Home Forums Horse and Musket General Horse and Musket Correct date for BBB Bash Day is 19 MAY, not March

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  • #195898
    Avatar photoChris Pringle

    In my post yesterday about BBB Bash Day, I got the date wrong – that should be 19 MAY, not March. Really sorry for that rather fundamental error. Details here.

    Avatar photoOotKust


    Respectfully, since you are a multiple ‘publisher’ across sites, may I make a couple of suggestions..? I logged in just to do this reply, as my modelling or research hasn’t gone anywhere lately to interest ppl.

    1- Correct by EDIT  the original post ‘Subject’ line- easily done and doesn’t require more posts!

    2- Reduce the verbiage of Subjects- many places offer limited screen footprint for it (and yes I am guilty of same..)


    Swinging from left to right no matter where the hobby goes!

    Avatar photoChris Pringle

    Dave, you are quite right, thank you. It’s not possible everywhere and I overlooked the Edit button here. Acted on now. Thanks for the tip re editing.

    Re verbose headings – in general I agree – for this event announcement I thought best to include full details so people could immediately rule it out if wrong day or wrong country for them.

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