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  • in reply to: Saga On The Shannon #31167
    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Wow!  even the dark age terrain looks great!  Great AAR.  I have not played Saga but everyone I have met that has played says it is great.   You may be hooked by the sound of it.

    in reply to: Team Whiskey – Fulda Gap Batrep 3 Part I #31166
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    I was going to wait until all installments were posted to read it all;  but as I am in it, I will have to read them piecemeal. It also means I have to stay up late tonight and read Batrep 2 to catchup.

    in reply to: So What's On the Table? #30990
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    Hello and welcome back War Panda.  Yes, you being missing in action was noticed by me at least!  As to spending 80% of your time of terrain, I would like to say it doesn’t make you a gamer, but so longat you put in the effort and play the occasional game, I will call you a fellow wargamer, at least until you only build dioramas 🙂

    On the table, or more correctly in the map drawer I have the following setup, either playing, deployed to play or just played but not written up:

    • 15mm ancients with Sentinum to test some published rules
    • 15mm ancients with a Successor battle (Gabiene) to test out my rules
    • 15mm SF skirmish (for FiveCore)
    • 1/600 cogs for medieval naval warfare
    • 6mm Cold War (Soviets Vs British) using tank Wreck
    • 6mm WW2 (Brits Vs Germans) to test some I have written

    I am also 2 battles down in a 5 battle mini-campaign with Starfire using miniatures (but need the dining table for that).

    And after nearly 3 years i hIve started again on the Solo Traveller  campaign and have just re-done the spreadsheet I used to track it, and also just written a small bit of the next bit in it.  So I expect my blog on it may see the first post since January 2013 soon.

    I have too many projects on the go 🙁

    Painting wise I have some 20mm German 250’s I want to paint up so for a game that might be happening in a few weeks.

    Terrain: nothing.

    in reply to: Tim's Toys Web Site to Close #30693
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    Bother 🙁  A very good site will go missing. But very understandable.  Hope something can happen to bring it back up when you are settled in a new job.  Good luck on the job hunting too!

    in reply to: Cold War Gaming? #30645
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    I was a Cold War gamer for about 6 months in 1980-1981 as a teen.  but I recently have dug out my 6mm British, acquired some Soviets and played a few 6mm Cold War with Tank Wreck!  A dabbler with 34 years between games!

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    Thanks all.


    Richard – I acquired the villages pre-done via ebay earlier this year and have been itching to put them on the table.


    Norm, infantry move 3″ in the open and infantry small arms need a 6 or less to 5″ and a 2 or less at 5″-10″. BUT, if any firer (including infantry) is firing at infatnry up to 10″, there is a -2 modifier.  so infantry firing on infantry is effectively limited to 5″ at a 4 or less (there are other mods for cover, suppression etc).  Note that small arms may affect light vehicles so do have a chance against them at 5″-10″.  And for my game I converted inched to cm, so infantry combat was at close ranges all the time!

    Count – very little chance of big table action.  i don’t have any space to set one up for a while, and if i did I would have to get my 20mm WW2 collection onto the table.  I do want to do 6mm on a larger table one day, but you may be waiting quite a few years!


    in reply to: Billy No Mates? #30415
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    Another vote for convenience.  Not a lot of time outside the family and so I game here and there, often in 10-15 minute slots in the evening ans occasionally a month or two between them.  Hard to find an opponent that wants to play that way! I also play rules most others around here may not want to play.

    in reply to: Batting For Both Teams #30399
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    Both sides.  Only once have I ever collected one side and that was in my very early gaming days with a 6mm Modern British force in 1980.  Languished without being gamed with for 35 years – until 2 weeks ago! – due to me not owning miniature opponents.  I play mostly solo these days, but back in the day when I was not, I usually supplied both sides.

    in reply to: Ahistorical Battles #30398
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    I started ancients with WRG Ancients 5th edition.  One thing I did not like was the ahistorical matchups that always occurred.  So i jumped out and returned for DBM and played historical matchups only.  Another hiatus for Ancients and restarted about 5 years go with only historical matchups, and especially historical battles.  Like Alvin, I find playing ahistorical matchups is just a fantasy I am not really interested in.  But I also realise that even if it is a historical matchup, it is fantasy on army composition and the battle itself.  But I can handle that as it is at least possible something like what I am doing occurred with historical matchups.  For my ww2 games it has always been historical matchups, and often scenarios based on actual events.  To anser the original question, opponents have to match historically for my games.

    in reply to: Cuba Libre – Liberation Finale! #30307
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     They’re going down in a hail of 125mm tank rounds, Spandrels, and RPGs!


    That is all I could think of when you wrote that!


