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  • in reply to: Small games -> Rambling update #202326
    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Glad to see a post, and you may not think you are doing that much but it sounds like you are doing a lot, and even some things gaming related!  KI am preparing for retirement and just started going part time at work.  Work (am also in IT) is losing it attaction fast.

    in reply to: We’ve Lost One Of Our Own #201987
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    Sad news.  I shall miss him as well.  We did converse outside the forums a number of times over the last 10 years.  Despite the hardships he went through, he was always keen to talk gaming.

    in reply to: Do you still play the first rules you played? #201958
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    WRG Infantry Action 1925-1975 with 54mm figures – Germans Vs US on a large table.  It was 1979 at a friends house.  There was four of us and it was great fun.  I have not played them again though.  Shortly after that game I joined the local gaming club and got into WW2 and my second game with figures was Tractics and 20mm figures; played that a lot for the next 5 years.  I have not played Tractics since then either but do get tempted every now and then just to give it a go for nostalgia’s sake.

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    Can’t tihnk of anything that I have not played enough of.  I have played some historical battles more than 20 times (Heraclea and Marathon) and would play them, and any other historical battle in Ancients/WW2 (main areas of interest) again.

    in reply to: How many projects as you get older? #201791
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    I did cull some stuff, mostly boardgames, about 3-6 years ago.  About half the boardgames went, the ones I knew I would never play.  I will be retiring/going parttime in the next few years.  I have lots of projects and not enough time.  Some projects just go on the backburner for a while if they are of less current interest.  I still dabble in them all, even if it is only 10 minutes a week on a rules tweak or a scenario.  I do have a lot of toys for my main interests, and my main interests have not really changed for the last 40 years.  I don’t think I use them enough so have plenty to look forward to with what I have.  That does not stop me adding a little bit here and there, mainly for small minor side projects.  I do know I can’t take it with me when I go but that is OK – my son said he may keep some and sell or give away the rest!

    in reply to: Games with no squad coherency? #201542
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    FiveCore Skirmish


    in reply to: How much of your terrain is scratch built? #201070
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    Hmm.  It varies.  For 15mm ancients and 6mm ww2 it is almost all scratch buiilt (or from cutout paper models for 6mm buildings).  For 20mm ww2 the building, rivers, roads and trees are bought and the rest scratch built. 28mm SF skirmish is mostly bought.

    in reply to: Periods that won you over? #200720
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    The June & July 1979 Military Modelling magazine had some rules for Naval Medieval in the English Channel.  Bought some 1/300 Lamming cogs and still play occasionally.  Have 1/2 dozen rules suitable.  No other naval period have taken my interest.

    Also never really interested in WW2 skrtmish with 5-10 figures a side but about 10 years ago NUTS! convinced me it was good.  It has also led to an interest in SF skirmish as well.

    in reply to: Rapid Fire in Normandy begining a battle #200173
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    Great looking game.  20mm is the best scale to play WW2 in – cheap, wide range and always looks great.  Well, in my opinion anyway 🙂 And you can never have enough trees.  Trust the internet gaming hive mind, it is a wargaming mantra “you can never had enough trees”.

    in reply to: Rapid Fire in Normandy begining a battle #199657
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    Rapid Fire Reloaded is a great set of fast play rules and perfect for 20mm.  I like them.

    in reply to: Status Update #199656
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    After about 3 years, finally played another game with my 20mm WW2 collection.  Posted to my blog here.  Only a small battle on a 2’x2′ table but good to get them out again.

    in reply to: Using rules for a different period? #199355
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    The (fairly obvious) using US Old West skirmish rules for SF skimish.

    Also fairly easy, fantasy massed battle (with no historical equivalent) for ancient massed battlegames.

