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  • Avatar photoBuff Orpington

    Henry’s rules for large, multi player games.

    Long Rifle for F&IW skirmish and I intend to use Muskets & Tomahawks for medium sized 28 mm games.

    in reply to: Guilty Pleasures #5480
    Avatar photoBuff Orpington

    I haven’t played Battletech or WMA in ages but I’d be happy to play either. I better clear up the table and get my son round for a game.

    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #5284
    Avatar photoBuff Orpington

    I just want this site to grow and not worry about other sites.


    Avatar photoBuff Orpington

    Then there was Vauban and his military engineering. 

    Objects of beauty in their own right.


    in reply to: 18th Century Big game in UK #4706
    Avatar photoBuff Orpington

    I don’t know of any dedicated historical events. Certain groups of gamers bring some pretty big games to several shows. James Roach had a great looking Zorndorf game this year.

    The Loose Association of Wargamers have a game in North Yorkshire in the first weekend in May. We tend to do an 18th Century Imaginations game every other year. Next year we’re planning something different but we’ve got too many figures painted to leave them idle for too long.

    in reply to: What Ifs? #4699
    Avatar photoBuff Orpington

    One that I’m pondering is , “What if the War of 1812 went very badly wrong for the USA?”  No British reconquest involved, Europe & India were quite enough. Perhaps the British began arming and agitating the tribes south of Canada to set up a buffer zone between a restricted USA and Canada. If this inhibited westward expansion and industrial development in the north there may have been no Civil War. A USA dominated by the South may have been less attractive to Roman Catholic migrants. These may have headed to the Spanish & Mexican territories. That shift in manpower on its own would have radically altered history. Imagine Hollywood making Spanish language movies (It’s still in Mexico) about the brave Irish helping defend the republic.

    Avatar photoBuff Orpington

    I can blame Henry for all of this but that would be churlish as I’m the proud owner of a unique set of standards and guidons  that he created for my Imagi-nations army. Once in I was rapidly drawn to F&IW as a doable skirmish theatre.

    I thought about the campaigns in India for the reasons given above but after discussing the idea I realised that many of the battles were more down to bribery and intrigue than military genius. That won’t stop rockets and camel gunners appearing in by Imagi-nations army at some stage.

    in reply to: What rules/system are you using? #3409
    Avatar photoBuff Orpington

    Mainly Two Hour Wargames rules, Warrior Heroes, Swordplay and Red Sand, Black Moon. I’ve got several Ganesha Games sets as well.

    I picked up WHFB 2nd edition recently but haven’t put an army together yet. I’m going to have to change this font, numbers are displayed at the size of lower case letters.

    Edit, looks OK when it’s posted so I’ll live with it.

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