Home Forums Modern 15mm Troops and Aircraft for Vietnam

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    Avatar photoJust Jack


    As previously mentioned, I’ve been painting my butt off the past 18 months, knocking out a ton of projects. Fresh on the heels of completing my 24-fight campaign in Vietnam (you can find the start here: https://blackhawkhet.blogspot.com/2021/01/two-brothers-fight-1.html), I immediately set about getting things ready for the second tour of duty, so this post catalogs all the stuff I’ve built, painted, based, and bought. Yeah, there’s some stuff in here that I actually didn’t paint myself, I bought painted.

    I got some Hatchet Force indigenous personnel from my buddy Jimmi at Flashpoint Minis…

    I got some cool dudes (US Advisors pictured here) from Martin at Peter Pig…

    I finally got me a CH-34…

    I got some CH-46s to make my buddy Thomaston happy…

    I even got my jarheads some CAS.

    To see a bunch more pics of these minis, plus a bunch more stuff not pictured here, please check the blog at:

    And that’s that, everything is ready for my “Two Brothers” second tour. I’ve got several more WWII projects completed that I’ll be posting soon.


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    “dirty Army decals”
    The Army wear funny hats too.

    No tiger stripes for your advisors? Alice packs blending with the camo was the whole point wasn’t it? maybe if you painted them green and dry brushed that tan color over it, might differentiate it enough.

    You better use those helicopters in game.
    Is the Skyhawk metal or plastic?

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    “You better use those helicopters in game.”

    Well look who’s so demanding all of a sudden! 😉 I’ll figure something out, but it just won’t be as cool as 3mm or 6mm.

    The Scooter is resin from Battlefront.  And everything about the Army is dirty and funny 😉 I already have guys in tiger stripe, so I put these guys in the old duck-hunter. To me it makes them more suitable to some covert operations in Laos, or something similar.

    And you’re right about the point of camo, but 1) I like for my paint jobs to ‘pop,’ not just blend into one indistinguishable blob, and 2) most ALICE packs I saw weren’t camo, they were green, kid of a bright green, but some of them faded into this really horrible, orange-ish olive drab color, which really stood out against our woodland camo.



    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I remember seeing my uncle’s ALICE pack many years ago, not sure where it is now, but I used his army issue blanket for a few camping trip a few years back. It was still in pretty good condition, still green, probably wasn’t the one he went into the field with. Come to think of it, it must have dated back to Vietname war. I’ll have to go find it next time I’m at granpappy’s place. They still have his M1 helmet in the display cabinet.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    You’re not talking about one of the dark green, wool “horse” blankets, are you?  Got “U.S.” stamped on them?

    ALICE packs and M1 helmets?  And here I thought you were British 😉  I have my old ‘mountain ruck’ upstairs in a closet (the large ALICE pack with frame), it’s green.  The only camo ones I recall were the medium-sized packs we used in Boot Camp.


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    You’re not talking about one of the dark green, wool “horse” blankets, are you?  Got “U.S.” stamped on them?

      My dad had one of these for years and years (was issued to him in the late 50’s!) which he kept mostly folded up in the trunk of his SUV in case of an accident or something.  We used it when camping, at the beach or for picnics.  Scratchy as all get out but water repellent and warm if needed.  Came in handy more than a few times, and the thing was indestructible.  When I gave his car to a friend the blanket and emergency kit went with it.  Gotta keep with tradition…

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Woo Hoo !!!

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    We’ll no shit, Kyote, glad you’re still alive.

    Yeah, I grew up with those damned horse blankets in various places, but don’t recall seeing any after boot camp, and I can’t say I miss them, we have far better, more comfortable blankets available nowadays 😉



    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Buying a new/used mobile home and getting it moved and set up on my land has taken all my time the past two months, I’m in the home stretch now and can move in in 2 weeks.  But yeah I’m still kicking.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Jack, we may need to take a road trip up to visit old Kyote and chuck some dice when he is all settled in.  What’d ya say?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Glad to hear it, Jon, and not a bad idea, Darby.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I may still need to offload some troops to you and your Boys, Jack. Hell yes, I would love to get a game in with yall !!!!

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Gotcha, I remember you bringing that up, but then you disappeared for a few months.

    You need to go read all my “Two Brothers” reports for my Vietnam campaign; but buckle up, there are 24 of them! 😉


    Avatar photochairborne

    Great stuff Jack – can I ask where you got the 15mm/1:100 CH-46s?

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