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  • #191453
    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    No games in at least a year-ish I would say?

    That’s a bummer.  Gotta figure out a way to motivate your lady and get her back to Generalship.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    It is not so much her, though life is hectic and tiredness abound.

    It is more that I miss playing people when they have painted their models, they have chosen the army and they have decided what to bring to the game, the the fun of finding out what new units they will field next time..

    It is not quite the same when you have done it all…

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I can understand that.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    and the other guy despite showing interest has ignored my invitations to come round and play some games to see if he likes it..

    He confirmed today that he won’t be buying any 10mm.

    So just me and the other dude (at the moment).

    Avatar photoian pillay

    As a short term fix. Maybe try some random force selection to keep things interesting…?

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I say force some poor fool to play you at gun poin….er, I mean, perhaps playing against your compadre at a game store where others can feast their eyes on your superb army might generate some interest from other parties?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Played a little skirmish game yesterday with the remaining dude.

    The start of our campaign.

    Alas one side was not quite painted to completion but when they are done I will be setting up the table again and taking some photos to add to my website to begin the story…
    I did however notice that my QRS was my original so I have updated that to reflect my newer Stirland theme:

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I recently purchased a Helblaster Volley Gun and am in the process of painting it.
    OFC, you have to drill the barrels out!!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That sounds like a delicate operation at 10mm, god speed and powerful glasses.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Cheers, it was already done!



    Added some more text and images to the Regiments of Renown page on my 10mm WFB page:


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Did that:

    Also did this just now:

    Certainly not going to win any awards, but at 4 minutes per figure I don’t mind so much…

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Done and done, good show.  You know, you don’t see many skeles with crossbows, nifty.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    In WFB undead so are terrible at missile fire I figured that on the rare occurrence they do hit, give them the hardest hitting weapons to make the fact they did manage to hit, less likely to result in no casualties.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Undead reinforcements.

    2 more skull chuckers, 5 wights and another vampire…


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    20 minutes of painting and just a few details on the skull chuckers to do but the wights are done. Just tabletop standard for these, my wife wants to start playing with them asap!!
    Undead are very forgiving when it comes to quick paintjobs.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Please tell me those wights are not glow in the dark!

    Avatar photoMike

    Nah, just regular old paint.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Cheap and Cheerful new bit of terrain as shown in WIP Wednesday earlier, now complete.

    Not amazing but does the trick and has removable graves so models in movement trays can be placed inside nice and neatly.

    Avatar photomark leslie

    One wonders if, in a fantasy setting like the Old World, would not more elaborate measures be taken to keep the contents in than just an iron fence (unless magic is involved obviously)?

    Fossilizing nicely.

    Avatar photoMike

    In Stirland they bury them face down so as to confuse them should they be woken.

    Priests of Morr will perform ceremonies to ensure the souls of the departed are safe.

    And of course necromancy is illegal.

    But as for physically preventing the physical remains from being reanimated, that sounds like expensive work and being buried is expensive as it is…

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Another cheap and Cheerful new bit of terrain as shown in WIP Wednesday, now complete.
    Small orchard to provide some cover.


    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    One wonders if, in a fantasy setting like the Old World, would not more elaborate measures be taken to keep the contents in than just an iron fence (unless magic is involved obviously)?

    As long as people remember to shut the gates, a nice iron fence is supposed to be a strong barrier to contain the souls of the dead.

    Iron is well known in folk lore/superstition/magic to be a protection against all manner of spirits, bogarts, witches, ghosts, undead etc etc.

    [Your universe may vary]


    PS Nice terrain piece by the way Michael! Where did you get it from?


    Avatar photoMike

    PS Nice terrain piece by the way Michael! Where did you get it from?


    Thanks. Model train fencing, the brick wall I built from many many tiny bricks and glued the fence on. Gravestones again are model train ones.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Ages ago I started painting a windmill that was a 3d print and decided to put it on a small outcrop.

    Alas this outcrop stalled the project as well as the 3d printed sails keeping warping. So in order to keep the terrain flowing, I have dumped the outcrop and made some sails myself.

    Here is where I am at so far, as you can see the windmill will just be placed on a plain old flat base now.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Great job on those sails Mike:)!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Played some WFB 3.5 (We play 3rd Edition but use some units from 4th) with my wife.

    Trying out her new undead army. Mistakes were made but lessons learnt about what the troops do and their strengths and weaknesses etc.

    Mistakes were not utilising the wights and their first contact was with one of only 2 models capable of harming them, as such they got wiped out and proved of no value.
    They should have been deployed against my rank and file who would either have fled in terror or simply failed to harm them and be destroyed.

    Spells were not properly utilised and a number of instances of instability that resulted in her units phasing out of this plane could have been halted or delayed.

    Her general, a vampire was not utilised until much later, though once she started fighting she slaughtered a unit of Talabheim pike who eventually routed and then she cast some terrible spells on my own general and engaged him in hand to hand and after many many rounds of combat he was eventually slain. He has the most holiest of armour but the superior stats of the vampire meant it was just time before he fell.
    He failed to cause a single would due to her extreme toughness and on the one instance he did, her Unholy armour saved her.

    As per normal without even being that risky with my cannons and artillery they all overheated and blew up apart from one.
    The Helblaster Volley gun was coming under fire so I had to fire at a target where it would be ineffective, but it was that or possibly lose it. I fired and it did bugger all damage… It did however survive the battle in the end.