    Using THW post-apocalytic car racing for a space economic-based game.  Was ok but not great.

    in reply to: How much fantasy in your scifi? #199201
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    in reply to: This week in gaming #199000
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    Forgot to post but last week I played two quick games with my own SF skirmish rules.  2 figures a side and each game lasted about 5 minutes.  But I had taken the figures with me on a work trip so thought I better use them!

    in reply to: What period do you do in the most scales? #198999
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    I was going to say WW2 land with 6mm, 20mm and 54mm but realise I have small collections of SF land stuff in 6mm, 15mm, 20mm and 28mm.

    in reply to: Last historical period you started? #198723
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    WW2 20mm desert – got me some Italian and Australians a few years ago.  But not expecting to work on them much for the next few years, but you never know.

    in reply to: What Ya Playin’ ? #198526
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    My main thing seems to be my own fast play ancient rules – 15mm figures on a small table.  I have been playing variants of these rules for 12 years now.   But I am currently playing some 20mm ww2 and some SF skirmish (both also my own rules).

    in reply to: In defence of the forum #198304
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    I like forums.  Like Martin my favourite medium for consuming gaming content is blogs.  You get  lot of depth out of blog posts.  So in order: blogs, forums, and then trailing those two is social media.

    in reply to: 10 Years to the Day #197799
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    Wow. 10 years.  Time flies when you are having fun!  I would have not said it was that long but I have checked and joined in Ausust 2014.  Congratulations!

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    Miniature tabletop gaming is my primary focus.  I do occasionally do boardgaming and am looking to do more boardgaming in the future.  Mainly wargaming boardgames but do play some more general boardgames. Narrative solo SF RPG is another minority interest.

    in reply to: My messed up 6mm WW2 Collection #197374
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    I have a similar issue that my ww2 6mm is acquired from different  people and also has different paint jobs and basing.  I am ok living with option 4, mainly as a) all the other options involve time and money b) it does not worry me too much and I actually find the different basing helps identify the various units from each other 🙂

    in reply to: The battle or campaign you always wanted to do? #197069
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    Like Whirlwind, something in the desert in ww2.  I actually now have some figures for them (got them from a friend a few years ago) but still need some painting.  And I don’t like painting.  I think I have done one ww2 desert based game and that was about 30 years ago with someone elses figures.

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    I started in 1979 with miniature historical games (ancients and ww2) and also boardgames of many periods, and about half of the boardgames were SF (e.g. Starforce, Star Fleet battles, Car Wars). I never really thought about SF miniature gaming for a long time and still not really interested in fantasy at all (in any form of gmaing). I think I started with SF skirmish gaming in about 2015. This is mainly as I found that small skirmish battles (< 10 a side) in ww2 seemed to hard to reflect the reality of small unit tactics but if using SF figures it did not matter so much :-). And even then I have moved on to using SF skirmish as an adjunct to SF RPGing rather than battles.

    So the answer is 36 years for miniatures (my main gaming). Same time for gaming in general.

    in reply to: Deployment Area #196131
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    Hmm.  For my ancients and medieval mass battle games is is usually 20%-33% for the deployment zone. It does depend a bit on the rules.

    in reply to: Campaigning in Sicily #194691
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    An enjoyable read through.  I do like the way the campaign was structured as it seemed to ensure there was no runaway leader.

    in reply to: Stolen armies #194000
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    Frustrating and bad news.  Sorry to hear and understand the need to vent.  Bastards!

    in reply to: Small games -> Rambling update #193789
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    You got lots of games in, and you have a bunch in store for 2024.  Not a bad thing.  Happy new year to you too Andrew!

    in reply to: [Argad AAR] The road in the steppes – 2 #192534
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    Great stuff!  Loved reading the report and sounded like it was loads of fun..

    in reply to: Yeah, but how big is it? #191924
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    Most of my playing for the last 10 years has been using boards in map drawers. The map drawers are about 80cmx80cm so whatever fits in that.  Mainy using 60cmx60cm table.  But recently I have done a fair few games on 30cmx30cm, 21cmx30cm (A4 size). These are mainly 6mm WW2 or ancients, 15mm ancients or 20mm WW2/28mm SF skirmish. Actually currently doing ancients on a 40cmx40cm table.

