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  • in reply to: Welcome to the Naval forum #28941
    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

    A time to have a naval forum and a time to refrain from having a naval forum.


    in reply to: Is 32mm the new 28mm? #28751
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    I guess it depends on what kind of miniatures you are contemplating.  Fantasy figures for skirmish games seem to be moving in that direction and there does appear to be a market for one-off, highly-detailed miniatures.   They don’t work for me though.  They take up too much space, they take too long to paint and anyway I can’t paint them well-enough to do them justice.

    in reply to: Army of the French Revolution #28679
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    When I tried to find information on the period it seemed a bit thin on the ground.  Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Wars by Philip Haythornthwaite (published by Blandford) is okay but it is one of those books that tries to cover a lot of ground and so may not give you the detail you need.  L. and F. Funcken do a book on the uniforms of the revolutionary wars.  I haven’t seen it and I think it is only available in French (and is likely to be expensive).  I know these days the Funckens attract some flak on the accuracy front but in the absence of anything more up to date I would get hold of it if I could afford it.

    in reply to: 15mm Pig-Faced Orc Greens #28217
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    I really like these.  I’ve always been a fan of Porcs.  The early Minifigs ones were among the first figures I bought.

    in reply to: Part 1 ACW Game #28097
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    That is a really beautiful set up you’ve got there.  One of the nicest tables I have seen.

    in reply to: Trying to find female… #27993
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    There is also Rastlworld Minis:

    They seem to have gone down the peculiar route of starting their range with scantily-clad Russian horse artillery women (I know the web caters for every taste under the sun but this one seems to be more niche than most).


    in reply to: Trying to find female… #27924
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    Back to the original question. Were you thinking of the Countess Sandra range by Eureka?

    I’m not sure whether it is still being produced but I have a feeling they never listed it on their website (I think you got it with a nod and a wink and a say no more and they handed it to you from under the counter in a plain brown package).

    in reply to: Trying to find female… #27898
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    Was it Eureka’s Countess Sandra range?

    in reply to: Trying to find female… #27897
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    Was it Eureka’s Countess Sandra range that you were thinking of:

    I’m not sure if it is still available or for that matter if it ever was released.

    I’m pretty sure there has also been a Kickstarter for female Horse and Musket figures but I can’t remember the name of the company.  What I do remember is that the sculptor didn’t seem to have much talent and the figures looked like men with breasts (and ugly men with breasts at that).

    in reply to: Lowering the cost of entry #26914
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      Fun. Remember fun?

    I know how to have fun; I just don’t want to.  That’s why I do Napoleonics.

    in reply to: More 6mm Biritsh Napoleonics #26885
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    I use the ivory and white technique on 15s and it works very well.  So if it works on 3s and it works on 15s I think there is a good chance it will work on 6s too.

    in reply to: Comprehensive Sources for 15mm Napoleonic Flags #26871
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    Maverick’s cloth flags are printed on fine cotton.  I tried some of the 15mm ones and I didn’t think they worked very well.  The weave of the cloth can be seen and the printing is a bit less sharp than on paper.  Some people really like them but I much prefer the paper ones.

    in reply to: Comprehensive Sources for 15mm Napoleonic Flags #26854
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    Maverick are second to none for service – they will re-size the flags for you free of charge (so if you use 15s rather than 18s you can get the flags made smaller)

    However,  my favourites are by GMB, which are little works of art:

    in reply to: John Franklin's Quatre Bras OOB #26733
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    Welcome to the fray John.  It is great to have someone with your knowledge on board.

    in reply to: Have sci-fi figures changed? #26226
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    Much as I like Minifigs even I have to admit they never really mastered the female form.

    in reply to: Have sci-fi figures changed? #26204
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    Yes.  They’ve changed.

    Valka Spacewoman with Death Spray

    Or maybe they have just come full circle?  There certainly isn’t much surface detail on this Minifigs Valka Spacewoman.

    in reply to: Indigo does not fade #26036
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    No Jonathan, they are not ‘hobby’ issues.  In the way you have couched them they are all TMP issues. You launched the thread about the Warlord painting guide to mock Sparker for posting a link to it on TMP, your comments on Kevin Kiley aren’t about his Amazon review they are about his participation in a discussion thread on TMP and  this ‘indigo’ thread is a response to what you presumably regard as misinformation posted on TMP.