    I was surprised that I passed as many leadership tests for being charged by units that cause fear, but I did fail a good number when I wanted to charge, so swings and round abouts.

    All in all it was pretty close, but I think that next time when Samantha has sorted out in her mind what spells to use when, and which units are best at what she will win even more convincingly.
    Though next time I may bring out the cavalry and the war machines… 😀


    Here are some random shots, sorry about the quality, my phone is old and the lighting poor. I need to address that.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Following on from the game I shared a short while back, it was clear that when moving into the orchard that simply replacing it with a plain template whilst practical was not pretty.

    So I took an aerial photo of the orchard, printed it and laminated it.
    Now we can do this.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    New Years Eve Rock n Roll.
    Making trays for the archers.

    I was hoping that having just the one unit of archers without a base would not be too much of a PITA to move. I was wrong, even just moving 10 single models in a unit is annoying when one falls over.

    So bases for them all now…

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I’m glad you got a game in!  Aside from the win, how did Samantha like playing the undead army?

    The laminated orchard is brilliant, looks good too.  Reminds me of how some video games lighten occupied terrain.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMike

    I think she struggled with all the new rules and different troop types.
    It is a very different playing style to the Dark Elves.

    Though she is keen to play again and I am painting up more troops for her.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    It does take a while to get used to a new army, and longer to be able to maximize their performance.  It’s great that she is keen to play again!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So with my windmill that I built some sails for, I realised I was delaying as I did not like the idea.
    The sails where too big and storage and playing would be an issue.

    It also meant making sails and stuff.

    Plus and this I think was the big reason, the building is a bit tumble down and disused, it seemed wrong making new sails on a windmill that looked abandoned.

    So I have gone with the ruined idea and added some brush and growth, added vegetation to the bare vines and am making the remains of the sails…

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I am playing a game with Samantha at the weekend and after our test game the other week it is clear I need another wizard.

    So I quickly painted Andreas Felsen, bit of a hedge wizard from the more insular reaches of Stirland, he will have to do as apparently the Grand Theogonist was busy….

    Here is the simple unit card for him with randomly generated spells as is the WFB 3rd edition way, all laminated and shiny.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Like the ruin – solves the storage issue cleverly while still allowing the piece to be an objective.


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Samantha and I played a game of WFB 3rd (ish) edition.

    3500 points of undead and 3500 points of Empire.

    We use 3rd edition rules but have ported back a few of the more interesting models from 4th.

    It was a fun game and much closer than the last one.

    We randomly generated the terrain but there seemed to be a lot of hedges being rolled which resulted in an odd looking battlefield.
    Still this adds to the oldhammeryness of it all.

    Samantha had 4 catapults this time compared to just 2 the previous game and they proved very effective against my 2 big units on my centre/right flank.
    It was quite common for her to hit 9 models at a time and end up killing 7, this happened a few turns.
    Luckily my leadership was sufficient the hit units did not flee the field.

    My elementalist used winds of magic to silence 2 of the catapults for a number of turns which allowed my Knights of Morr to gallop across the field and destroy them, cutting down some zombies on the way.

    This time my Helblaster volley gun was awesome, it completely obliterated an entire unit of skeletons.
    Though at 9 turns to reload it never had chance to fire again…

    For a change only 1 of my cannons overheated and exploded, normally they all do.
    So that was a nice change.
    Though despite doing a lot of damage to the skeletons, the cannons were not as effective as they would be against the living as the undead don’t rout when blasted to smithereens.

    Again, my general sought out the wights as only he and the 2 wizards could do them any harm.

    Lots of shooting and fighting, lots of being charged by undead and if I recall correctly I only ran away once from being charged.
    Though a unit of helblitzen I advanced right up to some undead spent turn after turn failing the leadership test and refusing to charge the undead, that was quite frustrating.

    This was my first ever game using the steam tank and it won me the game, with its toughness of 10 Samantha only had 2 models that stood any chance of damaging it and whenever they tried they failed, the battle raged on and we decided to call it a day when it was clear that all would be left would be the tank and my general and the Lichemaster and her Vampire general.

    I will try the War Wagon next game and as that has a lower toughness it should not be such a gamer winner.
    I will likely use the Steam Tank again, but reduce its Toughness a bit.

    And now some piccies.





    Avatar photoLogain

    Impressive to see it all come together in a series of games!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Sounds like it was a pretty good game.  I appreciate that you are willing to change some stats and even exclude some models in order to have a more fun game instead of a guaranteed route.

    Those Stirland undead mixed into the enemy are pretty cool, makes sense that the undead would replenish their ranks with the fallen of their enemies.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Impressive to see it all come together in a series of games!

    Thank you.

    I appreciate that you are willing to change some stats and even exclude some models in order to have a more fun game instead of a guaranteed route.

    What would be the point otherwise?
    I would just win by default..
    No fun in that.

    Those Stirland undead mixed into the enemy are pretty cool, makes sense that the undead would replenish their ranks with the fallen of their enemies

    Damn them!
    Damn their treacherous evil ways!!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Latest recruit for Samantha’s Undead forces.

    Just need to figure out a name for it.

    Avatar photoian pillay

    Uncle Henry? Nicely painted

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

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