    Oh, and I miss Panda’s tables too.  Even if it does makes me feel like I am playing with terrain features drawn with crayon on paper laid out over that table!

    in reply to: Cuba Libre – Liberation Finale! #30264
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    Well,  I am obviously in agreement with that!

    in reply to: Cuba Libre – Liberation Finale! #30227
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    I did not know, but I do now! I have gone at looked at some of the previous threads where Jack was lamenting that I was not reading his AARs.  Just ’cause I was busy playing and writing up a few battles myself rather than reading (and a few games of songs of Blades and Heroes with the children but I assume that does not count as I did not blog it).  But there you go 🙂

    in reply to: Cuba Libre – Liberation Finale! #30222
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    I started yesterday on catching up on the Cuba reports from where I left off before going on holiday to New Zealand last month.  I was on number 16.  I am reading 23 right now.  So I should be up to date very soon!  So far it has been a brilliant read.  With Jack on the side of “goodness”, I know it is not going to end well for the regime.  But you are right, blue is the stayer amongst us.  Well done kyoteblue!

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    TankWreck rules are still available. The publisher sells them via eBay. Just do a search for ‘tankwreck’ and they show up.

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    Thanks,  I have played a few WW2 games on a 2’x2′ table over the last few years.  All with rules for larger tables and converting inches to cm.  I have been tempted by 2mm and 3mm instead of 6mm but I am finding it hard to differentiate 6mm infantry as it is now, I think 3mm would now be a stretch.  I was not sure if TankWreck would work with small forces  from reading it seemed it would and it does perfectly.

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    On balance, I think it was a combination of the rules I was using  and a possible slight advantage to the Germans.  The Fields of Honor rules have tanks bogging in woods, but in other rules possibly they could move to the edge of the woods and fire at the PanzerIVs from there.  Also no penalties for firing at moving, 2 shots if stationary and it is really biased to the Germans.  The infantry melee is not fast; if faster maybe the infantry could have assaulted (or at least threatened) the PanzerIVs).   I think one or two more T34s would balance the scenario for the first play through.  There is something I am probably missing that would require a few plays to see if it is balanced or not.

    Oh, and the SU-152 I thought would last longer.  I did not know they were cursed 🙂

    in reply to: Struggling with scale #28424
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    I went for 6mm to play on small (2’x’3′ and 2’x2′) tables.  I only play with about  3-8 tanks.  I believe for your size table and the number of vehicles, 6mm would be the way to go.  10mm is a good size, but I think you would have to scale back the number of vehicles to make it look ok.  My opinion only of course!

    in reply to: Hey War Panda !!!! #28405
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    If you are waiting for FOW Fulda Gap then you will alos be interested in my next sideline project,  Expect an AAR on it in the next few months, maybe (I should not really promise any gaming AAR at the moment as I haven’t played  a game in several months!)

    in reply to: Hey War Panda !!!! #28359
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    Hello Panda,

    No wargaming here; well no playing  tinkering with various of my rules, reading some others, reading some books as background to some gaming projects.  Seemed to have filled up time with socializing, holidays with the family to New Zealand and still catching up on some TV shows with my wife.  But I have played a various games with the children, notably Zombie Dice.

    in reply to: Hey War Panda !!!! #28303
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    War Panda is back!  Hello War Panda!

    in reply to: How Big Are Your 6mm Game Tables? #28253
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    2’x2′ for WW2.  It fits into the map drawers I use for long term gaming setup.  My children are getting older and I am thinking of upscaling to 3’x2′ but I am not sure I will be able to handle it 🙂  I normally do 20mm WW2 at the same ratio (1:10) on a 4.5’x5′.  To play on 2’x2′, I simply convert 20mm rules from inches to centimetres.



    in reply to: Coolest Avatar #25557
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    My thanks go to Editor Mike for helping out kyote in his hour of need.

    in reply to: Panzer Killers – interesting book #25513
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    Hello Norm,

    Thanks for posting this, I think.  I have just ordered this and 3 other East Front Tank books from Pen and Sword!  I have a few infantry books, but actually not many armour biographies.

    in reply to: Coolest Avatar #25492
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    So kyote, who helped you put the avatar on TWW? 🙂


    in reply to: A Bunch of 10mm Modern Troops Finished #25343
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    Yeah, yeah, ha ha ha.  I don’t have 2mm ancients, but am thinking of them.  If I did gt them, I would probably put them away like Scrooge!

    in reply to: 11 games played in May. #25321
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    Well done Norm, I don’t think I have managed 11 games in a month since I was 20!  Yuo are right about distractions though, I could fit in a lot more game sif I did put my mind to it.  I do remember a few years ago managing about 7 games (fast games though) in one week (instead of 1 or 2 a month) simply by setting the goal of completing them in a week and ignoring distractions.

