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  • Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Good review sir, keep up the great work.

    I am not big into grav/hover so the below is new on me:

    This brings up another point: far too many GEV-style futuristic tanks – from almost all the companies producing them – don’t make adequate space provisions for the vehicle’s drive train. Many manufactures seem to think that the way to model an air-cushion vehicle is to chop off the treads and stick on a ground effect skirt. GEVs, however, need air intakes and enough space UNDER that skirt for fans or jets or what not, not to mention what needs to be a pretty robust powerpack. They thus shouldn’t be lower to the ground than treaded or wheeled vehicles. TCNE dosn’t sin particularly worse than other manufacturers here, but it’s still annoying.

    Are there some images you can show us, that illustrate what you mean at all please?

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #12255
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Ambitious 4 piece shanty dwelling WIP here:

    Some quick shots of it tacked in place with PVA glue…

    It will come as 4 parts.
    The 2 legs and the main body bit and the overhanging body bit.
    Almost finished, should be available in about 2 weeks or so.

    in reply to: [15mm] [WIP] Taskforce 414 Operatives… #12145
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Good models sir.

    I am not a fan of clear bases.
    I find that they are more conspicuous than normal.
    They show off finger prints and smudges, reflections from lighting, scratches and bits of loose scatter on them make them quite visible.
    Of course I may be in the minority!


    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #12113
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    hmmm not a million miles away from the look of the BPIs corporate security I will be doing…

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #12087
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    something like the neo-Poles produced by Oddzial Osmy.

    Any linky piccies sir?

    in reply to: Hammer’s Slammers Photo Report #12082
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Very pretty.
    I am liking that massive building there, it is pretty cool and could have a variety of uses.
    How… did you do the yellow and green stripes on the other one, on the shutter doors?
    masking tape?

    in reply to: 6mm compound terrain – wip #12050
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Hold off on the praise until it is done though, I may ruin it!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Still want to buy the 6mm versions off you!


    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #11913
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    in reply to: Popular Genres #11902
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    There are some 6mm SF figs (Angel Barracks) in the process of being painted, but I have no idea what to do with them at the moment.

    Paint them up and we can meet up for a game!

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #11591
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    in reply to: TWW needs a strap line. #11496
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    (Also, it sounds a bit like SIZE MATTERS!, which I’ve always liked).

    I always did like you!


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    ooooh nice, I really like the detailing/patterns on the armour!

    in reply to: Popular Genres #11356
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    in reply to: Blast-tastic!, 4 October #11328
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Just back from the potential new venue.

    Fairfield High School

    The show itself is in their sports hall, so it is about three times the size of the previous venues hall.

    It has two car parks, one that holds about 10 vehicles and has disabled spaces and the other that holds about 70 cars.
    Plus there is also parking in the adjacent streets.

    It has a diner/canteen that is less than a minute from the sports hall and is indoors.
    They will be able to provide food and drink.

    All very good news.
    The only very slightly negative thing is the tables.
    They are 2x 2. However they are the same height and are flush with one another when laid out.
    So not really a bad thing, just a bit unusual to be fair.

    Currently it is half term so the person I have been speaking to about the cost is not at work.
    Once they are back though, I will get them to give me a quote and all being well will hire the venue.


    Blast-Tastic! 2015 looks to be bigger and better than last year!

    in reply to: 28mm Hawkmoon #11320
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I would be up for a Jhary a Conel figure.

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #11280
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Great news, looks like a very useful range you’re planning. Speaking of resin scenery, any plans for a watch tower for Stonehaven?

    There is now.
    Next will be the crashed escape pod, then the supply dump then an extra bit of HexWay road, then the watchtower!

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #11263
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    are you seriously planning on adding to your infantry range?


    I plan on bringing out the BPI to go up against the RDF.
    Probably a couple of vehicles and maybe 5 infantry or so.

    Then some Mercs.

    Then Stonehaven Militia.
    The guys you are after could well be used as SH militia so maybe I will get those sorted next.

    It is a matter of time and money.
    Bringing out 5 x 6mm infantry can cost about £250.00 and if you are only making a few pence on each figure sold, it will be a while before you see any return.
    Resin terrain however see’s a return after just a few unit sales.