    When I can for 20mm WW2 I have a table tennis table and usually play on half of that (4.5’x5′) but sometimes the whole thing (the latter my ideal).  I do have others I haven’t used for a while but am sure will get to see more action in the next few years – a 90cmx60cm for Armati 2 Intro scaled games and a 150cmx90cm folding table for small ww2 actions.  I do have some 6’x4′ mats for 15mm acients gaming but they haven’t seen action for over 10 years  🙁  One day I am sure.

    in reply to: Base & Paint or Paint & Base? #191784
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    I have always pained the figures and then based.  For me it is much easier to glue one or more  figures to a stick and paint, rather than paint when already on bases.

    in reply to: DBMM or FOG #191711
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    I found FoG seemed to be lots of dice rolling but not so much actually going on for the number of dice rolls performed. Just a bit too tedious.  I do like DBM but found DBMM was just a step too far in the number of exceptions and the use of the Fast troop type.  If given the choice, I would play DBMM over FoG anyday.  IMO of course.

    in reply to: To phase or not to phase #185844
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    I vote for unit by unit rather than phase by phase for WW2+ as you describe.  I used to play lots of phase by phase games but gave that up 10+ years ago – I much prefer unit by unit.  And it is also easier for me to remember who did what when it is done by unit.

    in reply to: In defence of the workhorse rules #185574
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    It may not be classified as workhorse by many but Armati 2 is my go to workhorse game.  It does not have a lot of chrome and the mechanisms are simple and all work tightly together.  After only a few games I found I do not need a QRS.  But they are not easy to play well!

    Another “workhorse” one I like to play is Take Cover!! which is basically a Rapid Fire clone from the late 90s. 🙂  Although it does have a bit of chrome that I usually ignore.

    in reply to: My Hobby is a Sickness #185438
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    I also found out I have a weird obsession with collecting rules.

    That is not weird  – I find it weird that other gamers don’t collect rules, lol!  And PDFs makes it so much easier than used to be.

    I too spent hours once trying to find some space ship rules I remember had a simple approach to ship design.  I tried file searching, text search, web searching, even looking through my backup drive.  I did find them eventually, cannot remember how.   The rule were called “Simple Starship Combat”.  Not knowing any of the name did not help 🙂




    in reply to: Yeah hey, Im back #184490
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    Echoing Guy’s comments – good to see you are still here!

    in reply to: Yeah hey, Im back #184456
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    I came here to say what Guy said about being weird and a wargamer.  lol.  Anyway, glad you are in a better place in your life and welcome back to TWW.



    in reply to: Old School Xmas Stuff #181861
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    That is so cool a gift. If she had no real idea she hit a winner with this one!

    in reply to: John Foley’s “Mailed Fist” #181258
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    I second John’s recommendation for the book.  I picked up a second had copy about 30-40 years ago.  I think I have read it two or three times. It is a great read.

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    I started in the 1980s using 1/72 WW2 plastic soldiers and vehicles.  The terrain was railway model buildings and trees.  Rivers and roads were cut out of cardboard or similar. I did make some hedges and walls about 25 years ago that are OK but could do with improvement. The table was covered with a cloth and hills were made placing stuff under the cloth.  I still have and use all the buildings and have expanded how many I have.  Still usually a cloth mat with stuff udnerneath for hills.   But I have gone for better trees and roads and rivers.  So my table looks a lot like in did in the 80s but with a lot more variety and some refinement here and there 🙂

    in reply to: Posting photos #180546
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    Yesterday, for the first time, I uploaded images to a post.  For every other post ever, I have linked to an image!   I did not even know there was an option to upload photos until I checked yesterday as the photos were on my computer and did not want to go to the trouble of uploading them to a web accessible site. There were three photos about 120Kb each.  There is a short video on how to do it.  But you are probably already doing an upload that way as it is TWW that is rejecting them, so I don’t know what the issue is 🙁  I did notice I did have to wait for them to be uploaded in the dialog box or they did not appear in the draft post – it took a few seconds for 120Kb.


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