    in reply to: A Bunch of 10mm Modern Troops Finished #25264
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    It all comes down to eyesight.  A few of us don’t have great of it 🙂

    in reply to: A Bunch of 10mm Modern Troops Finished #25259
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    ..and from 3 feet away, it would be hard to tell the difference.  I find it hard with 6mm!

    in reply to: A Bunch of 10mm Modern Troops Finished #25250
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    Last year I played 1’x1′ with my 15mm ancients (with my daughter) using Neil Thomas’s One Hour Wargames rules.  I think 6mm will not look too bad, nor 15mm for a small game.  well, look not any worse than on a 2’x2′!  3mm?  I would go 2mm for ancients!  And with my eyes, 6mm is starting to look like bumpy cardboard counters to me.

    in reply to: A Bunch of 10mm Modern Troops Finished #25193
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    See Jack, even Kyote has seen the light and plays (well ok, used to play) on 2’x2′ table!  I have been thinking for a while 2’x2′ is too big, and looking at doing ancients on a 1’x1′.  I have changed my rules to suit, just have not played.  If I post enough ancient battreps, maybe Jack will see the light.  Of course, if he plays enough moderns, I may be forced to (re)start play them!

    in reply to: A Bunch of 10mm Modern Troops Finished #25131
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    Interesting you brought up going to less figures – although I have yet to play the rules, I always thought that it would work best with around 10-ish units on the table. This is less than you have been playing so far, so will be very interested to see if it gives a “better” (probably better = faster!) game.  Better could also equal easier to manage to play too!  So now you have effectively promised a smaller game by writing it down, you now have to follow through.  Take you time though, between you and I (especially you!), I think we have AARs completely covered 🙂 Although kyote is posting some great pictures, and Panda did slipped in a few pictures and text but it is only part 1 so does not count…

    And welcome to the 2’x2′ crowd (and 2’x3′ at a stretch – I play lots of ancient face to face on 2’x3′).  I have said nothing over the last few years, but 3’x3′ – come on, you are not being serious about small sized games!  And I am not saying this out of jealously, no really I am not.  And if the map drawers I play in could take 3’x3′, I am sure I would still have started with 2’x2′. Yeah, right 🙂


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    I could talk for hours about ancient rules.  FOG I found is ordinary.  The 1d6 for command I do not like too much but never minded when there are three or more “commands”.  I do like the rock paper scissors but miss the DBM differentiation of (S) and (I).  In reality, I prefer other rules!

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    Kyote – I played a fair bit of DBM when it came out, but cannot get enthused about DBA.  I do have the DBA 3.0 rulebook though and will have to get a game in the next few years, just to see how it plays!

    Panda – you need to look up RSS feeds – that is how I know when you post something 🙂

    Richard – the rules have a dim distant relationship to Two Hour Wargames Rally Round the King. Very distant but the the basic solo play  is based on reactions to being fired on, being charged and a result of melee.  I have done some actual solo rules for ancient game – a fully programmable opponent – but they have not been heavily tested.  I have included them in the rules that can be downloaded.  The 5 game test I did last year with the programmable opponent is here:




    in reply to: Yall are way to quiet. #24961
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    I am very jealous.  I have looked around for painted 15mm Ottoman Turks for many years, but never found some reasonably priced.  I have a soft spot for the Ottoman empire, and having the troops would align with this.  One day I am sure it will all just happen.

    in reply to: Yall are way to quiet. #24952
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    …and another AAR (its Ancients, so most of the Johns and Jacks can ignore it).

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    Yes, the Trojan pig is still ALIVE!


    I do not think I can get rid of it 🙂


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    Big animals are all I have – one day I will buy some smaller farm animals from the toy store.

    in reply to: Yall are way to quiet. #24825
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    It is not too loud, you did not use many capitals…I am not too bad.  My wife however, that is a different story!

    in reply to: Yall are way to quiet. #24821
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    OK, I found the time to post an AAR.

    It would have been yesterday, but I went to an acquaintance’s 50th birthday party last night that turned into an engagement party that two minutes later turned into a wedding.    So we stayed a bit longer than originally intended 🙂  He and his partner/fiancee/bride/wife have been together 18 years and have three children, but the wedding was completely unexpected, surprising and awesome!

    in reply to: Yall are way to quiet. #24738
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    I am *so* close to posting an AAR.  I have had no time all this week to finish off the last 30 minutes it needs.  And will not tonight either (going out for my birthday).  So “whenever” is the best I can do.


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