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #11255
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Flak vests ok?
    4 poses?

    Officer, 2 troopers and a specialist? (medic, heavy weapons or similar?)

    in reply to: Problems with using historical movement rates? #11201
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Napoleonic Gaming is not my forte.
    So please consider that before replying!
    And excuse incorrect terminology, but you should be able to get my jist.

    Could you not use a movement system along these lines:

    Road = 10 units of movement
    Good = 7 units of movement
    Poor = 4 units of movement

    Veteran troops +2 units of movement
    Regular troops +0 units of movement
    Green troops -2 units of movement

    So we have basic movement dependant on the terrain.
    Then modified by the troops experience and ability to dress the lines.

    You could then add a commander value to further modify the rate and unit wellness.


    Veteran commander +1 unit movement
    Regular +0 unit movement
    Green -1 unit movement


    Unit is fresh (no losses, good morale) +1 unit movement
    Unit is tired (no more than X% in losses) -1 unit movement
    Unit is broken (more than X% in losses) -2 unit movement

    No idea if this appeals, but seems like it would work to me.

    You would have to fill in the blanks, so once you have established a turns/phases time period you could then plug in what you feel to be the correct movement rate, maybe taken from a drill manual?
    You could even say the drill speed is the same as the road speed?

    Just a thought anyway.
    may not even be what you were asking…

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Wait what?
    When did you make a walker thingy?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    As much as I hate the movies, I think a machine race that actually had character and personality in the machines like the Transformers might be cool (not actually transformers).

    Like the flesh Cylons with the Metal Cylon bodies?

    in reply to: Blast-tastic!, 4 October #11155
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I am off to check out a potential new venue for Blast-Tastic! 2015, on Monday.
    It is in a school sports hall so it is bigger and has lots of parking, catering and is all-round bigger and better.
    I will update on Monday once back.

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #10969
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    First of all that is very cool.
    Secondly, if you do them in 6mm let me know.

    As for a heavy weapon?
    They look like they have advanced tech so how about shoulder/back mounted rocket pods with underarm laser target painters.
    Point, HUD blink to lock on and whammo…!

    in reply to: Do you have to make your own convention game? #10804
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Oooh good post.
    I don’t think it is poor form.
    However I do get what you are saying.

    For me the hobby is about the making and the painting, as much as the playing.
    I have my own rules and my own range of figures and terrain.
    I made and painted them all myself.
    It is the creative aspect of gaming that I like more than the actual playing.

    When I see a great looking game I am not fussed if the paintjobs are stunning but not done by the person putting on the game, someone has painted them very well and seeing lovely models is reward itself.
    It would be nice if the painter was there so I could compliment them, but no matter really.
    Same with the rules too.

    Many people simply don’t have the time to paint or make or write rules, some do have the time but not the skill or desire.
    For some the fun is in the game, for some it is in the making, for others they may like the painting but not have the time so they have to compromise.
    I think people have different reasons for gaming.

    As for home brew rules and so on.
    There have been some unique and very cool home brew games over the years that I have seen.
    One that sticks in my mind was by Andrew Beasley who did a naval game and the game measurement was done with a piece of string with knots tied in it.
    Cool eh.

    It is tricky.
    I do like a nice looking game.
    I will quite often just look at games and silently admire the work that has gone into them.
    I do like commercial and home brew rules too.

    Being a creative sort I do get a kick from seeing something that someone has crafted themselves though.
    I find it inspirational.
    Doubly so if it is well made and well painted.

    Maybe it is a bit snobbish/elitist but I do prefer games with homemade terrain.
    Maybe it is just that it means I have something else in common with the gamer, we both game yes, but we also both made our own terrain…

    Then again I have seen some homemade terrain that was truly awful.
    In those cases I would rather see commercial terrain.

    I guess by doing it all myself the compliments about the game mean more than had I purchased it all elsewhere.
    But that is just a personal vanity thing maybe?

    Though of course, if we are here saying how we prefer one or the other or neither, maybe we should show what we made and what we bought?