    TWW isn’t an adjunct of TMP; it is a separate site.  So why not start a discussion about something that isn’t on TMP?

    in reply to: Indigo does not fade #25994
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    I  am really unhappy about what you are doing here Jonathan.    If you want to take part in a debate on TMP then do it on TMP.  If you are going to post here then try to do it without making snide remarks about people who post over there.  The reason this site was set up was so that we didn’t have to deal with that kind of crap. You are doing it in two threads now. Don’t drag your agenda over here.

    in reply to: 6mm MDF Napoleonics #25753
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    Hi curlerman,

    I hadn’t heard of these before but I checked out the pictures on your website and they really do look remarkably good.  I wouldn’t have thought it possible to make such finely-detailed figures from wood.  To my eye they look better proportioned than Adler and Baccus (they don’t suffer from big head syndrome).  I love the paint jobs you have done as well.  Inspiring.

    in reply to: 30mm figures #25376
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    Have you tried Tradition of London? I don’t know how good a match they are but they might be worth a look.

    in reply to: Bloody mess of French Chasseurs à Cheval #25124
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    Jonathan, this is the second attack you have made on Sparker. This time you have started a thread purely to criticise a link posted on TMP. If you want to take part in a debate on TMP maybe it would make more sense to actually post your reply there rather than here.   And when you do post here try to remember that Wheaton’s Law applies.

    in reply to: Satan is back! #25056
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    I was tempted to go and edit the OP so that alter became altar.. :D

    You mean you actually can put words in our mouths? Scary.

    in reply to: Hawk Eye and the Ladies #24851
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    Superb brushwork.  I’m particularly impressed with the faces.  The women actually do look white with fear.

    in reply to: 15mm napoleonic camp followers? #24621
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    I think Stonewall Figures now make them in the UK but I don’t know whether the Vivandiers are in production:,shop.browse/category,Warmodelling+Miniatures++15mm+Napoleonics/category_id,ea251c89210797490021fa4bebeba044?ps_session=e9288c1a1f454838b005c6b4f78a7880

    The Minifigs ones are nice too but are quite small.

    in reply to: 15mm napoleonic camp followers? #24598
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    I’ve remembered the name of the other manufacturer.  It is Warmodelling and they do a a couple of nice vivandieres:

    in reply to: 15mm napoleonic camp followers? #24582
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    Minifigs makes a vivandiere’s cart that comes with a seated female driver and a woman walking (carrying a basket if memory serves):

    I know someone also makes a 15mm vivandiere/cantiniere riding a mule.  The figure was given away with one of the wargaming magazines a few years ago but I’m afraid I can’t remember the manufacturer.

    in reply to: New book cover – opinions please #24366
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    I think the S6 would make for a pretty striking book cover. I think just that on a plain background could be really effective.

    in reply to: New book cover – opinions please #24362
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    William Harley is right.  The respirator is a more iconic image of the siege.

    in reply to: New book cover – opinions please #24355
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    To be honest I think all the designs are a bit hard on the eye. I wouldn’t have the photograph showing through into the sections of text, I would use solid blocks of colour instead, and personally I would use brighter colours rather than these rather muddy tones.  However, I think your real problem is that the photograph is a bit boring (it could almost have come from the window of an upmarket London estate agent).

