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  • in reply to: Lament Ridge II, Rebels & Patriots AAR #113605
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    The mechanics work pretty well. I rationalize a unit failing to activate within range of the enemy as ineffective shooting or confusion. While I don’t agree with some of the ways they rate certain troops in the lists at the end, these are just suggestions and I can rate the troops in ways that fit my notions.


    I am thinking of highlanders of the ’45…

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    in reply to: French Revolution: helmets or bicorns? #113222
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    Thank you.

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    in reply to: Seven Years War Parade #113063
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    As requested on another forum, here are the Austrians: Austrian parade

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    in reply to: How to handle combat in built up areas in 6 mm #113004
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    My method (used with 15mm figures) is to use a template of felt (yellow for villages, grey for towns) to represent the outlines of the BUA. Model buildings are placed on the template but moved as necessary to accommodate figures. The template gives defensive bonuses and towns block line of sight. I don’t bother with lift off roofs. The closest I get to that is Paper Terrain houses. After combat has gone on for a while, the finished version of the house is taken off to reveal the wrecked version underneath. For skirmish games, the occupiers of individual structures are placed on the side they are firing from.

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    in reply to: Napoleon's 1815 IV Corps in 6mm #112954
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    Very nice. Are all the guns included in the infantry brigades?

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    in reply to: 7YW artillery in 20mm / 1-72? #112699
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    Hagen Miniatures Hagen

    The website is in German. I have not seen the figures but they have photos.

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    Big battle!

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    Thanks for the report.

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    Yes indeed!

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    in reply to: Lament Ridge, first game of Rebels and Patriots #112551
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    They do. The basic engine is sturdy and simple. The best features are the morale/rally system and the activation system. If I was going to crib these rules for a foray into another period, I might dump the bucket of dice approach, might not. That doesn’t seem to be the heart of the rules.

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    in reply to: 14th light dragoons. #112391
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    Very nice!

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    in reply to: Manchu for the Opium Wars #112370
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    Ah, the Tai Pings. Hakka men with long hair, no queue, women without bound feet. Instead of bread and wine, they had communion with three cups of tea and three bowls of rice. They were said to have done this at least once on the battlefield to rally before taking the Manchus apart.

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    in reply to: The Men Who Would Be Kings 15mm? #112364
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    Blue Moon also has an extensive 15mm Sudan range. They are large 15mm. I have some Blue Moon Napoleonic infantry and am quite pleased with them. They look good and stand up well to games, no broken bayonets, etc.

    Old Glory 15s (another company) also has an extensive 15mm Sudan range, older figures that I haven’t seen.

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    in reply to: French and Indian Wars with R&P part 2 #111930
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    Ah, I don’t do Facebook. But it sounds like a fun game. I will run our first next week. We have played a bunch of The Men Who Would Be King recently and enjoyed it.

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    in reply to: French and Indian Wars with R&P part 2 #111883
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    Each unit activates and does all actions, including morale tests by enemy units that it hit, before activating the next unit. Three disorder markers routs a unit. Units routed or wiped out cause a morale test on friends within 12″. Close range is 12″. Go get ’em.

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    Figures mounted on System 7 bases! That’s fabulous!

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    in reply to: Exodos. Greek Revolution Film #111776
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    Nice film, thank you. I look forward to your game on this topic, OB.

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    in reply to: French and Indian Wars with R&P part 2 #111633
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    Remember that the final phase of each turn is take photos.

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    in reply to: Russian Napoleonic Army Temptation #111529
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    My friend aimed his Russian army for 1812, which allowed him to field a mix of earlier and later uniforms. In 15mm it’s not really obvious. Lots of guns, lots of light cavalry, good sturdy infantry with minimal firepower. According to Prof. Lieven, the inferior Russian paper made inferior cartridges. Form column and push with the bayonet, after those numerous guns hose the enemy down. Urra!


    And oh yeah, the calendar is still the old one so plans for coordinating with allies can be rather inexact.

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    in reply to: What Happened at the battle of Killiecrankie? #111369
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    Most interesting, looking forward to the battle report.

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    in reply to: Battle of Zorndorf – Devon Wargames Group #110426
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    Very nice report, thanks.

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    in reply to: AWI Officers' Saddlecloths #110162
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    Troiani’s painting of Princeton used on the cover of the “Hold the Line Game” shows Washington with a dark blue saddle cloth edged gold.

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    in reply to: Dark Age rules #110004
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    I can’t playtest any time soon but can give the rules a proof  read, if that is of any use.

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    in reply to: Legend of Kherolugh (Köroğlu) #109745
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    Is this the city now know as Safranbolu? I visited it it 2012, a lovely place.


    You cannot go wrong with Mirliton figures. Please keep posting as your project continues.

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    in reply to: Ras el Hanout, Men Who Would be Kings #109739
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    in reply to: Ras el Hanout, Men Who Would be Kings #109695
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    Not near as spicy as Urfa pepper, and it was only half a teaspoon.