    Oh, can I get a bonus point for making my own actual convention itself?

    in reply to: 15mm Ornithopter #10698
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    It is indeed a beast!

    in reply to: Twitter hashtag for wargaming #10587
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    My point is: why should we change the definition of our hobby just to pander to a new form of social interaction that not eveybody uses ?

    Nobody is saying that.
    A # is not a definition of anything.

    However, seeing as you mentioned it…

    What is the definition of our hobby?
    And what exactly is our hobby?

    Wargames, Boardgames, Modelling, Online Games?

    in reply to: Assault on Hill 112 #10582
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    That is really very nice.
    It reminds me of the inspirational terrain that GW used to publish 20 years or so ago in their products, the kind of stuff you dreamed your table would look like.
    Proper sloped hills, sunken trenches, flames and smoke and Churchills!


    in reply to: Blast-tastic!, 4 October #10542
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Blast-Tastic! show report:


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    If people object to Bandit starting a post about something, as they think it is pointless, don’t reply to it.
    If it is indeed pointless what is the point in replying?
    If it turns out it is drivel, good for Bandit, he is allowed to post drivel, as long as it is gaming drivel.
    If it turns out other people actually like what he says and join in the conversation then good, that is what TWW is for.

    I started a thread a few years back about initiative modifiers and terrain, and nearly every response was that my idea was pointless and why would I even bother.
    In the end I stopped trying to discuss the mechanic as people mostly kept repeating the idea was of no value, had they offered some insight as to how the mechanics were flawed that would have been ok, that would have been helpful.
    But saying that the mechanic was flawed before I even had chance to develop it made for a very negative experience.
    So much so in fact, that the mob mentality around ganging up and belittling my idea drove me away from that site.

    Some people will never see eye to eye about things, they may think the other person deluded for thinking as they do.
    Just be polite about it.

    People have the right to talk about gaming topics on TWW without being harassed or insulted.
    All people.

    in reply to: Home-brewed sci-fi rules test game #10464
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Top man.
    Keep us posted.

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #10406
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Well it is pretty much done.
    The only things that need doing to make it ready will not be visible in these shots (more green stuff work on holes and wall texture and varnishing) so you may as well see the pre-money shots.

    It will be moulded over the weekend and ready for sale at the end of the month, pre-orders however will be in about 10 days…

    in reply to: 18th Century 30mm figures? #10368
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I think it is a classic case of people thinking that because you can print a figure, you should.
    There are no IP rights granted with that, just a figure.
    And in FUD not a very nice one either, too many print lines.

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #10332
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Can’t decide if it’s going to be an outback settlement or maybe a crimelord stronghold for my favela

    I have that dilemma too.
    I am thinking it will be an urban base for my Stonehaven board, but then a remote settlement is cool too.

    Do you just paint it on or does it need a special primer?

    Just slap it on.
    Needs a few coats to get a nice texture but so easy to work with.

    in reply to: AB's 6mm sci-fi topic #10315
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Done some more work on the compound.
    2 of the 3 main pieces are almost done, just need to apply some rough wall/plaster/stucco/stone texture to finish them off.
    Then carry on with the 3rd main piece.

    in reply to: 6mm interior modular scenery #10313
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    That is cool.
    You are a bit nifty with the 6mm!


    in reply to: Blast-tastic!, 4 October #10088
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    All in all the show seemed good, people seemed happy and people left happy.
    I made a point of trying to speak to all the traders, and all but one said they want to come back next year, none said no and only one said maybe.

    It was not a big show, there is after all only so much two people with a child can do.
    So we had to keep it manageable.

    Steve, my KR 16 wargames buddy helped out and did a legendary job.
    Thanks Steve!

    I will be doing a proper write up in the near future.
    For now I want to thank every paying customer on the door and every trader and gamer that took time out to come and support the show, either in the form of offering games for people to play or for choosing to pay to trade at the show.
    It is very nice to see people putting their money where my mouth is.

    So, a proper write up will be coming soon.
    For now, back to work and planning for Blast-Tastic! 2015!

    Pew Pew Pew!

    in reply to: Blast-tastic!, 4 October #9988
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Just had a gamer pull out of Blast-Tastic!

    Is anyone out there willing and able to put on a game at the show?

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