From the post-apocalyptic wastelands, these 10 ganger miniatures will terrorize any survivors and add some personality to your games!
From the post-apocalyptic wastelands, these 10 ganger miniatures will terrorize any survivors and add some personality to your games!
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Second Webstore is Live!
In order to accommodate and increasing number of downloadable PDF titles we are publishing as well as in print form, we have opened a secondary web store for handling these downloads going forward.
The download webstore can be found HERE
The first two titles have been added to the download store - Fireball Forward, Second Edition and the Fireball Forward Sonneblume Scenario Book.
You will notice that the games part of BrigadeGames is spelled Gms. This will also help with some workplaces that may block our webstore due to the word games.
The site is secure and you will notice the entire site, not just checkout has a secure https URL.
We intend on eventually getting the entire product category up on the new store site, but that will take a while.
Wargames Illustrated
Trotsky Limited Edition figure - limited supply
Iron Cross uses a dynamic activation system which means players are always involved and constantly faced with tactical decisions. Playable in any scale, forces represent formations from company to battalion size.This book contains the rules for Iron Cross, scenarios and orders of battle for German, US, British and Soviet forces from 1944-45 in the European theatre of operations.
On Saturday, Nov. 7th, Sinister Laboratories, a joint venture between Brigade Games and Rattrap Productions, completed the purchase of Iron Ivan Games. Sinister Laboratories will take over the full rights to the Iron Ivan name as well as all titles produced by Iron Ivan Games.
We are very excited to be adding over 20 quality Iron Ivan rule sets like Disposable Heroes, This Very Ground, and Where Heroes Dare to the books we already carry via the Sinister Laboratories imprint; Contemptible Little Armies, Heart of Africa, and Saurian Safari among others. We would like to thank Chal, Keith, and Jayson for all the time and professionalism that they have put into their rules. We are lucky to have the opportunity to continue the path that they started.
With that being said, we are also looking to expand these titles with more supplements and scenario books. Anyone interested in writing or editing should contact Lon at [email protected].
There will be a short transition period while we sort through digital files and pick up the back stock of printed books. Once that is done, we will have books, PDFs, and combos (book and PDF bundle) available through both the Brigade Games and Rattrap Productions web stores.
We are also working on a Gamemaster Organized Play (OP) program to help increase the reach of our full line of games. Players interested in being a part of the program should contact Rich at [email protected] for details.