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  • in reply to: Elite: Dangerous #7477
    Avatar photoSim

    I played this at Fantasticon wearing the Oculus Rift DK2 and the experience was incredible. A VR set, headphones and joystick gave me total game immersion and I could of spent all day exploring space and my 3D cockpit. The fiction is pretty good too.

    - Simon |

    in reply to: Boardgames I like … #7421
    Avatar photoSim

    I’ve really enjoyed playing some games without any warfare element recently. Zooloretto is a great non destructive game of building rival zoos. Another one I’ve found pleasantly interesting is Giants which was in The Works a few months ago for a tenner. The entire game revolves around claiming and movingĀ Moai heads to coastal positions on Easter Island with the aid of worker placement.

    Both games eschew dice for a random shared pool mechanic and offer plenty of strategic play. Zooloretto is the more family friendly one both in theme and rules.

    - Simon |

    in reply to: What rules/system are you using? #7420
    Avatar photoSim

    I still collect Oldhammer/4e figures, but only really get them off the shelf for our Armies of Arcana campaign. We’ve had 3 detailed campaigns over the past 18 months, and I’m sure we’ll be be starting a 4th before the year ends.

    - Simon |

    in reply to: 3D Heroquest Project #7419
    Avatar photoSim

    This looks fantastic, loving the sarissa/ainsty combo.

    - Simon |

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