    I assume that you can’t use pictures of the siege itself for copyright reasons but rather than use the current image I think you would be better with no photograph and just the image of the gun.

    in reply to: John Franklin's Quatre Bras OOB #23700
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    I saw that thread too.  I don’t know Franklin’s work but I do think he would have done himself a favour if he had ignored the people who posted negative reviews rather than engaged with them. If you attempt to argue with a blowhard you will inevitably end up looking like a blowhard. The same is true of arguing with an idiot.

    in reply to: A fight for a dyke (HYW skirmish) #23303
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    When referring to a trench or earthwork it is perfectly acceptable spell dyke with a ‘y’. It’s not archaic and is still in common usage.

    in reply to: Radio re-enactment #23247
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    Why is it that I think playing with toy soldiers is an admirable pastime for a gentleman of leisure but dressing up in a uniform and pretending to be a soldier is just a bit silly?

    in reply to: Haitian Revolution with Sharp Practice – AAR #20658
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    Nice battle report.  And I’m impressed that you got this project onto the table so quickly.  It was only a couple of months ago that you were asking about suitable figures (the Minifigs look the part by the way).  I wish I was as focussed as that. I always start new projects with great enthusiasm but things generally grind to a halt somewhere in the planning stage.

    in reply to: And now for something completely different… #20460
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    Whoa indeed!

    That is absolutely stunning work.

    in reply to: Senior French Guard Officers at Austerlitz? #20418
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    This is from 1805: Austerlitz by Robert Goetz:

    Infantry of the Imperial Guard

    1st Bde (Grenadiers a Pied) – GdB Pierre Auguste Hulin (Hulin was absent, commanding in Vienna, so I assume – but don’t know for sure – that command fell to Colonel-Major Jean Marie Pierre Francois Lepaige Dorsenne)

    2nd Bde (Chasseurs a Pied) – GdB Jerome Soules

    3rd Bde (Italian Guard) – GdB Teodoro Lecchi

    Cavalry of the Imperial Guard

    Gendarmerie d’Elite – detached to Brunn

    1st Bde (Grenadiers a Cheval) GdB Michel Ordener

    2nd Bde (Chasseurs a Cheval) Colonel-en-Second Francois Louis Morland

    Artillery of the Imperial Guard

    Commander Francois-Henri-Eugene Daugier

    According to Hourtoulle (Austerlitz: The Empire at its Zenith) the Chief of Staff of the Guard was Roussel and Bessieres’s ADCs were Cesar de Laville de Villa-Stellone, Lebrun, D’oullembourg, Louis de Seganville, Leinsteinschneider, Desmichels, Lapeyriere and Barbanegre.

    I hope that is some help.


    in reply to: Cossacks – Just how irregular were they? #20099
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    Thank you for the replies guys.  I think I will mount them just four to a base and give them an irregular formation (except for the Guard cossacks. I think I will just mount them like light cavalry, with six guys in two ranks, since I would guess that they were more disciplined than other units of cossacks).

    in reply to: Cossacks – Just how irregular were they? #19987
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    I cut my bases by hand out of sheets of ply.  I’m not sure I know how to draw an oval let alone cut one out with a Stanley knife!

    in reply to: More Russian Details #19234
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    Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks for the update.  I think your page is great and I love the way it is organised. I’ve always found the Russians to be the most daunting of the major Napoleonic armies when it comes to uniform research (which explains why I have got so many of them lying around unpainted).  The details on the early hussars is much appreciated: the army of Suvorov is on the to do list.

    in reply to: Minor Semantic Rant #18922
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    I don’t like Biblical either. Half the book doesn’t get a look in.  It should be Old Testament (which isn’t any better but may be more accurate).



    in reply to: Just Tell the Truth! #18374
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    Hi Nick,

    I think you are right about the rationale behind it but frankly it has always struck me as pretty nonsensical.  I flat out don’t believe that anyone capable of sculpting a miniature is unable to tell where the top of the head of a figure is just because that figure is wearing a hat.

    I also can’t see why anyone would measure a figure from anywhere other than from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head.

    Personally, I think  a lot of it is down to the vanity of certain sculptors and manufacturers. They want to be able to claim that their figures are more detailed than the competition and they hate to admit that the main reason for this is that their figures are a heck of a lot bigger.

    The one I find it hardest to get my head around is GHQ. They  pride themselves on making accurate 1/285th vehicles and then they match them up with infantry that are massively out of scale.  And apparently the reason they do this is that it allows them to make the infantry more detailed. If they want to do that why not just make the tanks bigger as well?

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