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    in reply to: 12th foot #109623
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    Very, very nice painting and basing. What vendor made those figures?


    And the platoon volley – excellent.

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    in reply to: Men Who Would be Kings question #109563
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    I also posted this on the Lead Adventure Forum and got the following tweak:

    “We house-rule it that certain troop types (Boers, Pathans etc) with fieldcraft can go to ground and then fire at half effect (‘sniping’)while remaining GTG.

    However, they may still be fired upon in the opponent’s turn after they fired (at both long and short range) but needing 1 more hit than usual to inflict a kill. So, Pathans hunkered down in stone sangers and sniping at long range will only suffer one kill for every 5 hits inflicted on them (2 for long range, 2 for hard cover and 1 for GTG).

    Pinned units stay GTG and cannot snipe. Units Attacked while GTG fight at half strength (we’ve always assumed there’s a missing ‘with’ in the 4th bullet point on p21)

    It does encourage historic tactics on both sides – Brits on the NWF would engage with artillery and then storm up the hillside with fixed bayonets for a good reason.”

    In any case, I’m not going to monkey with tweaks while introducing the rules to my buddies. First thing is to see if the lads cotton to the new rules.

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    in reply to: Men Who Would be Kings question #109519
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    Thank you, that’s very helpful.

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    in reply to: A POW's tale #108815
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    Wow! What an incredible story! 









    My over -energetic anti-virus software overlaid this message because my files needed an update. Now I can’t delete the post. What a bummer.

    My original response was: Wow! What an incredible story!  

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    in reply to: Corlears Hook Fencibles #108785
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    Trying it now, Steve. Thank you.


    Edit: that’s much better. Thank you for assisting the needy and challenged.

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    in reply to: Corlears Hook Fencibles #108784
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    A totally different issue, but every now and then I get a pile of hits from what I assume are bots of one kind or another. Some days I get loads of hit from Russia. Sure there are Russian gamers, but hundreds interested in me? Today’s strange stuff is 142+ hits from the United Arab Emirates. Right.

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    in reply to: Corlears Hook Fencibles #108782
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    When I click design, the following lists pops up:

    view blog









    reading list


    No option for dashboard. I can do some of the stuff with these, but all the online guides for posting the blogs I follow don’t indicate my list of choices.

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    in reply to: Corlears Hook Fencibles #108778
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    I am not a maven with Blogger. The blog lay fallow for 5 years because I could not figure out how to get the photos to increase in size when clicked. Yeah, I know, it wasn’t brain surgery but I didn’t apply the needed effort. Then I discovered a couple years ago that the techs had done it for me, voila, click and it grew. So the blog thundered back to life and I’ve been happily posting since. But my blog seems a weird hybrid of old and new. For instance, I can’t get a dashboard up for my blog. This means I can’t post the list of blogs I follow, etc. I wonder how hard it is to move posts from the old blog to a new one? I now have 76 posts. Moving them might be quite a chore, especially if I have to move the large number of photos individually. Anyone have an idea of what this would entail?

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    in reply to: Pickett's Charge: 1st game + photos #108777
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    My little group & I are no longer ACW virgins…


    You mean that you acquired all of those figures before playing a single game? Not only virgins, but saints to boot!

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    in reply to: Who are the best jungle troops? #108678
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    The shooting tale reminds me of a story told by a friend (to switch theaters and focus). His father was a refugee who was picked up by the US Army as an interpreter in Germany after the Nazi surrender. MP’s arrested a Soviet soldier for rape and brought him to the local Soviet officer. The officer apologized to the US troops, took out his pistol and executed the soldier.

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    in reply to: Tactical Advantage #108675
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    I have the Compass Games edition, so this may be the first time the rule has appeared in this game. Hmm, I take your point about it being useful for smaller games but it still sounds like fun.

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    in reply to: Holiday Haul 2018 #108663
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    Late to the ball, but my wife got me Poilu, the story of Corporal Barthe, who served in the trenches from 1915-1918. He used up a number of lives but started with 9 or so. He wrote well and saw amazing things. His take on trench raiders was something like that of the film Capitaine Conan – they were a breed apart, not nice folks. An excellent book.

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    in reply to: Units or Mobs? #108629
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    I suspect mobs are more like it once the professional armies of the classical age are gone. According to Oman, Simon de Monfort’s (senior) big trick was keeping a fourth battle in reserve. This would appear and fall on the Albigensian flank. They were always in three battles and hung out to dry by the unfair intervention of the fourth battle.


    If they were mobs, then the activation system of DBA is probably a better fit than most others. There was also a free set called Saxon Dogs that consisted of getting your shield wall worked up enough to charge.

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    in reply to: Anyone for Rebels and Patriots? #108359
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    I think a lot of people that have the complaint with ending a turn when you fail an activation will be happy.


    That changed with Men Who Would Be Kings.

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