Cumbria (UK) #117384
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    Good write up for our fourth show- we’ll take on board feedback for Phoenix Five in 2020. See you all there.

    Please spread the word, this is a show in a fantastic venue and a brilliant area to visit. No excuse not to bring the family and the venue we believe to be about the classiest and best facilities of any show venue in the country. (As well as being unique as it is underground)


    in reply to: Pheonix (Cumbria) show report #65635
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    Cheers for the report- and glad you enjoyed the day. The funky udderground Rheged centre is a great venue- especially for the non-wargamers who can amuse themselves whilst visiting the show. We intend to be back again for v.3 of the show next year.

    Any ideas/comments or inspiration then please let us know via here or our facebook page or WC Gamers site.

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    in reply to: PHOENIX – the new Wargame Show in Cumbria #43084
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    Good -oh, something to look forward to dropping through my door.


    in reply to: West Cumbria #33622
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    The jam eating debate rumbles on I’m afraid. I plead neutrality as I live in Whitehaven, was born in Workington but brought up in Keswick.

    I am rather fond of a good jam scone though.

    in reply to: Building an Achaemenid Army #33592
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    Phoenician marines look quite Greeky with almost Hoplon shields and classical helmets. However quilted armour and bare legs make them look quite different.

    Mr Sheep, nice figures!

    in reply to: Building an Achaemenid Army #33586
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    My own army is the army of that tactical genius that was Darius for facing off the invading barbarians of Macedon. Funnily enough it is over 25 years old and has actually only fought one battle- where they roundly thrashed a host of Spartans. Strangely enough I have actually added a couple of units to the army this week :- Some Phoenician marines and a large number of Scythian noble cavalry. I must have felt all colourful last week…first new figures for at least a decade.

    To be fair the later army is in effect a variant of a Greek army seeing as the key units are Greek mercenary hoplites but unusually backed up by masses of cavalry. I think its a great combination. Probably won’t beat the trouser-less northern barbarians though.

    in reply to: West Cumbria #33584
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    No problem, we are always pleased to meet people. FYI The Workington venue is usually the location for Historical games although we can shift venue if required.

    in reply to: Building an Achaemenid Army #33571
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    What’s not to like about that it after that description? Mass spectacle, lots of colour, varied troop types- a great Empire behind it’s history with ots of varied enemies and allies and best of all underdog status on the table- oh and..massed scythed chariots.

    Go on, you know you want one really.

    in reply to: 6mm Medieval Fast Play Game #5815
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    Some interesting ideas there- look forward to seeing them.

    in reply to: Black Powder good for 15mm? #5665
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    Yep plays fine. We just use 2/3 or 1/2 measurements depending on the period. In my opinion it plays better that way as you effectively increase table depth.

    in reply to: 1859, 1864, 1866 and 1870 #5644
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    Well I only (so far….) Play the Austro-Prussian war. I use 10mm figures and tend to use Black Powder. So far it has provided decent games with enough period feel. Also used Principles of Wasr, and indeed my forces are organised and based for this. They too gives good game but it a little slower and more clunky than with BP. Would love to try Bruce’s 1866 but they are a tad on the expensive side to try out.

    in reply to: 15mm Bolt Action #5636
    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    How did the game go? I am tempted to try this in !y li!ited space too and it would give me the chance to raise small cheapish forces too.


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