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  • in reply to: What's on your painting desk/table/corner #112523
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Finally finished my WW2 Winter game. With a play test recently.













    in reply to: Last of the Calpe Prussians #82251
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Thanks cmnash! Painted over a 3 year period with interruptions with other projects, such as Vimy Ridge.

    in reply to: Last of the Calpe Prussians #82072
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Hi Norm,

    Thanks, I use Delta Ceramcoat Storm Grey for the highlight.

    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    You can order these books directly from Michael in Canada. His e-mail is AT
    They are $40 each Canadian Funds, postage at cost or as near as possible.

    He is releasing two more 1809 books soon.

    The Roads To Vienna – 18 scenarios from the 1809 campaign
    Eagles Over Austria – 18 scenarios from the 1809 campaign

    With more for the Peninsula and 1812-1814.


    in reply to: Over The Hills And Far Away… #73882
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    I recommend 70.890 as a base then 70.968 as a hi-lite.

    in reply to: 1er régiment de chasseurs à cheval #73881
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Lovely work!

    in reply to: A Napoleonic discussion #71867
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    The Battle of Ligny we put on at Enfilade Convention using Shako 2 rules, the Prussians won the battle. The Guard were outflanked by two Prussian 12 pdr batteries and decimated. However this was game put on with people who are not familiar with the rules or battle.

    We do on occasion for scenarios change the moral or fighting values of troops to reflect ongoing campaign  experience or lack thereof. Such as Prussian Landwehr in the 1812-1813 period.

    in reply to: What's on your painting desk/table/corner #67893
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    I’ve been painting Calpe Prussians for a couple of years now. Finally on the last three battalions. Total figure count just under 1000. There was a few breaks for other projects such as Vimy Ridge.

    Calpe Prussian 7th Line Regiment


    Calpe Prussian 7th Line Regiment

    in reply to: WW2 20mm Normandy Combat Patrol table #67743
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Thanks Gavin!

    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #67015
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Thanks for the welcome Rod, another one I used to see in the lounge!

    Yes, I use him for my signature on various forms along with wrgmr1. That way gamers will recognize me. Ha! My favorite character from Bugs Bunny is actually Foghorn Leghorn, but he’s not really a gaming type figure. What part of our beloved country are you in? Ontario?



    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #66948
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Thanks for the welcome Kyoteblue, nice to see you here. 

    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #66946
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Hi Shaun,

    Yes, we play Armati 2 probably 30 to 40 times a year. Our group has over 30 different armies from Biblicals to Renaissance. I myself have a Greek Hoplite army, and Burgundians late medieval, early Renaissance.   I have some extra units of pike for them and some Landsknechts so I can use this army for a later French one. In the lead pile is a late Roman army that is up after these.



    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #66944
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Hi McKinstry,

    Long time no see, since you left TMP. Nice to reacquaint  again. Battles for Empire is a good solid set of rules, that are well and clearly written. They are a tad long, only to cover things that gamers will do on the table. Over the years we’ve played many games, only two weeks ago we played Isandlwana. Guess what, the British lost…again. The scenario is designed so that the British can win providing they destroy a set number of Zulu units.

    Colonial troops are regulars or second rate with different firing characteristics. Units are usually 12 figures 3 to a stand. Zulus, would be 12 figures, 6 each on two stands. Chris has rules for Boxer rebellion, Pathans, Zulus, and Boer War. Each unit takes 8 hits with reduction in firepower and morale when units get below 50%. Each unit or group of units rolls on a movement chart with plus’s and minus’s for being staggered or disordered, low on ammo, attached leader, army leader within range etc. This roll determines how much movement you have or sometimes retreat or surrender.

    Artillery and MG’s are included each with varying firing characteristics.  Chris has been working on a WW1 suppliment with my help.

    It’s a great game with lots of possibilities for scenarios.



    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #66704
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Hello, my name is Thomas J. Moore. Let’s just say that there is some disillusionment with the “Other Forum” and loss of good people. I see from posts here that there are a lot of familiar names.

    I started gaming at 15 back in  1973 using WW2 micro armor on the floor. I was in the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets for 5 years and spent a summer on the HMCS Columbia at the age of 15.  I subsequently joined the RCN Reserve and served another 2 years as a signalman.

    In my younger years I played 6mm Napoleonics and Airfix ACW, and a member of the Trumpeter Gaming Club for many years. Approximately 20+ years ago I joined the White Rock Gamers, thirteen of so of us who play every Thursday. Our games are Armati 2, Battles for Empire 2 by Chris Leach who is a member of our group, Shako 2, Fire and Fury and Rapid Fire. Between all of us we have somewhere around 300K of figures, mostly in 25/28mm.

    I’m glad to be here and see what others are painting and playing.

    Cheers, Thomas

    in reply to: WW2 20mm Normandy Combat Patrol table #66687
    Avatar photoThomas Moore

    Great looking table! How did you make the fire, explosions?



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