Home Forums WWII 6mm Kiwis on road to Orsogna Dec 43

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  • #194935
    Avatar photoMark Luther

    Another I Ain’t Been Shot Mum 6mm game from last year. This scenario takes place as the 2nd New Zealand Div pushed west towards Orsogna, a battlegroup of the 18th Arm Rgt, 22nd Mot Bttn and some armored cars of the Divisional Cavalry made a feint along the Melone – Guardigrele road. The Germans are hard pressed and hoping to at least stall the Allied push with this small force of grenadiers and panzers. I played the defenders since they were mostly immobile and I was hoping that the terrain would keep the Kiwis at bay. Germans had only a reinforced platoon and a pair of PzIVs, and some artillery that never landed and the Allies had a company of infantry and 11 M4s. The mud was neutral.
    Link to full AAR:



    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Mark Luther:

    Outstanding terrain and minis. I very much enjoyed the photo array and many of the others you have posted on Flicker. So, how did the battle play out? I could not find any description of the struggle. Thanks for posting the piccies. They were game-inspiring eye-candy! I do 15mm and 6mm WWII gaming but your terrain is much better than what I use. I just finished a Canadian and Irish vs. German battle in Italy (the Battle of Cathedral Hill in November of last year. But time constraints and real-world obligations have blocked me from doing a big proper game since.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson

    Avatar photoMark Luther

    Hello Rod,

    To get the AAR just click on the pictures   There is a description on those.  It went a bit worse than expected for the Germans in this game, but we both had fun.



    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    So pretty!

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That is a really good looking game.  Man, those german FOs really messed up, they could have caused some chaos if the shells had arrived.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Your games are the one thing that make me want to remove all of my vehicles from their bases.

    Stunning table as per usual.

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